.Power of darkness?

The whole breakfast table was utterly silent with only the sound of Sol and Yew chattering away. Even the old marshal was concentrating on their conversation while his breakfast was abandoned at a side becoming cold. Yew served himself a bowl of soup 'intimately' and scooped a spoonful before anyone had time to stop him.

Tasting the plain soup, he cast an inexplicable glance at Seui who had emptied half of it alone " Are you having indigestion? is that why you're having light meals?"

"Ah?" Seui widened his eyes in confusion. It's true that he had indigestion sometimes, but that's definitely not the case now. So what's this about light meals? He suddenly paused ' hang on, they're not serving him light dishes because of 'that', are they? holy sh*t! the problem is that they definitely didn't do 'that'!! but how is going to explain it to them? Is he going to say « Excuse me madam, but I did not make love with your son last night, so your porridge is not useful for me. However thank you for your hospitality » and promise to work hard???' Seui expressionlessly lowered his head and continued drinking the soup.

Yew was confused by his attitude and wondered 'is the soup really that delicious? could it be that I'm too stupid to recognize its excellent craftsmanship?' He took another sip cautiously and silently discarded it to the side.

Ginn who was watching them from the side, narrowed his eyes 'this Yew is too incomprehensible, not only does he calls frequently disturbing their private lives but also ran to their door now!' He used to think that this might have something to do with his accidental marriage contract, but now it doesn't seem to be the case any longer. So what might be his intention really?

Ginn turned to Yew with a measuring glance " so, what can be the purpose of your sudden visit without any prior notice ?"

"Sol and I made an appointment yesterday, I'm here to pick him up. Ah yeah.. and he will be staying at my place for a few days. That's okay, right?" Yew announced in a nonchalant manner while looking at Ginn, obviously without any room for negotiations or refusals.

Seui slightly raised one eyebrow. 'staying at his place for a few days?' how come he didn't know? However, he made no oppositions. He too had felt that it was too dangerous for him to stay here when his power could go out of control at any time. It was better to stay with Yew for the time being. As for returning, those things will be considered after his power became stable!

All the faces around the table turned grim once again ' so Yew was here to cause them trouble indeed! but who gave him the courage to abduct their new son-in-law? how can they be separated right after their wedding night? does this even make any sense?'

Ginn was the first one to oppose him. " I'm sorry, but that can't be done. He's my legal spouse and we're on our honeymoon period, it wouldn't be appropriate for him to stay somewhere else in this case." his nerves were tense and he tried his best to prevent his expression from leaking out. Others were totally egging him on their minds 'yeah, tell him what, Ginn has the absolute right to refuse on behalf of Sol! Don't let him take your beautiful spouse away!!'

Yew instantly frowned in disapproval "in that case, shouldn't you respect your spouse's wishes? How can you be narrow-minded enough to stop him from having fun and restricting his freedom? It seems that you don't try to understand Sol, he's been looking forward to this very much, how can you have the heart to disappoint him?" a melancholic look shrouded over Yew's cheerful face, making him look heartbroken at Sol's plight. Then he turned over to poke Sol " isn't that so Saucers? tell him"

Seui glanced speechlessly at him 'bro, your words are nice, but aren't you afraid that your mischievous behavior will expose your exaggeration ?' He decided to assist him a bit considering that he worked so hard for him!

Seui turned in Ginn's direction and promised with an absolutely loyal look that carried a hint of hopelessness "I'll come back very soon" then he lowered his head pitifully.

Ginn couldn't stand his ground any longer. Now that Sol has expressed his desire to go, if he insists any longer he will appear to be an inconsiderate husband. So although he felt like he had a toothache, he still gave Yew an insincere smile " alright then" then he turned to Sol "call me when you need me, I'll come to pick you up "

"Hmm" Seui nodded with a smile tugging at his mouth. Seeing this, Ginn instantly felt petrified, his slight smile was very charming, he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if he really smiled! He suddenly felt that letting him go to Yew's place wasn't a total loss after all! He still got to see his alluring smile that would've been impossible otherwise!


Seui came downstairs carrying a backpack that hadn't been unpacked ever since he stepped foot in here. All the things that really belonged to him were in here, they could be held in a single backpack, carrying out the same way they were carried in.

Genevieve looked at him with a slight sadness, he was going out even before they got close with each other. But since Ginn has spoken, there was nothing she could do. So she repeatedly told him to take care of himself and to call them if there was anything he needs. Old marshal and marshal Leos wanted to send a few bodyguards with him but was refused by Yew telling him that he had plenty of them and he'll take care of everything. They finally had no choice but to agree.

