The sound of someone rummaging through the trash bin filled a dark alley.

The figure of a young child could be seen as he ransacked the trash bin, searching for something suitable he could eat. His body was covered in dirt. The piece of tattered blue clothes he was wearing was almost brown with dust and mud. The torn chappals on his feet looked awfully miserable. His face and hair was hidden in the darkness of the alley.

He stopped his hands for a while when he heard the sound of light footsteps approaching him again.

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue. It was them again.

"Oye you beggar monster! What are you looking for in the trash bin? You won't find anything to eat in there! Just starve to hunger already."

The voice of another young child yelled at him. The one who spoke was a chubby kid. He was dressed in fairly good attire. Beside him were other five kids. They all had a smug expression on their faces as they began to corner the kid standing at the alley.

"Everyone, let's teach him his place! Monsters like him shouldn't fish around in our city, feeding on our left overs." One of them yelled with malice.

"Step back. Let me show you how to put these kind of trash into place." The chubby kid puffed out his chest as he began to scream loudly while sprinting towards his target.

His eyes narrowed at the nuisance approaching him.



Thuweck. Thuweck!!

The remaining kids stood at their place, watching their leader get beaten up by the skinny monster. The monster clenched his fist then he smashed them against their leader's face until he was bleeding from his mouth.

"Ah...what are you doing? Help me! Attack him." The chubby kid groaned in pain.

They looked at each other before rushing in for rescue. Unfortunately their attempt to gang up on this skinny monster did not go well. Everyone were beaten blue black by their target. Their hair was pulled out. Their nose were punched until blood gushed out of their two nostrils. Their eyes were swollen. One of them even lost a teeth to a single punch.

"Uwaahhhh...wahhhh... You will regret this....Waaaahhhhhhhahhahhh....mommy...daddyyyy...."

In the end they ran away crying for their parents.

The child who had beaten them to this state stepped out of the alley. He rubbed his belly which was asking for food. When he stepped out of the darkness dirty and muddled red hair was revealed along with a pair of enchanting green eyes. Although he was this young, and was very malnourished, the face he possessed was quite a bit of a looker.

He was the "Monster" of this city. He did not have a name. Everyone referred to him either as a monster or a beggar.

"They should stop bothering me for now." He thought to himself as he continued to look for something edible. But it seems it wasn't his lucky day since he found nothing that he could eat. Not even leftover of fruits or bread. He went away to trash out some more trash bins around the area.

His life was very unfortunate and miserable. He had no name. He had no memories before he woke up in this world. He had no house. He had no food. No money. And worst of all he was hated so much by everyone even though he did not do anything to warrant that kind of hatred from those around him.

His life was simply empty. It seemed like this world hated him and wanted him to suffer in every possible way. If not, these troubles wouldn't be following him everywhere he went despite how hard he tried to avoid them.

His pair of eyes slanted when he saw familiar faces approaching him again.

"Was it him?"

"Yes. Brother." The timid child hide behind his adult brother. Pointing his fingers at the red haired kid he spoke through trembling voice.

"It was him who beat us up."

The adult cracked his knuckles. He then walked towards the red haired kid. "you dare to lay a finger on my little brother? Let me show you the consequences you need to bear for beating him."

The kid resisted. But the force of an adult was too much for him to handle. He hasn't eaten for days. His body was weaker and more fragile when facing such a grown ass man. In the end he was beaten bloody.

His body was sprawled on the ground covered in blood.


Cough. He coughed out a mouthful of blood when the man kicked him on his abdomen. The strength of a grown up was too strong for his weak body.

"Spat! Now you have learnt your lesson. If you touch my brother again I will kill you. Consider this as a chance."

Kill him? Perhaps that would be fine as no one was going to care about him even if he died. He felt so wronged somehow. He felt so empty and broken. He laid on the ground blinking his eyes from time to time. It took him quite a lot of effort to finally sit up. The pain was unbearable. The red blood stained half his face and his clothes.

Standing up he dragged himself away from this town. He must leave or else the other kids might bring more adults to beat him up.


He decided to remain deep within the forest for now. Crouching down underneath a tree he kept silence, thinking and thinking about why his life was full of misfortune.

Did he commit some sort of unforgivable sin in his past life? Or was it his ancestor whose retribution was getting back at him in the form of karma. Why did this world hated him so much? Why did this world wanted him to suffer so much? For nothing he has done?

Because his face was till facing downwards he did not see a man approach him.

"You are heavily injured."

