Something was wrong.

Recently Mo Jung had been getting this unsettling feeling that something was amiss. He couldn't exactly pin point what was wrong but....his intuition was screaming with alarm bells everytime he thought about Li Jei. Currently the man was held captive in the thousand heaven valley, where he was being tortured by the heavenly runes running all across the valley. With ancient runes as the essence of the thousand heaven valley that place was the worst hell for any demon. The valley not only weakens the demon's power they also deteriorate the soul of the demon, eroding their cultivation base as well as their demonic core. For any demonic creature it was equivalent to being skinned alive slowly.

Because Mo Jung was on high alert he had been keeping a keen eye on Li Jei, monitoring him through a talisman to make sure that there was nothing amiss. He did not have the intention of letting anything get in his way to break through this world. For this to happen he needed every soul of this world to be his stepping stone. Although he knew it was ruthless of him to use this kind of method against those who respected him he didn't cared. They are mere souls dancing to the fate restored for them. So why should he bother? If they are going to remain puppets of this world it was better if they became a sacrifice for him to go beyond this world.

Mo Jung was born into this world as one of those puppets.

When he first came into this world as a child he was a normal kid just like the others. There was nothing remarkable about him. Born to a poor family he was a lively child content with the small life he had. Even though he didn't get enough food to eat and had to starve himself sometimes, it didn't bother him at all. His parents weren't exactly a loving parent to their child but they gave Mo Jung enough care to let him acknowledge them as his parents. Even though they weren't very affectionate to him they would show how much they cared about him whenever he was approached by strangers or when he was about to be kidnapped more than thrice. There were many instances of him witnessing his parents forsaking the food for him, lying to him saying that they had eaten when they haven't had anything for so many days. Giving up the food they had earnt through heavy means they gave it up for him. There was no way the young kid would be indifferent to them after knowing this.

He would also never forget the face of horror and sadness they had when they saw him being taken away by a group of men in black when Mo Jung was only eleven. The scene of his parents running after the carriage until they fell down on the ground, crawling forward as they kept chasing....was forever engraved in his memory.

Mo Jung along with some other children were victims of the human trafficking network in the rural areas. They were trafficked into bigger cities. Thereafter, Mo Jung went through the most difficult and horrendous phase of his entire life. There were instances in his hellish past where he was starved, beaten, mistreated, abused and used for the pleasure of entertainment for those ugly creatures, the most ugliest of the human race. The hatred he had towards this cruel side of the human race and his longing for freedom awakened the cultivation base inside him at the young age of fourteen. On a certain day he went berserk, killing off those disgusting creatures, amputating them alive. That was the first time he met that thing. Appearing in a human form that thing talked to him, helped him kill all those who have caused him to suffer so much.

"You are destined for certain things that needs to be done. Come with me. I will be your guide." That thing said to him.

But he refused. And rushed back to his village where his parents were living. However what greeted him was a barren land, with everything gone, replaced by nothing but a barren land. Mo Jung experienced heartbreak for the first time that day. The excruciating pain, anger and agony that he felt that day....was something so horrible that he didn't even wanted to remember.

"I told you to come with me. See? This is why I said so." The thing appeared before him again and began to talk to him again.

Mo Jung was only 14 at that time. He was still a child. That thing then began to stick to him, teaching him certain things. He taught him how to use the sword, how to cultivate and how to use his power. He also thought Mo Jung how to read and write. He thought him everything that was needed for him to know.

The young Mo Jung then got into the white Lily sect. Becoming an apprentice of the most prosperous sect at the age of eighteen he was beyond happy. When he was showered with a warm smile by that person, or rather that thing, he was very happy. Mo Jung thought that he had finally found himself a loving, caring brother who loved him dearly.

But the events that started to unfold when he grew older and older said something else.

The nightmare of his life started when he began to have certain dreams where he saw two young boys and himself in it. The two young boys would become adult in some dreams and things that he didn't understood happen. The end of his nightmare ended with his death each and every time. Mo Jung ignored them at first but when he saw one of the scenes from his dreams being enacted in real life, he couldn't ignore it anymore.

"We will name him Zhen Yang." The sect leader of the white lily sect spoke, looking at his own son affectionately, rocking him lightly.

Mo Jung couldn't believe it. He was in denial at first. But when he discovered the secret of the person he considered as his elder brother he couldn't keep calm anymore.

"What are you really?" He yelled at that thing, staring at the words engraved on his bare skin. Those words craved into his skin were shining with a bright light.

Mo Jung....the villain of this world?

Zhen Yang the son of fate of this world?

What did that mean?

That thing stared back at him with chilling eyes. "Hm....this wasn't supposed to happen." He uttered with a chilling gaze directed towards Mo Jung. Adding, "This won't do. I will have you forget that you ever saw this."

His hands stretched towards Mo Jung's face. Activating the rewrite skill that thing erased Mo Jung's memory, selecting out the scene where he discovered its secret.

"Remember, you are puppets of this world. The god created you to build this world according to his wishes. So you have no right to resist his force, act like the way your fates were written. The evil of this world, Mo Jung."

