warning: slight gore

"Asmodeus help me!" He shouted in distressed, his face filled with tears. 

"What is in it for me?" he immediately heard the man ask. He was standing at the doorframe, waiting as he smiled viciously. 

"Anything! I will do anything!" Mark shouted. 

He didn't have to say anything else. He heard his footsteps as he came in and in just a few seconds the wolf looked like it was flying in the air. He had grabbed it from its nape, raising it like it was a feather and he had thrown it on the wall outside. The beast broke the wall, as its wounded body slid to the ground. He looked at the demon king with tired eyes, fear in them as it couldn't move any more. The werewolf was already wounded when it found Mark, that brutal throw would certainly make everything worse. Mark stood up in a hurry, finally managing to control his body and followed Asmodeus.