Ginn stood there expressionlessly for a while. He felt extremely dissatisfied when he saw that Sol was carrying his backpack back. Finally suppressing his gloom with effort, he walked over to Sol "you must come back within three days, and make sure to call me everyday" He raised his hand and ruffled Sol's silky hair before adding "and be sure take of yourself well"

Seui was dumbfounded with this reluctant-to-part act. When did their relationship become so good to the point of calling each other every day and reporting daily itineraries? But seeing that he will not meet him for a few days, Seui temporarily became generous and nodded obediently. After all, it's not like he can refuse Ginn when all the elders of the Heilong family are watching them! Not letting the opponent grasp his handles is one of his professional ethics as a transmigrator!

Unable to bear watching this anymore, Yew dragged him out leaving behind a sentence "hurry! Somebody is waiting for you there, you'll definitely be happy when you see him. Bye uncles and aunts, we'll see you later!"

After they've 'picked up the gang of bodyguards waiting for them at the entrance, they got into a luxurious car that had the general outlook of a Maybach, but was much more advanced. It felt like he was test-driving future auto show designs! After they got in, Seui asked with curiosity " who did you say was waiting for me?"

Yew sighed helplessly "why do I feel you're quite innocent sometimes, I was just saying it by the way cause you kept dawdling. But if you want to know who's waiting for you, it's easy to guess. Isn't it our tutor who's looking forward for his new student?"

Seui twitched his mouth for a moment before lowering his voice "never mind, there's actually something else I've been curious about for some time, why don't you people have mechas, flying cars and robots? shouldn't 3020 have them?"

Yew squinted "think about it, those things will only be made if the brainy people with too much leisure have weird ideas suddenly. But the thing here is that those kinds of people have abilities, so they can fly themselves and do all kinds of odd jobs with a flick of their fingers. So, such things aren't really necessary here. Besides, there are actually some of those things here, but they're only used by nobles. Didn't you see any of them in the Heilong family?" Yew had an unbelievable look and sighed "but then again, there might not be any actually. That family is too aristocratic! But if you're wondering about the technological development that should've occurred in the last thousand years, there had been a lot of natural disasters and the humans almost went extinct. Where did they have the time for technology development?"

Seui nodded thoughtfully "that sounds reasonable indeed" Then he suddenly thought of something "that ... how are you going to convince your family to keep me there? Don't you feel you're too impulsive?"

Yew checked the time in a hurry "Nah, not impulsive. They'll give me everything I'll need. They're the ones who suggested taking you here. It's just that there's something else that you must worry about.." he had a painful expression on his face like someone being sentenced to death.

"We're late for the old man's class, that stinky old man is probably going to throw a temper tantrum today. It's a pity that you're late to the class on the first day, your future is probably gonna be dark..."

Seui had a confused look "I thought he's a tutor specially hired for you? how can they throw tantrums when they're being paid? isn't he afraid of losing his salary?"

"Indeed, but the thing is that old man is a respected ability user with a lot of fame. He wouldn't agree to be a tutor if not for the fact that he owed my father a favor. So his temper is very stinky and nobody could do anything about it. Besides, there are thousands of people wanting to be his disciple despite his temper, so we need to cherish the opportunity !"

"That's fine, but why do I feel it's different from the tutor you described earlier who's 'looking forward to his new student' very much??" Seui narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"Heheh, why do I feel they're particularly the same?" Yew said evading his eyes and looking out of the pentagonal shutter. "What are doing crawling on the road? Hurry up, or we'll be dead today " he urged the driver sweating profusely.


After they arrived, before Seui could even get off properly he was dragged out of the car by Yew to a studio at the corner of the yard. Although it was a studio, it was built from a glistening material that looked very strong and steady at the first glance and it covered a rather huge area. Looking over, Seui inwardly praised the one who designed the studio, it indeed seemed suitable to practice abilities. Otherwise, who knows if the tragedy that happened to his apartment will be repeated! He didn't have any deposits to pay the compensation, and he definitely couldn't wash dishes to pay it off right?!

When they entered, Seui saw the side view of an old man sitting on a luxurious chair, slowly enjoying tea. He had pure white hair distributed unevenly and a permanent crease on the forehead, between his brows. His sitting posture was still elegant, especially resembling a school director that would deliberately go looking for mistakes! That is to say, he had a very strict but scholarly aura.

"Excuse us, Mr. Declan, there was a lot of traffic on the way. So, we'll come in" Yew spoke in a slightly pitiful voice. Just that the so-called Mr. Declan never ate the set. He quietly continued enjoying the tea, without sparing them a single glance.

Yew thickened his skin and considered no objection as the consensus and went to a seat next to Mr. Declan, dragging Seui by the way. Still, the tutor said nothing.

After a few minutes has passed Mr. Declan inadvertently glanced up and spotted Seui who was sitting there without any noise. He scrunched his brows for a moment as if recalling something and asked Seui in confusion " who are you?"

Before Yew could do anything, Seui had already blurted out subconsciously "I'm your new student ".

Looking at Mr. Declan who's eyebrows had already jumped five feet high, Yew silently palmed his forehead.