Licht is Cupid?

Adopting Licht was like more than a good luck charm in the house, more than a playful one until 3:00 am, he loved to sleep near both of us, and then in bed it was one day with me and another day with Kath and the days that he woke up a little later to go to work Cesarc would come for him, clearly this was still sad for Katy but you couldn't deny that a shared apartment and a somewhat big house obviously anyone would vote for the house.

Since Katy sometimes arrived stressed out by demanding clients, she would always joke with them and say

Ariana: Welcome home, mother cat, that's what I call you because you don't have a chick as a son, but you would be a mother hen.

Katyana: you invent everything... How is your day?

Ariana: I woke up next to a beautiful reddish tree and then Papa Cat came to get it. They should leave that custody thing in half.

Katyana: come on, you know I've only known Cesarc a few months, and besides, a relationship without knowing someone well... it's better to avoid that.

Ariana: Oops! Don't tell me to touch an old thorn. You still haven't healed that wound?

Logically, if silence said more than a word, it was understandable that now he was afraid to throw himself into a void, and not know if he'd fall into a moving place or a good mattress; it's been 10 years since that wound, but it left a mark that may not be easy to heal. Besides how Katyana is locked up in her fortress, she will not say how she really feels.

I decided to leave the subject and help her cook a delicious pasta with Bolognese sauce, some meatballs and pecorino cheese with a pineapple shake, I had brought donuts for dessert and bought some sweets for Licht.

As I still had my work, we went to our study table, each one on his laptop and we got up to date with the photos that Orlando asked us for his exhibition, he always told us how he wanted it and gave us an idea, the first time I met Orlando I screamed to the sky as he had a mania with Orochimaru and when I saw his cosplay I could only scream, Katyana likes to cosplay but she is more discreet.

Anyway, it took me some time to take him as a serious and hard-working man, the times I had my idea but he felt that they were missing something he would put it with Katyana and they were a little with Photoshop and other light retouching; or else we would ask him for 1 or 2 days to be able to make the order and do the exhibition.

He had 2 exhibitions, the first one was of pictures painted by him, from the most abstract to the most relaxing places, but when he wanted curious mixtures he would just shape them or retouch them with our photos, he would print them in big size and exhibit them, in the photos models could appear whether they were famous with their permissions or people passing by on the street, of course some laughed but others agreed and then he would give them their share unless they agreed to do it for free.

Seeing her so concentrated gave me a break to copy Renji, so talking to her and things about work, he didn't care about the time, but he answered me in a lively way and even though he always apologized, he would tell her later what had happened, after telling her about Katy, he would only send me sighing messages and would say

Renji's message: Sometimes it is not that she ignores your question or pretends not to care, the problem is that just by starting to talk about it you remove many things, emotions, images, words that can be happy or sad; she does it because of that man she considers that she is very little -somehow long pauses- that is why she moves away all men and even if she treats them with kindness she makes them understand with her gestures that only with her they will suffer.

Message from Ariana: But.... How can we help her, I think that because of me she locked herself in her strength.

Message from Renji: Hahaha don't be silly, we'll help her as always Ari, being there for her, you'll see that when she's ready she'll tell you everything and let someone else help her heal that wound. In spite of the years, he still blames himself for wasting years on something that even if he tried hard was never going to have a happy ending -awkward pause- well... for him I do believe it was happy.

Message from Ariana: You mean he's just like that? -confused-

Message from Renji: Uh... well... as I heard, yes, he met another girl a few months later and I think he married that girl. I preferred to leave it at that and not tell Katy anything. Hey don't tell her that because of my anger I sent him to investigate and I found that out.

Message from Ariana: my lips are sealed. Thanks a lot Renji.

After that she told me to leave it at that since there was still time and there was no need to rush, I understood that even though he was exhausted he agreed to tell me that and his that I felt partly bad thanked her, it's true that we've been friends for years, but she knew how to hide her pain and help me in mine. I decided to follow Renji's advice "When she is ready I will be there for her".

After a few hours of helping her in the pictures and then going to bed, I tossed and turned and while thinking about Renji and what happened today, I understood that Renji did the same thing he would have done if he had known, but .... would he really be able to tell her the truth, the decision Renji made was the most correct as that could be an even greater wound for Kat and I least want to see her suffer.

I understood that if I wanted to help Kat I had to do one or two maneuvers since I considered that Cesarc was a good match and could be the right man for her, then while I fell asleep I said to myself "it was good to talk to him, I feel that Cupid is smiling at me, can you imagine that Licht is Cupid" I laughed at what I was wondering but deep down I wanted to see him like that.