It wasn't until the stranger spoke that he was aware of someone else's presence.

But he did not reply. He kept hanging down his head, not even curious to look who it was.

"One of your rib is broken. Your body and face are all swollen. Your mouth is bleeding. You lost a few teeth. Not to mention your body is so much malnourished. Hm.....you have not eaten for a few days already. Congrats! You might pass out at this rate at any given moment."

The stranger spoke.

"Go away!" He yelled at him, with his face still hanging down. He felt the pain in his abdomen intensify. He groaned. Blood was gushing out of his mouth. His vision began to blur. Then he passed out just as the stranger had said.

When he woke up again he felt his body get lighter. Flashing his eyes open in an instant, he looked around to see where he was. It was a cave. A cave that was lit up with strange golden particles.

"You finally woke up."

He steered his eyes at the direction of the voice. It was the voice of that stranger. Now that he finally looked at him he was shocked for a moment. The body of this stranger adult was draped in a subtle glowing light. He looked like an unreal person. Somehow like a ghost.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"That's not important." The stranger replied. "I healed your wounds. Is there still some discomfort in your body?"

Healed his wounds? He stood up and moved around for a bit. His eyes were wide with shock upon realising that the pain and the swollen parts of his body was all healed.

How did he do it?

"Sit down and eat some fruits. Your body is still weak. It needs nutrients."

The red haired child stared at the stranger for sometime before he sat down. Taking an apple he began to chew it.

"What's your name, child?"

His bite stopped for a second. He paused for a bit before replying. "I don't have one."

The stranger gave him a complicated gaze. He let the starving child eat some more before he finally began to speak again.

"You don't belong here."

The young child looked at him with a strange gaze. If he didn't belong here, then where should he be? Heaven? Or hell?

"Also, there is no way you don't have a name. You do have a name."

"Do you know it? My n...ame?"

The stranger shook his head. "I don't know your name... But..." He looked at the child before him. The strange spell bounding his soul, he could see it. The identity of this child was not simple.

"Do you want to know your name? Do you want to know more about yourself and your sealed memories?"

He did not understand what this man was speaking about but one thing he knew for sure was that he indeed wanted to know his name. If he did have one he wanted to know. So he shook his head.

"Even if the truth changes the reason for your existence in this world? Do you really want to?"

He heard the stranger question him again.

"Yes I do very badly."

The moment he gave his firm answer to the stranger he met on that day his life was flipped upside down.

He came to know what he was called. The name that his parents gave him, he came to know that his name was GUANG WANG LEI.

He also came to know of his parents and and the reason why his memories were sealed.

And that the cause of all his pain, suffering and grief was just because of a single person.

Somone called Chu Gui.

"From now on call me Master. I don't have much time left on my side so I am going to teach you everything I can. If your growth satisfies me then I shall hand over my legacy to you." The stranger took him in. He remained in the forest and slept in that cave from that day.

Then he was thought how to wield the sword, was taught how to fight, how to cultivate his powers and how to casts spells. Everything his master knew about he taught them all to Guang wang Lei.

Just like his master had said his time was very limited. So by the time the years went by the glow surrounding his master dimmed little by little until it faded out completely. After spending a good time of eight years together his master disappeared from this world. From then on, Guang Wang Lei found himself alone again.

"Remember, don't rush things. Take it easy and prepare yourself before striking. And never let them find out about your existence. Use everything I taught you to your advantage. And don't forget to get stronger." These were the final words of his master before he left.

For the first time ever in eight years he stepped out of the dark forest. During the enitre time he was inside, he never visited the town. Not even for food like he usually did when he was a child. Instead, he honed his skills by hunting small animals like rabbits or wild hen or fish, feeding himself on roasted meat. Now thinking back, why didn't he do this when he was a younger? Like catching birds and roasting them. If so he wouldn't have to scavenge through so many trash bins to find nothing.

When Guang Wang Lei left the town he did not forget to get revenge on the man who had beaten him to a pulp when he was a child. After that he left the human realm travelling through the upper realms. Master said that he should move to different realms and learn as many skills as possible to level up. He was very diligent and true to his master's teachings, doing everything he was taught or was told to do so by him.

On his journey he made some friends. Everytime he met new people he was always bound to entangle with some infamous people as if it was by fate.

One of them was the fairy like girl with a drippling sweet voice. With a face that could cause the downfall of a nation, she was extremely enchanting even though she was only fifteen.

She was called Xing Chu Lin.