A young and angry prince named Ardreth (side story)

After many years...

There was a young man in Allias' garden. Not fully a man but still definitely not a boy. He was seventeen years old, tall with a sculptured tanned body, golden curls that fell lazily on his forehead and rested on his shoulders while his eyes behind the shone a vibrant green. He was dressed in withe he wore golden cuffs on his arms and ankles. His right hand was raised in the air, his steady hand gripping a long and heavy spear. He took a deep breath, facing the sun behind the tree that stood hundred of meters away and then he let go.

The sharp object traveled, slitting the air and landed right in the middle of the tree trunk. A cocky grin appeared on the teens face, as he wiped his hands, ready to head towards his spear. He wanted to take it out of the tree trunk and shoot again but he was stopped by an annoyed voice that belonged to a familiar girl.