The Void. A mysterious place that most entities don't even know of it. Inside this vast expanse of nothingness, a small soul was floating through it without a destination.
This soul's name was Yuki. Yuki was lost in his thoughts, thinking about his life up until this point.
Yuki was always a curious boy growing up, but that came with a small problem. He would always find his curiosity piqued in something, but once Yuki figured out how it worked or mastered the skill, he would lose all interest. Of course, Yuki's parents were happy that their child was such a genius, but that changed when he started school.
Throughout his schooling career, Yuki held absolutely no interest in his school work, having already surpassed the level required for it. His parents got him to pick up a few hobbies and interests, which sated his curiosity for quite a while, especially considering how time-consuming some hobbies are. From painting and singing to martial arts, Yuki took up everything he could and excelled in it.
That was all until he met Chika. Chika was a plain girl, she didn't have any redeeming features. He had only started talking to her when he found out they shared some of the same hobbies. But what really made him attracted to her was the fact that she treated him as a normal person, not some prodigy or child genius. He fell in love with her and they eventually started dating.
Yuki committed his entire being to their relationship, and Chika did the same. Wherever one of the pair went, the other could be seen nearby. Yuki had picked up cooking and cleaning so he could take care of her in the future. Their relationship advanced quickly. He wanted to stay with her forever. After that was his downfall.
A month later and there was Yuki. How was he supposed to know that his girlfriend was a psycho? She had seen him talking to another girl, and after an accident with the kitchen knife, he found himself floating in the void. The strange thing was that the whole situation had made him realize that he didn't know Chika was capable of killing him, which somehow piqued his curiosity. The very thought that he would die hadn't crossed his mind, and now that he had, it birthed a few strange thoughts.
'Chika, how could I have not been able to tell? Your obsession with me was always extreme. I wonder, if I did it again, would you still kill me?'
Yuki really thought his life could be made into a movie. After not finding anything to do in this void, Karma had started counting to keep his sanity.
The Origin God was traveling through the planes of existence when he came across the void. He only stopped because he sensed a soul and was curious. Nothing was supposed to survive in the space of nothingness, it was made that way. Driven by curiosity, he decided to take to this soul.
"Hey, kid wake up."
"I've been awake, I can't manage to fall asleep."
"I see... I have a few questions for you. How long have you been here? How'd you get here? How are you still here?"
"Well, I've been here for at least 15,421,104,000 seconds. As for-"
"Wait a minute, wouldn't that be at least 489 years. How did your soul even survive that long? It doesn't make any sense considering your soul is from planet Earth."
"What do you mean?"
"Never mind, you wouldn't know the answers anyway." 'The algorithm must have crashed again for him to end up here in the first place. Looks like my vacation is getting cut short again.' "Since you're here and it's technically my fault that you ended up here in the first place, I shall send you to another world with a few gifts. I hope you enjoy it." said the Origin God as Yuki's soul started fading away.
"Wait, don't I at least-" Yuki was cut off as his soul disappeared from the void.
"I really hope he didn't mess with my algorithm. I just wanted to enjoy my holiday."
Meanwhile, Yuki opened his eyes to see what looked like a wooden roof. He didn't understand where he was, and his mind was a mess. That was until something flashed in front of him and it scared the daylights out of him.
(Talk to me people)