Guang Wang Lei was siting on the window. He was still dressed in his night robe. The clothes he was wearing were in disarray, exposing the tanned skin on his chest. His eyes were closed at the moment, and his head rested on the wall of the window.

In this entire palace he was the only living soul.

Of course there was a reason for it.

A few years has passed by since he became the supreme ruler of this world.

Shortly after the final battle ended with his victory his life took a new turn.

He was given a harem of his own. A harem full of women seeking his attention. He didn't knew how the numbers accounted to about 3000 when the ones he slept with weren't even close to that number. Guang Wang Lei initially took responsibility for those women he slept with. He gave them everything he could. Out of them, however, he made Xing Chu Lin his empress. He still had good feelings towards her back then. She was an exception out of all these women.

There were some women who married other men and got out of his harem. He gave them the freedom to have suitors in case they wanted to leave.

But now here he was living in a majestic palace all alone. This was because Guang Wang Lei was tired of dealing with women.

About eight years ago, two years after he became the supreme ruler, the harem that was formed for him got into conflict with each other all the time. Women were jealous creatures. And their jealousy wasn't to be underestimated. He himself had witnessed the ugliness of women jealousy. Everytime he spent a night with these women it became a political issue inside the palace. When Xing Chu Lin became pregnant she had a miscarriage. When Ming Xiao Yu was with a child she lost it before the child was born. When Ah Ling got pregnant she also had a miscarriage. The same happened when Ming Mei was expecting a child.

Guang Wang Lei lost count of the number of his unborn children being killed even before they came into this world. Every single time when one of them got pregnant she was bound to lose her child.

Tired of their act of throwing revenge stones at each other everytime someone got pregnant, he stopped visiting their bed chambers shortly after he realised the actual cause of the enitre problem, which, was him. Those women wanted their spouse to be the first heir to the throne. For them having a child to be born first became a competition. So Guang Wang Lei decided to not entangle with any of the harem members after his patience was broken. This reason wasn't enough to make him leave the main palace.

The reason why he was living alone right now was because of the nightmares he went through when he withdrew himself from touching those women.

Guang Wang Lei never thought that the first person to do that terrible thing to him would be his most trusted person. She was somehow more special to him than the rest of the others. Although he did not liked her as much as he did when they first met, he still did cared about her more than anyone else.


Guang Wang Lei never imagined that Xing Chu Lin would drug him and take him to bed forcefully. During the time when he began to avoid those women from the harem his relationship with her was still good. Although he could see the subtle changes in her showing gradually, it did not bother him. People were bound to change. Just like him.

He still remember that scene vividly. Xing Chu Lin invited him over for a meal. He went to her and they ate together. He was unaware of the things she had put in his food. It wasn't until the drug began to show its effects that he realised he was taken advantage of by the only woman he trusted and cared for.

Things after that were a mix of blur. He remembered regaining his consciousness from time to time. Everytime he got back a bit of his senses the image of a naked woman sitting on top of him flashed before his muddled eyes. The smell of rogue and perfume flooded his nose. That familiar rose scent. His body was burning as if it was lit on fire. His body was also sweating a lot. He was somehow aware even in that state that he was burning with a high fever. The aphrodisiac was too strong it was taking a toll on his body. So strong that he was drugged immobile causing him to have a high fever while he lost consciousness most of the time.

He also vaguely remembered her speaking in her sweet voice.

"Lei Lei....I love you. Why won't you react?"

"Give me your seed..... Hng..."

"Why are you not releasing inside me....."

At one point Guang Wang Lei noticed the addition of a strong smell. It was a strong lavendar scent. His body was numb from the excessive exposure to aphrodisiac. Then he passed out again.

When he finally woke up he saw Xing Chu Lin sleeping beside him as she placed her hand around his chest. The discomfort in his body hit him the moment he woke up. His temperature was still high as the fever hasn't subdued yet. Guang Wang Lei felt angry. He felt betrayed. He felt violated. He steered his eyes at the sleeping woman beside him. His fingers twitched violently, ready to grab her neck any moment. The sleeping woman did not show any signs of waking up. Her resting face still looked so devastatingly beautiful. Her long eyelashes did not move even a bit. She looked so innocent with her eyes closed like this. Just like how she was when they first met.

"Hehe! Now Lei Lei is mine."

Her honey sweet voice echoed in his mind for a brief second. Guang Wang Lei's eyes turned red. He clenched his hands into a fist, to stop them from flying out at Xing Chu Lin. When he stood up he almost fell on the ground. Staring at the sleeping woman he made a pained expression.

"Lin.....why was it you?"

Being as quiet as he could he left the room.

That was the first instance that happened. He almost destroyed a mountain after that to find release.

Since then he was drugged again multiple times. Although it never succeeded like the first time, he was still very disappointed with how the conflict has come to this point, where, he became the subject of their plotting. And perhaps, he himself was to be blamed. Right, he himself was the cause of this mess.

