.We’re already a couple (II)

The ever chaotic meal once again retained its peaceful exterior. On the surface everyone was making small talk here and there, but in truth, they were paying attention to Sol one way or another. Marshal Leos was the same. Seeing that Sol has nearly finished having dinner, he initiated a conversation, " How is Yinchen family head these days? I heard that he seemed to be worn-out due to weather"

"He's already in great health. Uncle doesn't have to worry " Seui answered politely. The last time he saw that so-called 'father' of his, he was in the mood to threaten and blackmail people. Where does it seem to be ill!

Marshal probably understood that their relationship wasn't that great, so he didn't insist any longer. He swiftly changed the topic " We're planning to have your ceremony in the next month after the Reuniting Souls festival. What do you think? Is there any setting that you especially have in mind or would you like to choose with us? We thought that since our families have already met, there was no need for a special banquet. So we're going to directly have a grand ceremony and we thought it's better to go along with you young people's preferences ..." with every word he spoke, marshal got more and more hyped up. If Seui didn't know any better, he would think the ceremony is for the marshal himself!

As for the marshal, he was determined to give everything he could for the future happiness of his son. Letting bygones be bygones, he was doing his level best as a qualified father for both of them.

Kind of baffled, Seui shook his head " I doesn't have anything in mind..mm.. maybe I'll join you?" he voice carried a faint uncertainty. Marshal was instantly resurrected full blood and even Genevieve joined the party eagerly, "we'll have a lot of shopping to do. Ginn will join us, we need somebody to carry the bags. There are many shops where I'm frequent...."

Seui's mind rang a bell when he heard the arrangements, 'hang on, why does this seem familiar. Mother-in-law accompanying the new daughter-in-law to shopping, yeah.. the next step seemed to be meeting enemies on a narrow road? then a verbal duel and showing off the daughter-in-law?' Seui shook his head in his mind ' what the h*ll is he thinking! it's not like there's anything to show off! but having the beauty carry their bags must be pretty fun!!'

The patriarch too wanted to join the fun, but seeing that it's pretty late and especially noticing Ginn's somewhat odd gaze, he had to intervene " we can discuss those things later, there're more important events at hand. We should let the newlywed couple enjoy their wedding night." he gave a teasing smile toward Gin who actually evaded his sight and coughed softly. Marshal came back to the earth suddenly "yeah.. look at me delaying your happy time, you should go rest soon"

Seui widened his eyes slightly 'no, is this really happening?! look at how Ginn gave a pretentious cough!!! I really don't get why they're so full of youthful spirit!!'


Absent-minded, Seui followed Ginn back to their room after bidding them good night.

Ginn slowly closed the bedroom door behind him, and turned to Seui. "I'll take a wash, you can change into pajamas till then... and wait for me before going to bed" He disappeared into the bathroom in a blink of an eye.

Seui stood motionless staring in the direction of the bathroom with a blank look "this...this.." 'Did this guy really tell him to change to couple outfits and wait for him to go to bed together?!!! Is he really planning to have a wedding night?..no..why does this seem wrong somehow? shouldn't the script be 'the bashful couple go to bed cuddling cozily'? who performs their marital duties right on the spot?? shouldn't they at least give the 'shy spouse' some time to adapt???'

Seui finally decided to distract himself by harassing Yew! Serves this guy right for sending him stupid voice messages! As for the fact that he rescued Seui from impending danger, who cares about it!

Innocent Yew who found himself being bombarded by Seui's furious messages: "Wasn't this for your own good ? although there might've been a slight overlook during the operation, it should be inconspicuous right?.. " T-T

After the mission was completed, Seui satisfactorily patted the non-existing dust and went to the wardrobe to inspect the so-called 'pajamas'. He wasn't planning to wear it at all, but he was going to take a look just in case, you know... He opened the wardrobe and stealthily peeped inside. The pajama on his side of the wardrobe was pale pink, almost close to white. The top was printed with an adorable fluff ball creature with a rosy and long tongue. On Ginn's side was the pajama in the same style but pale blue color. In the fluff ball's place was an orb, with the same striking tongue.

" this..this.... so shameful" how can a big man wear a top with fluffballs! why wasn't his the same as Ginn!... wait, that doesn't seem right either...

All of a sudden, a fresh scent assaulted Seui's nose, like snow on the pine branches in distant mountains, swept away by the cold wind, pure yet elegant. A cool breath sounded beside his ear " you haven't changed yet?"

Seui vigilantly turned around and came into contact with Ginn's flawless face up close. Several strands of hair were dangling in front of his smooth forehead, almost covering his sharp brows. His porcelain skin was glowing after the shower, but the most brilliant was his bright eyes. Looking at those eyes Seui felt uncomfortable and wanted to retreat, only to find that he was struck between the wardrobe and Ginn with nowhere to retreat. Even his side was blocked by the opened door of the wardrobe. 'how did this guy appear suddenly without any noise...' inwardly cursing, Seui averted his eyes and suddenly discovered that Ginn was only wearing a towel around his lower half! His healthy white chest and the well-defined abdominal muscles with a few water droplets on them were all exposed in front of Seui!!

