Match 75

"Listen to me Alex, honestly I don't think That Theseus did it. Why don't you ask him?" Mark told Alex once he helped him get back to the bed. The green eyed boy looked at him like he wasn't fully listening to what he was saying. His eyes had started to haze and his eyelids seemed heavy. Of course he was exhausted,

"Why does everyone end up lying to me?" He mumbled as he was slowly losing all of his strength. "I am so stupid" 

"No that's not it you…" he began saying but Alex had fallen asleep. He didn't know how he could just sleep soundlessly after all these emotions but in his condition even that could be straining his energy. Mark would want to run around and punch people. Maybe he should, he told himself and headed outside. 

He carefully closed the door trying not to make any noise and he scoffed as he saw Luke sitting on the floor, his arms resting on his knees. He was still dirty but he kept sitting there with zero intention to leave.