"Hng....." A hoarse voice woke up groaning heavily. As soon as he opened his eyes he was met with a handsome face staring at him. The naked body of the person beside him was radiating with warmth.

"Good morning kitty." He heard this devilishly handsome man speak to him with a devilish smile on his face.

"Hng..." Ivar groaned again. He could feel the soreness down there. It was tingling a bit with pain and discomfort. Rolling to the side he snuggled close to Guang wang Lei, sticking like a glue. He frowned. Wang Lei was like a beast in heat. He did him so much. Giving him pleasure until he couldn't take anymore. was his fault for keeping on provoking him again and again refusing to let Wang Lei pull out of him. But he couldn't help. He really did not wanted him to pull out. Because it felt so good!

"!" He flinched when a hand touched his sore place. The finger aganist his entrance began to massage him lightly.

"Should I heal this place for you?" Guang Wang Lei spoke with a mischievous smile on his handsome face. As he spoke he kept twirling his fingers around that sore place, massaging it gently. He even teased his kitty lightly by touching the swollen entrance.

"Hng....." Wang Lei heard his babe purr like a cat. Then he saw his kitty stare up at him with his cat like eyes. "Behave." He heard him say.

As soon as he said that the obedient hubby stopped playing around, healing that place with his powers. He had to pour his healing essence into that area carefully so that it wouldn't make his kitty feel any discomfort.

Ivar felt drowsy again. He snuggled closer to Wang Lei before dozing off to sleep again. When the other person saw him asleep soundly he smiled. He remained in that position ogling at his babe, his eyes drippling with honey.

"..." He could stare at his babe the enitre day without feeling tired. So cute! Snuggling so closely to himself!

During this time somewhere in this world the system was going berserk. He was currently in the amusement park enjoying free rides.




Loud agonizing screams....desperate for their life filled the surrounding seats of the system. While they were crying in sorrow and agony Nulis was overwhelmed with excitement. He was enjoying this high ride so much. Roller Coaster was it? It was such an amazing thing for the system. When he got off the ride he proceeded to sit in the next one. All of the things he tried...his ears were filled with screams of agony and fear.

Nulis shortly left after he had his fun in the park. While walking around he held two cotton candies in his hand, sucking in the light weight pink was as if he was eating clouds. Real clouds.

"Nom. Nom. Where should I go next?" He thought to himself. Going through the data of this world he picked out a few other places to visit for today.


When Nulis saw that it was a little kid whom he had bumped into he unintentionally apologized before walking away.

"Sorry kid. But I have to go. I am having the best day of my life."

The boy whose legs staggered stopped. He stared at the place where the strange creature had blended into the crowd. His lips curved upwards, his eyes flashing with a strange emotion as if he knew that creature's presence. It was an expression unfiting of a five year old boy. His lips moved to mumble.

"Its okay I guess. Since we will meet again."

The boy let out an innocent smile.

Nulis ran around having his fill with stealing foods eating them for free. He even went to a nice sauna to give himself a relaxing cozy bath. Soaking in the hot spring he felt as if this body was a real body made of real flesh.

"Hah.....feels so good!" He moaned happily. Rubbing his flat tummy he moved his eyes to look down. That's where he saw his reflection on the water surface.

The face reflected in his lively eyes was that of a push doll. His blue eyes were looking back at him.

Nulis went silent for a while staring at his own reflection. Then he made strange gestures, playing with his face to make strange expressions. The face reflected on the water surface imitated his every move. Even the slightest movement of his hand or his lips were being reflected back in his eyes. Nulis stopped. He stared at his own reflection with a serene gaze.


Someone entered the water, splashing his reflection to melt away.


Nulis suddenly felt an urge of wanting to see Ivar.

I wonder how my real face looked like.

The system thought to himself. He was still a person without an identity, a soul without a physical existence in this universe.

Nulis walked out of the sauna. He looked up at the sky that was starting to get dark. The bright light of the hotels and buildings were beginning to fill the sky, lighting up the dark space above. It was such a bizzare situation. The twinkling beautiful stars were barely noticeable, their brightness concealed by the blinding lights of the buildings. Nulis stared up at the expanse of the sky.

"Its so beautiful!" He murmured to himself.

"Your eyes are more beautiful than them!"

"!!!!" Nulis felt his soul go hazy for a moment. He was alarmed. It was just for a split second but he felt as if he heard someone talk to him. As if someone was replying.

"Ugh...." Pain hit him on the head. It made him dizzy for a while. So he had to scoot down to stable his soul shaking vigorously.


The trembling and the pain stopped after some time.

As soon as his soul was stable again Nulis heaved a sigh of relief. He looked up at the sky thinking about that unknown voice from earlier. Did he imagine things? Or was it related to his past? Nulis felt helpless as he had no way of knowing the answer to his question. He got up. Dusting his clothes off he began to walk away.


Nulis was shocked when he saw a child bump against him. The child staggered as he fell down on the ground. His elbow hit the ground causing the skin around it to be bruised with a heavy red shade. The child made an ugly face as his eyes began to tear.

" hurts..."

"!!!" Nulis felt guilty but this boy couldn't see him. He had been walking around concealing himself the enitre day. So there was no way this child could see him.

But the way his tearing eyes looked, as if they were staring up at him made his feel uneasy. Afterall causing a child to fall off and not even apologizing to them or comforting them would make anyone an asshole.

He was confused as what to do. His current appearance could even scare off this kid if he were to show himself.

