Danyi didn't say anything.

Nulis stared at the boy before him. He walked over to the body, as he stared at his face intensely. He kept looking at the face of the boy, a familiar feeling surging in his soul.

"Is this my real body?" He asked not moving away his eyes from his face.

"Em. You could say that."

When Nulis heard that superficial reply he couldn't help but give the tall man a look.

Danyi understood the meaning behind that glance so he added calmly.

"I couldn't protect your real body. It was destroyed immediately after you were captured. As for this body, it can be considered as yours. This is the body you were using when you first met us."


Danyi walked over to him. He sat down on his knees. Hunching his back he shook his head saying. "There are other people waiting to meet you again. They have been missing you terribly as much as I do."

Nulis blinked his unreal eyes. He thought for a while. It seems that his past self was loved a lot by a bunch of people.

"Where are they right now?"


Hiding? So this probably meant that they were hiding from those gods who were probably chasing them all this time? Nulis felt complicated after knowing that there were other people who were waiting for his return.

What kind of past did he exactly have with all these people!!

As if he was able to read his mind Danyi calmly answered him. "There were about thirty of them. But fifteen of them were captured and killed. The remaining ones, I took them to a place and told them to remain low until I come back. They, including me were the cause of your misfortune."

There was a long silence surrounding the two for a few minutes. No one spoke a word as both of them looked into each other's eyes, an intense atmosphere surrounding the two.

Nulis was the first to break the silence. He still wasn't fully ready for it but now he wanted to know so badly...

"Can you tell me more about myself?"


Meanwhile somewhere within the walls of the magnificent palace two people were having quite a dramatic time together.

"Mmph...." The greedy tongue invading his mouth was licking his insides, his lover's possesive lips sucking onto his own. Ivar closed his eyes accepting his man's obsessive kisses as he ruffled the curly red hair of his lover's. Using his own hands he pulled Guang Wang Lei closer to himself.

"Hng...." When Ivar felt the other person pull back, the tongue plundering his mouth immediately left his lips. A long string of thin silver threaded in between their mouths, connecting their parting lips with it.

Then Guang Wang Lei changed the angle and began to kiss him more.

Ivar happily let his wet tongue inside him. It squirmed like a living organism inside his mouth, touching him everywhere.

Between the sound of wet kisses there was a yelping sound of occasional moaning that left their lips.

Ivar was drowning in this sweet kiss. It was so sweet. He has never tasted something this sweet before until he began to have such indulging, long kisses with his man.

The kiss went for so long without barely any breaks. Everytime they would part for a second to catch their breathes they would fall into a more longer kiss, both of them sucking onto each other so obsessively.

When both of them finally pulled away from each other the two love birds stared at each other with their eyes full of hearts and stars. Ivar gazed at Guang Wang Lei. His lips were a little bit swollen and it was wet with Ivar's saliva. His pair of golden eyes were glowing with an intense heat.

This previous morning Guang Wang Lei had brought him here to show him something. Ivar did not think much about it so he went with him. Wang Lei actually brought him here to show him his throne, saying that he was going to have another one next to his, which would belong to Ivar. Even when this horny ass guy told him to sit on it, Ivar didn't have any clue about what this man was planning to do here. As soon as Ivar sat down on this huge throne he was trapped in between his lover's arms as the man pulled him in for a kiss as he began kissing him like he was about to swallow him whole.

Guang Wang Lei was becoming more and more adventurous. As soon as Ivar was brought to his bed chambers a week ago, this man did not hesitate to strip him naked then he ate him thoroughly both inside out. Since these few days their bedroom exercise was getting more and more bold. Like how Wang Lei and he did it a few times yesterday in the kitchen attached to their bedroom.

"....." Ivar could feel his Wang Lei's lustful breath blowing aganist his face. Down there, something that has awakened was poking him hard. Ivar raised his hand to touch his man's face. Nuzzling his cheeks with his fingers Ivar couldn't help but berate him in a honey sweet voice. "Why are you so horny....geez!"

His sweet tone caused the red haired horny ass man to smirk. He pushed his hardened little Wang Lei against his kitty Kitty's front.

"I am building a palace for us near the ocean side. Let's move in there as soon as it's built."

"Okay." Ivar replied stroking Wang Lei's cheek.

"Babe..." Guang Wang Lei moaned as he yanked off his lover's clothes apart.

*The sound of tearing clothes*

"....." Ivar was speechless for a while. However he wasn't given any time to react because he felt his pants being pulled down by impatient hands.

"Ah....." He yelped when he felt his man's fingers kneading his entrance.

Because of the intense activity of the previous night that place was still soft and squishy. Two fingers entered him at once, opening up the tight gap as it began to stretch his inner walls from the inside. Ivar felt the heat in his body hitch when he felt the fingers inside him nudge a particular spot.

On the contrary Guang Wang Lei seemed to be in a rush. He bent over. Then he parted his Kitty's legs apart revealing the place which was taking in his fingers at the moment. When his gaze fell on the hole that was tightening around his fingers his eyes were welling up with a burning lust. He enclosed onto that enticing pink bud before him. Then he parted his lips and stuck out his tongue. The tip of his tongue touched the opening of the enticing hole. Guang Wang Lei began to push his tongue inside the tiny hole.

The inner walls wrapping him around twitched shyly as it began to grow hotter and hotter against him.

Ivar widened his eyes... A wet tongue was squirming inside him. It was moving back and forth in and out of him, the tip of the tongue poking his inner walls, teasing him profoundly.

"" It felt so gooodddd....

His sentence was cut off.

Guang Wang Lei placed his Kitty's trembling legs over his shoulders as he began to lick his hole lewdly. He could feel his lover's shyness through his tongue. The sweet inner walls would twitch violently everytime he put the tip of his tongue inside causing this place to tremble with arousal.

"Mng.....ah..." Ivar yelped when he was pushed against the backrest of the throne. One of his leg was thrown over a sturdy broad shoulder while his other leg was wrapped around a thick waist.

Then he felt something hard poking the entrance of his hole. The hardened manhood began to enter him parting his inner walls as it began to ram inside him.

The smell of two people having sex filled the gigantic hall.