Finishing his spell that thing saw Mo Jung act the way he was supposed to. Feeling satisfied he let his guard down, not realising that the brainwashing didn't work on a certain person.

A few more years later the wheels of fate began to divert from the originally intended route. Things that were not supposed to happen began to unfold. And the master mind behind all these diversion was the current Mo Jung. The Mo Jung, who had perfected his mask of righteousness before this world, the Mo Jung who had lost his family to this world, the Mo Jung who was betrayed by the person he considered as a brother. He became the pure evil Mo Jung who upon knowing of his true origin wanted to trespass this world and go beyond, laying the foundations of this world as the stepping stone to his goal. Everytime he worked behind the scenes, blood was stained on his hands. There were even times when he was unsure but since he has come so far there was no turning back. The blood stains on his hands always reminded him that there was indeed no turning back. Zhen Yang and Li Jei, these two were the sons of fates, for whose purpose, this world was created. Meanwhile he, Mo Jung was the villain who was born to die by their hands. Since he was destined to be a villain he might as well be one that would break this world using the two protagonists.

Become a manipulative bastard...

Never take off your mask...

Never let anything destroy your plans.....

Kill....kill...kill for your own good.....

Never trust anyone but yourself.....

If it wasn't for that thing, or that person, Mo Jung might have died just like in his dreams, being killed mercilessly by the two protagonists. Infact it was thanks to that person he was able to learn about this world and use the data to his advantage. This was how he flipped the world onto his side. But....the script he had staged went off trail when Li Jei willingly surrendered himself. This caused him to ponder over certain things.

"Could it be related to that thing?" He couldn't help but thing about it this way. Li Jei was the other son of fate of this world. If they had fought, Mo Jung would have been a step closer to his goal. But because of a single action the stage had been shattered. It was likely high that that thing must have been behind this. Thinking so he decided to check on his captive.

He went inside a cave. Passing through the dark space he ignored the strange sounds echoing in the darkness, whispers falling against his ears. His steps stopped before a gigantic mass of ice crystal. At the middle of this ice crystal was a human body. He had long black hair frozen inside the ice. His eyes were closed at the moment. The skin on his body was rigid and cold, with strange words engraved onto his enitre body. The light emitting from those words was very dim, as if it was dying away.

"Why don't you just die already?" Mo Jung yelled angrily, staring at the Rule of this world, the nirvana, the protector of this world. This person had been Manipulating him since he was young so that he, Mo Jung could serve his purpose as the destined villain.


Mo Jung was a real person. He was not just a puppet. He was real!!!

"Just you wait....I am going to have your two darlings kill each other. Then I will ripp off the head of the one who survives. This world will crumble under my feet!! Golden Nirvana!!!" The killing intent rising from his body caused a chilling shockwave to course through the cave.

When he left another figure appeared in the black space.

"Such a formidable villain." Ivar couldn't help but applaud this person called Mo Jung. This final boss was really deserving of his title. He turned his attention onto the Rule of this world, who was being imprisoned inside an ice crystal, made of the strongest ancient enchantment chains. This cave was really an ideal place for sealing up the Golden Nirvana of this world. The Illusion cave of desire, a dangerous existence in this world. The greater the attachment of the subject of desire the stronger the ancient enchantments channeling in this cave worked. For the Rule, whose desire to protect the world was so strong, this cave was the perfect, ideal place to keep him in captive. Mo Jung must have went through the data very keenly, for him to think of this place and use it against the Golden Nirvana. Also, given the similar circumstances they had in common there was no way Ivar could bring himself to dislike this villain.


He liked Nulis much much more. So he was going to use Mo Jung to earn points. In short, Mo Jung cannot have his goal fulfilled. Ivar had to fulfill Li Jei's three wishes to earn points.


Something flashed at the back of his head. He glanced behind him to see four people smiling at him. A lovely couple with two kids. One young girl and another boy child.

"My baby.....come here." She said in a lovely voice.

Ivar's eyes slanted dangerously. He narrowed his eyes at the golden nirvana trapped inside the ice crystal.

"I guess you are aware of my presence, that I am an outsider." He snorted lightly. Raising his hand he channeled his mana into his fingers, shooting at the illusion of his family.

" dare you try to use their faces against me!!!" Breaking the illusion he stared at this annoying pest with chilling eyes.

Dead people never come back. His family died already ages ago.

The illusion cave of desire, as long as the attachments were strong, the illusion it creates will awlays reflect the desire of the individuals.

Red hair. Tall and handsome. With broad shoulders and a pair of beautiful eyes. His lips moved to call a name.

When Ivar saw him, his eyes flashed with immense displeasure. Breaking the illusion again he began to walk towards the Golden Nirvana..... This thing was the reason why he had surrendered himself, handing himself over to the cultivators. The Rule of this world. What a hateful existence!



It was at that moment that Ivar's eyes went wide with surprise. His body froze.

Without confirming it with his eyes he felt his body already moving, unable to contain himself, he sprinted forward.

"You finally came. Hng.....I missed you...."

Feeling his kitty kitty purring against his neck, embracing him tightly, "Me too, Ivar."

He has finally come!!! To him!!! Again!!!