When King Steins heard of the pregnancy news he went hysteric with happiness. Overwhelmed with joy, he could already picture his future grand children playing in his arms. Because of this he was very overjoyed. So he ended up rushing the preparations of the wedding even faster with the intention of holding it as soon as possible. Everyday he would come over to visit his son in law, making sure to explain important things to him. He would also summon the royal physician atleast once a week. Aside from this, even though the king did not knew whether the child to be born was going to be a son or a daughter he has already started to buy gifts, toys, clothes and even started building a separate palace for them.

Guang Wang Lei could only face palm himself, watching the king prepare for their wedding, his eyes burning with flames of determination.

Moreover the king even suggested at one point that he and his wife should sleep separately for a while. When he heard this Wang Lei was almost ready to flip the house up side down. Thankfully his babe refused firmly saying that he couldn't sleep without him by his side. After that to not agitate his Kitty's mood the hysteric father stopped insisting for them to sleep in different beds. This was one trouble. There was also the physician who kept telling him the same thing over and over again each time he visited them with the king at least once a week.

"No knotting during pregnancy."

"Please be careful to not use too much force while having sex. If possible please refrain it from doing it every night. Two or three times should be fine."

The royal physician couldn't help but emphasize his words since he saw the red marks decorating Ivar's neck adding up every time he visited over. He could tell that the couple were going wild every night.

"Pregnancy of an omega is very complex. You have to be extra careful in everything you do." And then the lecture kept going and going.

Although Guang Wang Lei was annoyed he made sure to listen to every little thing the doctor said to him. Like how, his inner beast would beg him to knot his omega every time they made love, he would have to subdue the raging feeling burning inside him. Thinking of the baby that was growing inside his lover's womb, he would force this desire at the back of his head. He has also been extremely observant of his kitty now. According to what the physician said pregnancy could be extremely tiring, even making people change drastically. So it was the role of the husband to carefull, and be mindful of their lover while making sure to be at their service without having them to yell at you. The horrifying stories of some accounts he had heard from the physician made him a little bit anxious and excited.

But so far.....his babe was just like his usual self.

Ivar was currently overseeing his wedding suit. The ones the king has chosen were too extravagant and grand. The clothings were not only heavy but were a bit too flashy. It wasn't to his taste at all.

The pregnancy news came a little bit too sudden. For Ivar, it was a pure shock to know that something was growing in his belly. His initial reaction was surprise and shock. But later it was replaced by an indescribable feeling. Although he still found it unbelievable, and even if there was a lingering fear inside him, he was feeling good. Touching his stomach he couldn't help but smile a little bit, knowing that the baby inside him was his and Wang Lei's.

Will he experience that feeling again when he saw Alex and Bella when they were born?

Or will it be slightly different from that?

What will their life be with this baby being born?

There were so many thoughts running through his head.


Ivar did not even have to check. He knew it was his lover. Big arms wraped themselves around his waist pulling him to a sweet back hug. Wang Lei put his chin on Ivar's shoulder. Judging from the way he was acting Ivar could tell that this man was sulking because they have been forced busy due to the rushed preparations. He caressed his man's white fur, nuzzling his cheeks against them.

"Bear with it a little bit." He whispered lovingly into his lover's ears.

The ears dropping down were up again. Sticking out his tongue he began to lick his person everywhere.

Cough. Cough.

The attendants couldn't help but blush everytime they see the couple kissing in public, displaying their affection towards each other in the open.

The image of the couple was just too perfect. The way they looked at each other was too romantic!


They couldn't help but squeal in silence, making a huge fuss over the couple.

The day of the wedding was approaching faster than the expected date.

Invitations were sent over to all the neighbouring kingdoms. All the royal princes of the other kingdoms were to attend the wedding ceremony.

On this day the King of Roguard had almost adorned the palace with the most exquisite items, as if flaunting his son's marriage with the most grand decorations the people have ever seen. Even the red carpet was embedded with miniature gems of different colours, adding luster to it whenever the light reflected onto the carpet.

King Steins going to this extent was no joke. The effort he had put in preparing this wedding was a little bit too much. The arriving guest couldn't help but feel like laughing. They were aware of the king's troubles with finding his son a pair. The infamous son was known throughout the kingdom for rejecting every candidate chosen by the king himself. And even when he was given the freedom to choose a bride of his own liking there was still none who was able to catch the crown prince's interest. They were all very curious to see what kind of person has taken Prince Stirguard's heart. The infamous Stirguard known for his brutal-all-kill rejection record, causing his father to have sleepless nights over the last few years. Now that infamous man was getting married. So their curious has indeed reached its peak.

The man who was getting married today was waiting at the high platform, waiting for his bride-to-be.

As soon as they saw the petite person holding onto the arm of the king they all locked their gazes on the bride, as they walked through the red carpet, heading towards the prince.

