.There’s a hint of energy on him..

Everyone suddenly stiffned. Sol absolutely doesn't mind going back and forth, absolutely not! Why did you have to be so impatient!! Mrs. Zishan who was totally clueless about the situation cheerfully joined "I was coming back from shopping when I noticed an unfamiliar car stopped in front of the entrance. Then I saw Ginn getting out of it and he told me that he's here to meet you two. So I brought him here."

Seui offered an awkward smile "why trouble auntie , I was just about to pick him up"

"No trouble at all" Mrs. Zishan weaved very enthusiastically "you guys can catch up, I'll ask a maid to send you refreshments. So enjoy your time here" she hurried toward the kitchen intending to choose some extravagant desserts for the rare visitor.

Now that Mrs. Zishan went away , an stifling atmosphere began to permeant among the remaining people. Finally it was Yew who decided to shoulder the heavy burden considering that he's still the host. Now that Ginn was already here , he bit the bullet and invited him in "well, why don't you have a seat?"

Upon hearing this , it was not only one who secretly sulked. Seui felt like it was a heavy pressure trying to act normal when they could be exposed at any time while Mr. Declan was unhappy thinking that his lesson has been disturbed. Even Yew instantly regretted it the moment those words left his mouth thinking that he should have taken them to the living room. Not to mention Ginn who turned inexplicable noticing the rigid and perfunctory welcome. Wasn't this supposed to be a sweet reunion of parted lovers?

Back then he was about to call Sol when he suddenly thought of increasing their feelings together for the 'future duties and responsibilities'. So on a whim he decided to visit Sol in Zishan mansion and immediately put his plan into action. Didn't the idol dramas always recommend this kind of 'running to see him discarding everything whenever you thought of him'?? Even his family was excited and fully supported it!!!Now why do the things didn't happen quite the way there're supposed to be??

However in the end , all of them ended up sitting in the 'classroom' while Mr. Declan very naturally took seat in front of them like he was going to start lecturing them on 'what should you be careful when answering structural questions' at any second. Both Yew and Seui sweated a bit looking at that and very tactically pretended oblivious.

Of course Ginn was by no means a fool. He instantly felt that there was something not quite fitting here and targeted on the old man who was sitting on the podium with a glass box on his table, who was the most inconsistent with the current atmosphere.He carefully examined him for a few seconds and was shocked 'my goodness, isn't this Mr. Declan, the famous powerhouse of the empire who has made great contributions ? Even for a person as powerful as the marshal has very few opportunities to meet him since Mr. Declan is widely known for being a recluse. So what is this esteemed elder doing here looking very out of place??' Straightening his composure , Ginn stood up and went to greet meet Mr. Declan "Mr. Declan, it's quite the pleasure to meet you. I wonder why Mr. Declan is here?"

Feeling a crisis, Seui quickly volunteered to explain " Mr. Declan is Yew's mentor. He's here to tutor Yew on his parents request "

"Indeed. You're Ginn right?" Mr. Declan quickly affirmed. He too was quite shocked after recognizing the youngster in front of him, isn't he marshal Leos's son? He remembered that they had met once before. At that time , Ginn was quite young and his sensible and polite demeanor has left a strong first impression on Mr. Declan. Back then, he had felt that the child would grow into a fine young man without a doubt in the future. So the current situation somewhat confused him. Did they just tell he was the spouse of Sol? How come he didn't hear before the news of marshal's son getting married? Besides why do both of his students seemed have a bad impression on Ginn?

While Mr. Declan was contemplating, Ginn replied " Mr. Declan remembers me? That's a honor " they continued their chit-chat while the other two was abandoned to the side.

Looking at Ginn who was happily conversing with his mentor, Seui involuntarily turned sour "what the h*ll ! Wasn't he supposed to visit me? Look at how I've been abandoned to the side! Is this a cannon fodder aura?!!"

Yew who heard him draped an arm over Seui's shoulder "forget about that scummy husband, look at me ! See how I've abandoned my own husband to be with you!..." he wanted to continue emphasizing his good points , but suddenly felt Seui's shoulder blades nudging into his arm painfully. Yew promptly withdrew his arm and complained "why are you so bony? It almost pierced my skin!"

Seui speechlessly turned to him "are you in any position to complain?"...not only they're his bones, but his new body is quite skinny too okay?

At this time they heard Ginn asking Mr. Declan ".....what is in this glass box?" which froze both Yew and Seui on the spot. F*ck!! they've forgotten to stuff the box away!!! This was all because their mentor was guarding the box when they haphazardly piled the things into the cupboards!!! God, this is a terrible mistake!!!

Mr. Declan was unaware of Ginn's sly brain and didn't feel anything wrong and didn't take any action when Ginn peeped inside. The other two was helpless and could only stand to the side praying that he won't discover anything amiss.

"Is this Esmia abei?" Ginn asked in surprise. Not only this is extremely rare but it can't be easily brought. "Are you appraising somebody's power?" he asked looking curious. Then he noticed a strange point. This sprout is still fresh, meaning that it must be taken out of a orb very recently, but in here there wasn't any orbs or orb shards nearby. He felt it was a bit suspicious. Because judging from the state of the heart of orb, it is obvious that there would at most be three minutes between the time it was taken out up to now. So unless someone's deliberate there would be clues around naturally.

