Nulis was baffled by the stares falling onto him. He was still being held in Danyi's arms, carried by him like a baby. He was still in his push doll body. There were a group of fifteen adults standing before him. Their eyes were fixated on him only, and Nulis could see how shaken up they were just by the look on their faces.

He looked at Danyi telling him to put him down. The tall guy did as he said by letting him down carefully. Nulis then began to walk towards them.

Meanwhile on the other side they were petrified. As soon as they say Teacher returning to this world they noticed the strange doll siting on his arms like a child. Their Teacher's body language was being very sweet and gentle with the push doll. Specially the look in his eyes as he glanced at them then at the push doll.

That instant they knew.

There was only one person who could earn that kind of lovelorn look from their Teacher Danyi.

It was him! HIM!!!

It was Elm. They couldn't be wrong. They were sure this push doll was Elm, the guy who caused the tragedy of their fellow friends, the guy who almost killed Teacher and caused them to suffer a lot. In the past when all this happened they were resentful of him. But the hatred had already condensed to something from the past. Now, they felt noting but relief to see him fine. Afterall, from what they have heard, how could they have the energy to hate him? This guy grew up with them, they were close but they were resentful of him for causing the death of their friends but they still cared about him. With the passing years the resentful feelings waned to nothingness.

Nulis, like always could feel his soul reacting strongly to them. He furrowed his brows because of the painful feeling tugging his soul. When he was very close to them he looked at them as they looked back at him in utter silence.

Both the parties didn't speak anything for a long time as they just stood staring at each other.

"Oh my god!!!" One of them gasped as she made the first move out of everyone. It was a young woman with a very lovely face. Even her voice was sweet. She got down on her knees so that her face was on the doll's level. Her eyes were teary with droplets.

Nulis stared at the slender hands strecthing towards him. He let the woman touch him as she gently caressed his face. While doing so he noticed that her eyes became even more tearful. She kept staring at him without saying anything. Her trembling lips seemed to murmur some words but Nulis couldn't tell what she was saying.

The rest of the group then began to gather around him. Some of them were siting down while some were still standing.

It was a rather awkward moment.

Danyi did not speak for a while. He gave these kids some space so that they could have a look at Nulis.

They went inside after spending a long time just staring at each other.

"He is Nulis." Danyi introduced him to them finally.

When he spoke everyone looked at him. Including Nulis.

"Nulis..." The same woman murmured to herself. "I see..... Hello Nulis. My name is Tina." She said with a very lovely smile.

When she spoke she held those tiny little hands in her palms. The warmth radiating from her fingertips made Nulis feel a strange soreness in his soul, as if he wanted to cry somehow.

The other guys seated near her looked at him with complicated eyes. One of them specially wrinkled his brows as he kept looking at the push doll. His intense stare was too much for Nulis to ignore. So he shifted his eyes towards him. When their eyes met the guy looked as if he was taken aback for a bit. His cold face became colder but his eyes did not move away from Nulis as he gave him his name.

"Yulis. Call me that." His tone sounded cold but only Yulis knew that his heart was weighing heavy on him right now. Nulis was looking at them as if he were looking at a stranger. They have long heard of the possibility that he might not have his past memories with him even if he were to be alive. The way Elm was looking at them affirmed to this possibility that was the truth right now.

He did not remember them. This made Yulis feel bitter somehow.

Speaking honestly they did not rule out the possibility of him being death for real.

The way Teacher introduced him implied that he was not Elm but Nulis. The soul may be same but the Elm that they knew was not Nulis at the same time. A person without memories was bound to be a different person.

"He probably doesn't remember the child who used to pester him all night to read him bedtime stories..." He couldn't help but feel very sad thinking about the lost memories.



All of them began to give him their names.

Everyone were feeling strange somehow.

Elm might have forgotten. But they all remembered their childhood memories so vividly.

The day finished with them making small talk as they familiarised themselves with each other. It was a very awkward day with them just staring at each other for most of the part. Nulis found this atmosphere quite unfamiliar but the peaceful feeling siting in his soul made him feel at ease. Their company was kind of very comforting to him right now. He couldn't exactly pin point the reason but it just felt like that somehow, as if it was natural.

At night Danyi informed them about leaving this place. He told them to pack up the things they wished to take with them.

Their reaction was very calm. They knew that they would have to leave this place someday. It wasn't sure when the time to run away would come again but this place was not going to be safe for lifetime.

When Teacher told them that the new place where they were going to stay from now on was very secure they felt at ease. They did not liked this life style where they would have to sleep every night thinking about the possibility of being caught and dragged away by those gods.

So they were very willing. They even ushered that they sould leave as soon as they could.

When the day to depart came they given another blow.


All of them were making strange faces as they glued their gazes on Nulis.


How could their heart not waver with this deep urge to cry when they see him with the very same face?

With his short black hair and those pale white skin, he looked just like how they remembered him in their memories. He looked like the very same Elm that they grew up with.

Nulis saw Tina's teary eyes. He did not knew how to react. When he came here he purposefully choose his push doll body. Because he wanted to see how they would react with him while he was still a doll. Now....this didn't mattered to him anymore so he shifted his soul to the human body.

It felt great to have real limbs and arms.

"Let's go."

Danyi broke the strange atmosphere.

The group of people disappeared from the place where they were standing.

A/N: Guys I just wanted to add something in regard to the two people Guang Wang Lei was looking for in the begining of the story. I am sure most of you already know it was his parents he was looking for to see if he could find them alive in other parallel worlds of his original world. Just wanted to state this to make it clear although I am sure everyone who has read the story to this point knows it. But ya know just in case.