Dressed in a pure white attire, the little bride was wearing a beautiful laced top, the edges of it hemmed with luxurious white rose diamonds. His pants were a matching set of the top, the wide pants fluttering each time his legs moved. The bottom of the wide leg pants was imprinted with golden linings. A beautiful fur shawl was draped around his arms, the white surface of the shawl shining with a nice luster, the tail of it was touching the floor, flowing on its surface. His pink hair was braided into a high tail, beautiful diamonds decorating the length of the braided tail falling down to his hips. Beautiful cat eyes donned by thick lashes, milky white skin, a very lovely oval shape face, the allure of the bride was something they have never seen in an omega before.

"Don't be nervous. Ignore their gazes."

Ivar heard the king whisper to him. What the king said made his lips curl up a bit.

"Just think of them as potatoes attending your wedding."

Pfttt!! "I will keep that in mind." Ivar replied. His eyes lit up when he saw his lover waiting for him. Receiving the hand that was stretched towards him, he was escorted by his man. The two looked into each other's eyes, the meaning in their gazes was something the guests couldn't understand.

"Babe." He whispered in his husky voice, his breathe tickling Ivar's ears and face. "How is it that I fall in love with you every single day?"

A lovely blush appeared on his face. Ivar's eyes were mushy with all the emotions he was feeling towards Wang Lei.


Kissing the back of his hand, Wang Lei's eyes gave Ivar a meaningful look. Although the fabric on his hand stood as a barrier between those lips kissing his hand, Ivar could feel the hot breathe of his lover against the skin of his hand. His breathe was causing Ivar's heart to quiver with immense joy.

"Oh my god!!!" A boy with light red hair exclaimed his eyes dazzling with adoration as he watched the couple take their wedding vows.

"He is so pretty!! How can someone so enchanting like the bride exist? Oh my god!!"

"I wonder what his name is?" Juda was feeling very excited, his soul jumping with great excitement. Somehow when he saw the bride there was this really strong emotion rising in him, that was urging him to become friends with this pink haired person.

Of course Ivar knew that Juda was here as a guest. He has made sure to spot them since one of the missions required for Evan to become friends Juda.

Currently they were attending the after party of the wedding. All the guests were congratulating them, presenting them with lots of gifts and blessings.

"Oh my god! I have never seen someone so pretty like you!! I am Juda. What shall I call you?"

Ivar gave him a slight smile. "Evan. Call me by my name." The one who wanted to get along with Juda was not Ivar but Evan, the current host of his soul. He shall respect the original's wishes.

Juda's eyes were shining brightly. His face lit up, his cheeks blushing a little bit. Grabbing both of Evan's hands, he squeezed them together, with stars in his eyes he yelped at his new friend excitedly.

"Evan! Such a lovely name!!"

"Hey, Juddy. Please get a hold of your manners. Cough. Cough. I am so sorry." Juda's elder brother apologised. "My brother is a little bit over the top today."

With a slight smile, "Its okay. I don't mind it."

"!!!" Their shoulders flinched a bit.

"Right." Prince Rudh laughed scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Thank you."

Juda immediately cut off his older brother. "Hey, can I visit you some time again?" The pair of lovely pink eyes were twinkling pitifully as he looked at Ivar with expectation.

Ivar maintained a friendly smile towards him. "Of course."

The newly wed couple entertained the guests a little bit before leaving the venue.

King Steins took over the role of attending them.

"My pregnant wife must be really tired. We shall leave first."

When the crown prince had said this all the guests thought it was very thoughtful of the prince.

Only the palace attendants knew the real meaning behind those words. With the excuse of pregnancy the crown prince has left the guests hanging on their own while he was probably gonna have a really sweet time with his wife, bangi....cough cough... Anyway, it was their wedding day. So Be it.

Thereafter Ivar frequently had an expected guest. Every once in a while Juda would show up to visit him. And then they would spend a few hours bonding with each other until Prince Rudh could come to get his youngest brother.

The mission board was already full. The green bars were already filled up completely. Every mission of this world was already done. But....

Ivar rubbed his belly that was begining to grow bigger and bigger with each passing month.

Now, he has a new reason for remaining a little bit longer in this world.


Guang Wang Lei was leaning his ears against the round belly bulging out of his lover's abdomen. The tip of his ears twitched when it felt the subtle sound of movement coming from inside. Life was such a precious existence in this world. Specially witnessing it coming to life, it was one of the world's most joyous gift.

"The baby is being naughty." Wang Lei chuckled, snuggling into his lover's chest.

Ivar kissed Wang Lei's forehead. When they gazed into each other's eyes the two fell in for a swift kiss.

"I hope our baby will be born soon. I can't wait to see our child."

"Me too."

The seasons changed. And so did the year.

In the blink of an eye six years have passed by.

The sound of light footsteps echoed in a grand hallway.


Chubby cheeks poking in through the door, with cat like purple eyes staring through the gap, shoulder length white hair fluttering every time he moved, he slipped through the open door, his red plump lips revealing a pair of rabbit teeth.

"Ma, Dada!"
