He was asleep. He had been like that for a while now. Silently laying on that bed, frowning from time to time as if he was having a bad dream. It was probably the first time he visited his room. It was simple, big but with a few stuff. A big bed with a beautiful carved sky, a round bathtub made of rose quartz and a corner couch, colored in a very light beige. 

Mark was standing on the side of the bed, his eyes examining carefully the new markings on Asmodeus' body. Chains, restraints. That's what they were and those led to Mark, the one who somehow had all the power in their relationship right now. The demon moved and slowly opened his eyes revealing his heterochromia. Black and yellow, both colors beautiful staring right into his face. He smiled gently and sat up, rubbing them for a bit so he could wake up.

"Hey" Asmodeus said, his voice low and raspy. "What are you doing here?" He asked.