Well.....the two made out for some time. Although they didn't do the real thing, Nulis was very much satisfied with the thing they did with each other. His starving sexual desire was somehow taken care of. After that day the two started to touch each other more often. They would make out in the bed sometimes and do some naughty things. Everytime this happened, Nulis would feel very fulfilled. The first time they slept naked together, Nulis was so excited to see Danyi's body underneath. When he did see it, he almost had a nosebleed. Little pervy Nulis couldn't contain himself when he saw the huge groin in between those two legs. Shamelessly, he stretched his hands and touched that huge thing with his two hands. He was so engrossed with the thing in his hands that he did not see Danyi's face darken as he gazed down at Nulis.

After that, a certain someone was punished for his naughty hands by the huge guy. Although the punishment felt more like a reward for Nulis, who was pleasured to the point of begging for more until he was left satisfied with the steamy session they had together. Others might have learnt their lesson. But obviously Nulis did not, as he repeated the same action the very next night. Except that he used his mouth instead of his hands.

Just like this the couple began to take their relationship further and further into the next stage. The more they indulged the more Danyi was taken aback to discover a new side of Nulis. This guy...

Danyi would stare at the youth pressed down underneath him, his lips drenched in his saliva, his skin decorated with red kiss marks. The body lying beneath him felt very addictive.

Narrowing his eyes he would think to himself: "This little guy is so fucking sexy."

Since then their relationship was nothing but smooth sail.

"Tina has given birth to her child. Its a son."

"Wahhhh! Really?" Nulis exclaimed at the joyous news. He sprang up from the chair. "Let's go visit her."

Danyi stood up as well. "But before that, let's buy them something."

"Okay." Nulis exclaimed happily. He was very close with Tina. She felt more like an elder sister to him. Because of the way she spoke and took care of him sometimes gave Nulis the subtle feeling of having an elder sister. Its just that he forgot about them for a while because he was busy seducing Danyi. The last time he met her she was pregnant. And now, she has finally conceived her son. Time really flew fast.

When the two of them arrived the others were already there.

Yulis and the others saw their Teacher and Nulis coming.

"Oi you lovebirds. Finally remembered us?" Honk whistled at them, looking at Nulis with teasing eyes.

"Yes. We are so in love that sometimes we forget about this world." Nulis winked at Honk, replying shamelessly.

"Ohhhh." Some of them whistled at his brave answer.

"That's right teacher!" Someone agreed with him. It was Jason. "We almost thought we were forgotten again."

The rest of them giggled lightly. The atmosphere around them suddenly brightened somehow.

"Oi. Oi. Stop teasing them. It's understandable that they would want to spend time with each other."

"God. That reminds me again. Why am I still single?"

"Maybe its because you are getting old. Look, there is even a white strand of hair on you." Nulis joked, laughing lightly.

"Geez! Don't give me a heart attack." Hane sighed in relief when he realised it was a joke.

These people have gotten really close with each other now. Nulis and them would joke around every time they met, like close friends. He never thought this kind of warm atmosphere would greet him, kissing him with the bliss of meeting these people again. Everyone were pretty cheerful everytime they met. They went inside the room. Tina was on the bed, breastfeeding her baby. Her husband, Tiem was beside her, siting by the bed side.


"Nulis." Tina exclaimed when she saw them.

Nulis sat down by the bedside. He then tilted his head forward to see the face of little baby. Only the word red pink could describe how the baby looked like for now. His face, lips, cheeks and even his hands were tinted with red and pink blush.

"So? What did you name him?"

"Tim. We will call him Tim."

Geh. Nulis looked at Tiem, the father, with a rather pitiful look. "Tiem, you suck at naming."

Giggling lightly. "Right? I said the same thing. But he wouldn't listen. In the end Tim was chosen. I wanted to name him Ordell." Tina couldn't agree more.

Nulis clicked his tongue at Tiem. Turning to Tina, he then suggested. "Then why don't you use Ordell as his nickname?"

"Oh. Not bad."

With that Tim was given a second Nick name. The little guy was busy sucking his mommy's breast. Once he was done eating he let out a low cry. Tina hummed him to sleep.

After spending some hours everyone left to let the family have their own time together.

The next time Nulis and Danyi heard of the little guy, they came to knew of the chaotic Strom Tim brought with him. Every night was a disaster. Raising a child wasn't easy. Tina did an excellent job as a mother. But Tiem sucked. He tried his best and put his best effort but he still sucked. It took him sometime to learn how to change their son's undies and sing him to sleep. Heck, even Yulis did a better job compared to Tiem.

"Tina does make such a good mother. Now that I think about it, she treats me like a younger brother. Elm must have been treated like a child by her right?" Nulis exclaimed, breathing heavily.

Danyi pecked his lips. When he moved the guy underneath him let out a moan.

"What a time to talk about this kind of stuff. Do you even realise we are in the middle of something very important?" He moved his hips, thrusting them forward, into Nulis.

"Ah. Yes! That spot!! Touch it moreeee...." His toes curled up, feeling the pleasure reaching upto his brain. Danyi began to move faster, filling up every inch of his inside with his huge attacking gun.

The sound of frantic breathing filled the room. The bed kept creaking everytime the two bodies slapped against each other.

Danyi lifted the youth's hip off the bed. Placing his two hands on the waist, he began to push through the tight entrance gripping him.

"You know....huff...." He moaned speaking slowly. "Tina actually treated Elm like an elder brother. She used to be very cold and distant when she was young. Only Elm was able to control her. When it comes to mischief she was always the second naughtiest."

"~ahh~" Nulis could feel his brain going numb from pleasure. His sweet spot was being rubbed by the hard tip of the hot member inside him. It kept plundering his insides, making his body get hotter and hotter.

Huffing heavily he encircled his legs around Danyi's hips.

"The second? Then who was first?"

Danyi smirked. He pulled up the youth letting him settle down on his lap with his two smooth legs straddling him on both sides.

Nulis moaned happily. Feeling the hot member poking straight into his ass, its tip hitting the hilt of his hole, Nulis shivered with deepening arousal.

Danyi embraced him close to himself in this position. Their intimacy made their soul shudder intensely.

A low chuckle fell next to Nulis's ear.

"Of course, The first was you."


"Oh my god! ~Danyi~ More....." That was so romantic!!! Nulis squealed out loudly.

Their bodies melted into the drowning sweetness.

Sex was nothing but a heavenly feeling.

Nulis learnt that day that he was through and thoroughly a pervert for Danyi. When they were in bed he was unrestrained. While Nulis was the pervert begging for more.


"The bliss of having a love life is such a blessing. I am so lucky. Kyaaa..."

NOTE: Lets respect Nulis's decision. He is not elm but Nulis. So, yeah, his past doesn't matter. What matters is his present and the future. Because of this I won't be going further into Elm's past.

^ - ^