Guang Wang Lei moved out of his palace. He kept himself in isolation after that, restricting interaction with any of those harem members.

This was how he has come to live in this huge palace all alone by himself.

Yang Lu was the only person who would drop by from time to time.


"That woman she was here again." Yang Lu looked at his friend's current condition. He became the supreme ruler several years ago and yet look at him, remaining within such big walls all alone by himself.

Guang Wang Lei opened his eyes. The way his golden eyes would look at a person could make anyone tremble in fear. The magnitude his gaze held has changed over the years. His eyes became more distant. Somehow he became colder than before.

"She still didn't give up?"

"Don't worry. I won't let any of those women inside here." Yang Lu did not know about the exact details but he knew it must be something big for Guang Wang Lei to be so disgusted just with the mention of his harem.

Guang Wang Lei snorted. He felt an additional presence with Xing Chu Lin today. "Who is that child?"

Yang Lu was taken aback. How did he know?

"Your rumoured son."

His rumoured son? Guang Wang Lei raised his brow in amusement. That night, no matter how much Xing Chu Lin tried to get him to ejaculate, he was sure his body did not find any release. Because he was sick at that time, his body was frozen like a boiling iron rod.

So where did this son of his pop out from?

Yang Lu followed him to a room. They sat down and talked for a while.

According to the Infromation Yang Lu had, the order to dissolve his harem was obviously rejected by the empress and the other women. They were holding onto it too tightly, refusing to let go no matter what. As for the matter concerning the rumoured son, it was not Guang Wang Lei's. That child was a spitting image of Xing Chu Lin. Except that he had red hair. Based on the timeline he was born, it was indeed believable for anyone to agree that the child was Wang Lei's. If not for the truth of another man being that child's father, this rumoured lie indeed had the potential to be real.

Guang Wang Lei felt even more disappointed after learning about the truth. Xing Chu Lin, she was trying her best to secure the throne. She has indeed changed a lot.

The rift between them could never be mended.

"If she wants the throne so badly maybe I should give it to her and that child." With a light chuckle he made this joke. But deep down, only he knew that he wasn't joking. If it could being him peace then he didn't mind giving away a measly throne.

Yang Lu gave him a glare. "You are the only reason this world is not at war. Do you know what will happen if you were to abdicate? Goodness. Don't even make a joke like that. I will handle them for you. You just keep the throne to yourself."

He saw the man he was scolding close his eyes as he leaned back in his seat. Yang Lu shook his head helplessly. Besides, if Xing Chu Lin's greed lies only with the throne things would have been easier. But her greed lie with Guang Wang Lei. Yang Lu had seen how obsessed she has become with this man.

He stood up and walked towards the door. But before leaving he turned around to add something.

"That child, you should see him once."

"Because he could be my son?"

"The chances of him being your son is zero to none. When you see him you will understand why I said this." Saying so he left.

His rumoured son. What an amusing lie. Guang Wang Lei didn't understand what Yang Lu meant by saying that he should see that child once.


Once when he met the little kid he immediately understood it.

The tiny little kid stood outside his palace gate on a pouring day.

He looked so tiny and small as if he would pour down along with the rain water.

Just like Yang Lu had said, the kid had a similar hair colour to him. His face was just like Xing Chu Lin's younger self. Indeed. This lie held high potential. When he appeared before this little thing the tiny child looked up at him, with his mouth hanging open.

The wet clothes were sticking to the child's body revealing his thin stature.

Guang Wang Lei bent down. He stared at the kid's neck. Then his face. Picking him up he took him inside his palace. While he was walking inside he heard the child's stomach grumble with strange sounds.

This sound was very similar to the ones he used to make when he was still a child without a name.

He gave the child a change of clothes. Then he gave him some food to eat.

The red haired child looked very shy. But he still ate to his fill. During this time his eyes kept peeking at Guang Wang Lei.

So young and vulnerable. Guang Wang Lei could see his past self in this kid.

"What are you looking at? You have something to say?" He tried to be soft but his tone came out very cold.

The little red haired bun stopped eating. He just kept staring at Guang Wang Lei. His grey eyes with a lovely bluish touch were locked onto him.

"Are you really my father?"

The few first words he spoke was quite bold. Not bad.

"....." The answer was obviously no. But let's skip that for now.

"Are you treated well in that palace?" Guang Wang Lei asked the little kid back.

Those bruises on his small body, his skinny stature, this child was definitely malnourished.

The child withdrew his gaze. He looked down at the plate full of food. He wanted to eat more but his stomach was already so full.

Guang Wang Lei took notice of his behaviour. His lips twitched a bit. Then he asked the crucial question. "Is mommy scary?"

The little bun shook his head briefly.

"They are all scary."

He got the answer he wanted. Guang Wang Lei was now sure that this child was definitely being abused.

And not just by one person.