On the side Seui also discovered a strange point. It seems that Ginn recognized it so quickly?! This means that Ginn is very familiar with this kind of thing!!! It's probably not the kind of seeing once or twice!!! To Seui who was a modern day transmigrator , this plant looks nothing but the kind of weeds that grows everywhere. Even if he stared a week at it he may not be able to tell it apart from an ordinary weed, not to mention that the one there was only a sprout!! It is not because he's plant-blind or anything , because it's plain impossible!!! So Ginn recognizing this Esmia abei at first glance was suspicious no matter how you look at it!!

"Yes, it's indeed the heart of orb you have a very discerning eye. Unless it's a plant ability, normal people can hardly see the difference in it. I brought it for Yew to practice activating and channeling power" Mr. Declan gave an interesting glance at Ginn. This young man seems not so simple! Maybe his students really knew how to judge people?

Seui was grateful that the old man knew how to glosś over things. He somehow managed to cover the situation without bringing out his name!Unfortunately he didn't know that his so called husband has already started to suspect things!

Just at this moment, few maids came in carrying plates of refreshments. They placed them and withdrew silently. However their appearance broke the subtle tension in the atmosphere and everything became normal once again on the surface.

Soon they can be seen enjoying the refreshments around a table. The maids even had prepared Mr. Declan his favorite tea. Considering that he was an acquaintance of Yew's parents, it is understandable that they knew his preferences. Obviously pleased with the special care , Mr. Declan sipped his tea with satisfaction.The topics turned around and Ginn was sitting almost attached to to Seui when others noticed it.

Ginn covertly ran his fingers through Seui's silver hair tips. "When are you going to change back to your previous look?" He asked in a low voice. Seui who heard this was momentarily confused "why are you asking this now?"

Mr. Declan who was enjoying tea nearby heard this and suddenly had a bad taste in his mouth. For Sol to retain his previous appearance at his level , he must switch powers. That is to say , he must use the power of darkness which is absolutely not a good thing. Doing so might endanger the life of his new apprentice which is not something he wanted to see. So as his mentor, he decided that he might as well offer a helping hand. "Silver eyes are actually good looking on him. This looks much more powerful than the previous porcelain doll look" he suggested openly.

"That's what I'm taking about ! You don't look so much of a sissy anymore. This is absolutely the ticket" Yew who knew the backstory supported his mentor energetically while nodding his head.

Seui looked at them with helplessness. He couldn't decide whether to be grateful to them or be angry with them. Who supports people like this? You're not taking advantage of the opportunity to defame me right?!!

Thinking of not wasting their so called hard work , Seui turned to Ginn and asked in a slow melodious voice " you don't like it ? I...I like the silver very much" he slowly lowered his eyes as if in a dilemma.

Ginn slowly sighed. Though he very much wanted to say that your previous look is very much lovely and cute, he endured it faintly touched Sol's cheek "it's fine , you can keep the style you like. But you must promise me one thing, come home with me today alright? Father , mother , grandpa , uncle , everybody is waiting for you" he slowly rubbed Sol's elastic and cool cheek with a finger "me too". Then he calmly withdraw his hand and raised his eyes to stare directly into Sol's eyes that are a bit transparent now.

Seui almost didn't breath. This...this...why is he getting more and more brazen!! Why is he doing this kind of thing in broad daylight? Did you perhaps forget that there's still other people at the table??!! When did my old mentor's and my poor friend's presence become so insignificant?!!!

Yew the megawatt light bulb almost hitched his breath in the throat! Ginn...this dude!! Openly seducing people like this!! Good thing that the recipient was his bro Seui, the thousand year old ice block!! If it was another person, there's no way that the security can be guaranteed!!!

Even the old mentor had a sour face, he's not a single dog okay, so don't try to stuff dog food here! But why did he inexplicably feel a bit lonely?? This must be an illusion!

As for Ginn, yeah , he did it on purpose! Otherwise, he was afraid that arguing with Yew will be no use at all ! He could never take back Sol this way, so in-spite of arguing with this unreasonable fellow, he used a classic approach! This is the main reason why he compromised with Sol !!! Now let's see who can stop him !!


Seui stood in a corner apparently saying goodbye to Yew and Mr. Declan. Needless to say , Ginn has indeed succeeded , nobody could stop him in the face of the young man who was 'desperately missing' his newly married spouse. Although Yew obviously didn't eat this set , he couldn't act all that arbitrary in front of parents. So he ultimately had to bid goodbye while swearing about Ginn under his breath.Even Mr. Declan was finally able to recognize some of the evil values of Ginn and secretly warned Seui when he was ready to leave.

"You should be a bit careful. When we were chatting over there I noticed something strange about him. There is a hint of energy leakage around him. He might not be as harmless as he appears...."

Both Yew and Seui suddenly turned stiff after hearing this.