Match 27

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Alex asked Luke. 

No one could overlook the concerning look he had on his face. His motion of taking Alex's hands in his shocked the younger but he didn't try to remove them from his grip. He liked the warmth they provided. After a while he felt a caring touch and that made his heart flutter. 

Luke stayed silent for a while almost like he wanted to build up the tension. In reality though he was trying to best way to reveal to him that they were mates without shocking him or scaring him. Yes, it was clear that Alex liked Luke but being mate was more than just a simple crush. It was an eternal bond. An oath of love that surpassed the laws of mortality and that could scare someone so you as Alex, especially the thought of being with the same person your entire life if you never had any relationship experience must cause a lot of anxiety.