According to what Danyi has told him, Elm Rakarot was his full name. He was the leader of the twelve guardian representatives of the twelve divine realm. The divine realm had twelve realms and each of the realm would send a representative candidate who would be examined by the Queen of the heaven realm to see if the person was fitting for the post. Then based on her judgement she would select them. However, Elm was an exception. He was directly appointed by the Queen herself. Not only was he selected as a representative of the system department, he was also made the leader of the other representatives. Elm had great potential and was very strong, acknowledged by the people of the heaven realm so he was given special treatment. But with this special service came numerous dangerous missions.

The queen often used him as a weapon to get rid of individuals she deemed dangerous. He was often dubbed as the Queen's watchdog by many, who would bite at her orders no matter what the command was.

One of the hundreds of missions she gave him was to kill Danyi Nova, a traitor of the heaven realm.

A high ranking god who betrayed the realm, who assassinated the previous queen before fleeing from the realm.

The mission given to Elm by the Queen was to search for this traitor and kill him for good.

However things were easier said than done.

Tracing out the whereabouts of his target wasn't easy. It took years and years for Elm to finally find his target, Who was hiding in a level D world, where he was hiding from the dangers following him. This guy was living in a humble world with a group of young children, who seemed to be orphans. Elm took advantage of the bond between his target and the kids. He overtook the soul of one of the kids then he began to approach his target with the intention of killing him.

No one could have expected that Elm would fall in love with his target.

The innocence of the children surrounding him made him waver bit by bit. The warm kindness he never experienced, which was given to him by his target and the children touched his heart bit by bit as he spent more time with them.

Specially the spark of interest between him and Danyi. The attraction between them did not spark because of love at first sight. Nor was it because of the growing closeness between them. Elm forced himself to hate this man in his heart while he impersonated the image of a young innocent child as he fooled him.

Just like this several years passed by. Elm became an adult young man but he still didn't achieve his purpose for coming here.

Danyi said that their past love affair wasn't sweet at all. Elm refused to open his heart to him. His eyes seemed to waver somehow but he did not show any interest in Danyi until that day.

The conflict in his heart was resolved when Elm stabbed his sword into Danyi's chest as the man took the sword aimed at his heart, wihtout dodging it.

"Elm staggered retreating his trembling hands from the sword. The blade was supposed to pierce through my heart but it somehow missed. Then he looked at me with a look as if he was about to cry... I bet he didn't knew that he was crying at that point...." Danyi chuckled recalling that scene.

He was stabbed that day. He should have been in pain but only he knew how happy he was when he saw the concern, pain and regret in Elm's eyes. At that moment he knew. That he had completely fallen for him.

After that Danyi was captured and was taken back to the heaven realm. The group of thirty youths he was looking after were captured as hostages in case Danyi decided to flee again.

He did not see or meet Elm for a long time after that. Not until the guy stormed into the place he was held captive, with the other kids.

After that they fled from the realm again. At that time Danyi didn't knew that Elm had already gave the system department a heavy blow.

In the end they were chased by gods. Unfortunately Elm alongside with fifteen of the youths were captured.

Danyi fought against the gods all by himself. Outnumbered and Overpowered he was captured as well. During his captivity he was tortured. His execution came very early. Just before he was taken to the platform he met a young god he had never seen. The boy informed him of the events that happened to Elm and the others. The fifteen youngsters were dead. Elm also did not escape punishment. His body and soul was extinguished from this world. Danyi went on a rampage that day. Then he met the mysterious man who helped him escape. That man also told him the truth behind Elm's fake demise and that his soul was still alive.

When Nulis heard the story of his past he was left speechless for a few days. He kept thinking about what Danyi had told him over and over again. And couldn't help but curse himself. "I guess my past self was kind of an asshole."

Danyi said that the remaining fifteen people were still hiding somewhere. He said that he was going to them tomorrow.

"....." Aahhhhhhh! Screw it!

Nulis jumped out of the bed. He ran out of his room to consult something with his partner.

When he met him he told Ivar about his plans.

His partner only smiled at him as he said. "The decision is yours to make. Whatever your heart wants just go with it."

Nulis was sentimental when he heard these words. He then left to look for Danyi.

Currently the man was seated with Guang Wang Lei. Surely Danyi came here because he needed a favour from this man.

"What is it? Say it already." Guang Wang Lei made it sound as if he was impatient but he was actually very relaxed right now. Every night he could sleep cuddling his babe, so his mood was extremely pleasant throughout the entire day.

Danyi looked very awkward. This was the first time he was going to ask a favour from someone. He cleared his throat before finally speaking.

"I want to bring some people in this world."

Guang Wang Lei raised an eye brow at him.

Danyi had been struggling to keep those people safe. Right now their hiding place was safe but it might be discovered one day. From what he saw he knew that this world was the most safe and secure in the enitre universe as the man sitting before him was a freaking powerful existence.

He looked at the red haired king before him, feeling a little bit nervous. When he saw him raise his brow he thought that this guy might refuse.

"Sure. Go ahead."

On contrary to what he expected Guang Wang Lei readily agreed.

"....." Danyi was speechless. He readily agreed without even asking? Then he recalled that this man's lover and Nulis were very close. So perhaps Guang Wang Lei was being merciful like this considering the relationship between the two.

What he didn't knew was that Guang Wang Lei did not care, or rather had no interest in such matters regarding bringing someone in his world. He himself had this habit of picking up new people then sending them over to his world. Just like he did with Cerberus, Ayang and Ronn. Not only that. Even if his own subordinates were to bring back additional people with them he would not nit pick on them. When it came to many things Wang Lei was quite liberal.

Thus upon receiving the permission from the liberal husband Danyi left with a brief speech of gratitude.

On his way back he met Nulis.

"You were looking for me?" Danyi asked staring at the push doll walking toward him.

Nulis did not say anything. He went over to the tall man.

Just when Danyi was about to get down on his knees he widened his eyes when he saw Nulis clinging to his clothes. The squishy doll hands clenched onto his garment as he looked up at him with those lovely eyes.

Nulis raised both his hand upwards, his eyes demanding something from Danyi.

The tall guy bent over. He then picked up Nulis in his arms.

This act was done so naturally that both of them did not realise that their current position looked like a father holding their child.

"I am coming with you."

When Danyi heard him say so he was silent for a moment. He looked into the push doll's beautiful eyes. A slight smile graced on his lip as he hummed his answer.
