.Waiting for you..

Seui felt as if a chill was running down his spine when the gaze drilled into him. He lost his balance and almost kissed the earth passionately, and the one who caused him to trip in the first place swiftly stepped aside, without even bothering to help him. With his seventeen-year experience of being clumsy and tumbling almost everywhere, Seui managed to spare himself the humiliation with a few scrapes and an almost-sprain.

"Pay attention to where you're going" hearing the voice of the man, he raised his line of sight and almost didn't manage to breathe. The man had glowing porcelain skin and his jet black eyebrows made him look sharp and detached. His eyes that appeared like starlight in a bottomless well looked even colder at the moment. But none this was the most striking thing, it was his ethereal beauty that possessed a non-human perfectness. Seui sighed inwardly, what a pity! even peerless beauties have personality problems these days, it must be because it's foul to be so heartbreakingly beautiful!

Although he too yearned for beauty, it wasn't to the point where he'd disregard every other thing. So Seui's interest in this ethereal youth couldn't sustain much. It was a good thing to help somebody in need, but at the same time it was normal not to help, and since this was not a capital crime, he decided not to bear grudges over insignificant things." I apologize for the inconvenience " he said to the man in a neutral voice bypassing smoothly as if he didn't notice the scrutinizing glance etched in his bewitching features.

At the moment he had more pressing affairs, and his mental gears were turning as the Prius entered a huge line of traffic. In his original world, he was a student who was about to sit for finals in a mere week or two and due to the huge pile of work, he was eager for a little free time. So as one of his favorite hobbies, reading novels took prominence in this period and he almost finished one book per day in his little free time, sometimes even sacrificing his academics for the next chapter. Of course, this included a variety of odd novels with all the impossible things happening in them.

So, at the moment he was immersed in the thoughts of discovering golden-fingers and some fantastic face-slapping and having a protagonist halo, until he discovered a major problem. His family's unfilial system doesn't seem to have appeared yet! It's already been quite some time since he transmigrated, but there wasn't a single clue about it! He was barely able to console himself after a few minutes, to wait a bit more for the system while grumbling in his heart.

Finally, after he had almost burned a considerable amount of his brain cells, he turned his head toward the window and tried to observe his surroundings. After looking carefully for a few seconds, he discovered a strange thing. They were still at the starting point, stuck in traffic! But this was not the most disturbing thing, the considerable amount of buildings and roads looked considerably weird. They were quite advanced and gave a more productive and efficient feeling. Even the cleanliness there was totally different from the dusty room he first saw. He somehow felt like a country bumpkin who came to the city for the first time. While he was considering the newfound issues of technology difference, he saw a somewhat familiar nanny car bypassing them disregarding the traffic, it looked high-tech, unlike his earthy-Prius. Since it had tinted shutters, he didn't notice the disgusting glance he received from the other side. The vehicles around opened a pathway for the nanny car and it quickly disappeared from his line of sight. As he was from a noble and VIP family before his transmigration, Seui was quite familiar with this kind of thing. So he quickly understood that it was probably a well-respected person who was in the nanny car.

It took about another twenty minutes for them to arrive at a relatively normal apartment building. There were lots of people going in and out of the building which looked quite affordable and not high-end. So, probably the original's economic situation wasn't that ideal. After parking the car at the underground parking lot, Eir walked Seui absent-mindedly to unit 406 and said " Then take a rest brother Sol, you have a vacation for a week. I'll be going now " saying up to here he looked somewhat guilty and added " if you need something you can come to my unit at any time "Then he took the lift to go upward leaving Seui in front of unit 406. So he lives in the same apartment... Seui muttered to himself before discovering a rather difficult problem. So what's the password to the unit ah? this doesn't have a keyhole okay? He didn't want to stand in front of the door awkwardly!