"Wuwuwu...bad guy. Why are you not saying sorry...Wuwuwu it hurts so much. My elbow...Waaaahhhhhhhahhahhh....."

Nulis heard the kid wail even louder.

"!!!" His eyes widened. Shocked at the moment he did nothing but stare at the boy and the boy was staring back at him too.

"Very bad guy...Wuwuwu....."

Now Nulis was certain. He scanned the body of the boy. He was just a normal existence that was a part of this world.

Nulis sat down beside him, keeping himself still concealed.

"Do you see me?" He asked, feeling a bit agitated.

The child wiped his runny nose with his clothes. Then he looked at the strange talking doll before him.

"Of course I see you. Your face is even so near before mine right now." Saying this he blew his elbow that was bleeding.

"Can you really see me? What colour is my eyes, my hair and my clothes? What am I wearing? How do I look?" He wanted to confirm.

The boy was sobbing a little. He made a face as if he was about to cry as he replied. "You have blue eyes. Like ugly marbles. Your hair is fake. Brown. And your clothes is even that? A trouser? No....that's not a trouser... Its not a top either....."

When he heard the boy reply back Nulis was stunned. This child...he could see him! Sighing lowly he helped the boy get up.

"I will make the pain go away as an apology gift." Saying so he healed the injury on the boy's elbow. He noticed the shocked expression of the child. His mouth was gaping open, his jaw hanging down. He then stared at Nulis his eyes making a gesture as if he wanted to say something but stopped as if he was unable to get his words together.

"There it's done. I am sorry for making you fall. Well then." Nulis got up ready to walk away. He flashed the child a smile of good will but the boy looked as if he was spooked out by him.

Shaking his head he walked away. The system was being seen as a kind of monster.

He wandered around the streets filled with crowds.

"" Nulis looked back behind him.

The boy froze. He turned his head left and right, baffled and bothered as if trying to hide himself.

Nulis narrowed his blue eyes at him. He kinda found this situation funny. The boy was turning his head left and right like a chick pecking in space.

"Pffttt..." He let out a muffled laugh. Then he made a run for it. Didn't wanted a child to follow him around like his tail.

"!!!" The child was startled. He immediately ran after Nulis.

From the corner of his eyes he could see the boy.

"Stop following me!" He yelled at the kid.

But the child did not reply as he chased after Nulis. His lips were even smiling happily as he chased after him.

"Tsk." Now Nulis understood why Ivar would often click his tongue whenever Guang Wang Lei chased after him in the beginning.

"Don't follow me! Go home to your parents. They must be worrying about you."

The boy heard the strange push doll shout to him. He kept running behind him. Through heavy pants he replied. "I won't. Besides I don't have parents."


Nulis halted his steps. He turned around to face the boy. Staring at him from head to toe he examined his clothings carefully. He was thin and was dressed in plain dirty clothes.

"You...don't you have a home?"

He saw the boy shake his head as he breathed heavily. His eyes were glued on Nulis.

"What is your name?" Nulis asked. While saying so he was contemplating on having this child adopted by a family.

"I don't have a name." The boy replied him in a loud voice.

The crowd of people passing by gave ugly glances to the boy. They were looking at him with disgust and pity.

"Psst. Hey quite down a bit. They are looking at you as if you are a mental person." Nulis whispered in a voice low enough for the boy to hear.

The boy had a bright smile on his face as he approached Nulis. He ignored the strange glances being directed at him.

"Do you have a name? What are you called?" He stared at Nulis. This child was a bit taller than Nulis himself but the difference was only a few inches.

"Don't tell me you intend to follow me around all night?" Nulis gave him a nasty glare.

"I wouldn't. After all I need to eat and sleep." He replied innocently.

Nulis sighed. This child...was he mental or just naive? He should be scared off by Nulis's appearance instead of getting intrigued by it.

"Go home kid. I believe you have a place to stay over."

"Your name?" Tilting his head to the side he still demanded. His eyes twinkling with unspeakable innocent.

Twitch. Nulis felt his eyebrow twitch under that innocent gaze. What the hell was wrong with this child? Was he trying to melt him with that innocent gaze? Nulis was not that easy you know. He turned around.

"Go home and sleep. Don't follow me." Nulis began to walk away. Even without turning back he could hear the light footsteps of the child behind him walking after him from a short distance.

"Mr doll....what is your name? Won't you tell me? Let's hang out. You look fun."

Nulis heard the child speak to him but he did not reply.

"Mr doll...please talk to me..."

"Mr doll why are you walking so fast?"

The child kept on yapping. The people were beginning to give him even more strange glances. Even Nulis was staring to feel as if the crowd was paying unnecessary attention to the boy who seemed to be talking to himself in their eyes. After all Nulis was invisible to them so of course anyone would think the boy was nuts for talking to himself.

Halting his steps he turned around. Making a frustrated face on his cute doll face he yelped. "Okay fine! FINE! YOU WIN! NOW STOP FOLLOWING ME AND GO HOME!"

The child flinched a bit. He stared at him before shaking his head timidly.

"Mr doll..." He was stopped half sentence.

"Stop calling me with that creepy title. I have a name."

"Call me Nul. Bother Nul. Since I am older than you."

"But you are shorter than me." Replied the boy.

"I am older by age."

"Okay brother Nul."

"Now go home. A kid shouldn't be wandering around late at night."

The boy smiled at him. "Okay brother Nul. See you tomorrow."

Zing.... Nulis was shocked. This child....was he intending to meet with him again?