Instantly, Seui felt goosebumps rising on his arms ' what the h*ll is this guy doing here with only a towel? is he trying to seduce me?! good thing that I'm a guy that doesn't blush! Even so, isn't this way too blatant??'

Noticing his confused eyes, Ginn motioned toward the wardrobe "I forgot to take the clothes before going to the shower "

Seui awkwardly nodded. 'So isn't it time to get out of my way and stop blocking me?'

But Ginn didn't seem like he has any plan to move away. He moved a bit more closer " so, why didn't you change? are you waiting for me to help you change?" Ginn raised an eyebrow with light dancing in his eyes.

Seui was stunned 'isn't he too shameless?' He resolutely refused, calm but unmoved " no, not at all. I'm not gonna wear that"

"Oh~" Ginn leaned forward, his nose almost grazing Sol's fair cheeks and stared straight into Sol's eyes. However, they were dull as always, without any luster. Even if he was this close to Sol, those eyes didn't reflect his figure in the least, giving others the illusion that they could never enter those bottomless eyes. Like somebody watching everything from afar, detached, and without any involvement. Ginn was purely trying to tease him at first, but seeing his impassive look made him curious. Ginn was very well aware of his charm and its effect on other people. He wanted to see how long Sol can remain like this!

So he fixed his gaze on Sol's angelic and unblemished face, deliberately enticing and excluding hormones exposing a touch of intentions. He intently gazed at those tender and flushed lips that glowed with moisture.

Ginn suddenly felt parched and unconsciously swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing. For a second, he almost lost control there, but then it occurred to him, 'wait, this is my legal spouse, we're legally married! there's nothing wrong with this! that's how it's supposed to be in the first place!' So, he slowly bowed his head and touched those alluring lips with his own.

Feeling the smooth and cool touch on his lips, Seui's eyes slowly widened. He was petrified in place, speechless and his mind totally blank. Only the gentle and sweet touch existed, crashing and short-circuiting his brain over and over again.

Ginn slowly drew Sol over, transferring his whole weight onto himself and supporting him. One of his hands slowly traced on Sol's back, while the other was laced through Sol's delicate left hand. None of the two noticed the mark that appeared bit by bit on Sol's left hand and finally disappeared as a whole with a faint light!


When Seui was starting to suffocate due to lack of air, he was finally released. It was then that his brain gradually started to come online. He looked up in a stupor only to realize that he was still leaning against Ginn's bare chest. He promptly stepped back almost knocking his head on the wardrobe!

Who had the leisure to care about such insignificant incidents! The point was that he was FORCIBLY KISSED!! 'Nah.... forget that, the most important thing is that his first kiss was just STOLEN!! The latter is much graver than the former!' even his fingers were trembling due to rage! He tightly clenched his hand that wanted to throw a few punches at the hooligan in front of him! But he stopped because he knew it was all useless. No amount of punches could return the first kiss he had preserved for seventeen years! None of the explanations could refund what he had lost!

The reason he had guarded his first kiss for seventeen years was not just because he was conservative. It was because he hated it. Such behaviors, intimate actions with other people, he plainly hated them. This was the reason he never had a relationship before. It is highly possible that even if he was to get married in his original world, he would still not have any intimacy with his spouse! So, now getting forcibly kissed, he was totally furious and even had the impulse to kill Ginn and erase all the evidences of this shameful incident!

Ginn looked at Sol whose eyes now had fire jumping out of them and knew he is really angry this time. He knew he had inevitably lost control of himself, but it was too late to regret. The best he could do was to pacify Sol somehow, which looked pretty impossible at the first glance.

Seui gave Ginn an icy look while narrowing his eyes "explain?"

Ginn just stared at his ruby lips that had been kissed red and the ear tips that had unknowingly flushed pink and slowly opened his mouth " what's wrong? we're already a couple, shouldn't it be natural to kiss each other? besides, it's still our wedding night. Are you perhaps being shy?" Ginn tilted his head to the side.

Seui slowly articulated word by word " Ginn Heilong, you should be careful " 'otherwise who knows when I will kill you...' he slowly added in his heart before turning to the bed. ' he had enough of this guy's antics already, it's better to get some sleep than arguing with fools!' He simply occupied more than a half of the bed and turned toward the wall, letting his back face Ginn. 'who cares how he sleeps?'

Ginn didn't plan to infuriate him any further and started to quickly change. Glancing at the back of the person, he had an indescribable feeling. He remembered that when they were kissing, he had felt a rare peacefulness, like something incomplete finally being complete, like finding a water spring in the middle of a desert, the kind of feeling that went deep into his soul, fulfilling and tranquil.

He suddenly remembered the thing that Professor Enoch had mentioned before " having physical relationships " he wondered if this could be counted as a physical relationship? If so, shouldn't his powers be disturbed by now? He made up his mind to inquire further about this later, and whether Sol would be uncomfortable if he was to have physical relationships with him. After all, he had already made up his mind to accept Sol as his spouse now...