10. A new hairstyle (I couldn't thnk of one)

(Been a minute, I know. I removed Items from his status. Let me know what ideas you have towards his abilities and plot as well as the status board.)


A surprised look showed on Yuki's face as he quietly called his status. 'Status."


Name: Yuki

Lv: 1

Age: 16


Str: 13

Vit: 13

Dex: 12 -> 14

Agi: 15

Int: 16 -> 17


Job: [Martial Artist], [Swordsman]

Innates: [Adapt and improve], [Battle Maniac]

Skills: [Cooking:D], [Running:B], [Language:C], [Mathematics:C], [Sciences:C], [Flexibility:D], [Meditation:F]

Comment: Good]

Yuki looked at his improved stats with surprise. It seemed like gaining skills was an easier way to gain stats than training them, at least from what he could tell.

"Is something wrong? You didn't sprain yourself, did you?" Akemi asked when she noticed Yuki wasn't moving at all.

"No, I'm fine. I just got a little distracted." said Yuki, quickly regaining his focus as well as his form.

Akemi looked unconvinced as she approached Yuki, "You know, you don't have to lie. I've known you since we were kids. Let me see where you got hurt."

"I really am fine Akemi-senpai. See?" said Yuki as he did a few jumps to show her he was okay.

"Fine. Let's start heading back. It's getting late." Akemi said with mild annoyance in her voice. Yuki knew she didn't like it when he kept things from her, but he definitely wouldn't tell anybody about his system.

"Can we run together tomorrow, Akemi-senpai?" Yuki asked in an innocent tone. He knew this was the only way she might forgive him, at least temporarily.

"Of course!" Akemi said happily. She and Yuki hadn't hung out for a long time before this, so she was more than happy to spend more time with him.

"Thanks. Race you back!" Yuki said as he ran off.

"That's cheating!" Akemi said, quickly running after him.


"Hah, hah, why are you so fast?" Yuki said in between his breaths as he lay on the floor. Even though gained a huge increase in his stats, he still couldn't keep up with Akemi.

"Hehe, I'm faster than I look you know." Akemi said with a smile. She hadn't had this much fun working out in a long time.

"I see." Yuki said as he tried to catch his breath. He also had a lot of fun.

"I have to shower, see you tomorrow Akemi-senpai." Yuki said as he dragged his tired body into the house.

"Oh, bye Yuki-kun." Akemi said as she waved to him. Yuki waved back and closed the door behind him.

'He really has been working out.' Akemi thought as she left with a light blush on his face.

Yuki entered his house and immediately headed for the shower. Taking off his clothes along the way, he thought about what Akemi said earlier.

'Have I picked up the previous Yuki's habits?' Yuki asked himself as he entered the shower. 'It doesn't matter. In fact, isn't it better for me?' Yuki's thoughts constantly shifted in the shower. "Whatever." Yuki decided to ignore the matter.

Stepping out of the shower and drying himself off, he put on a pair of pants and looked for his toothbrush. "Found it." he said as he started brushing his teeth.

While brushing his teeth, Yuki noticed his hair was covering his face. "Maybe I should change my hairstyle?" he thought as he grabbed his hair "But to what- I got it!"

Yuki tied his hair into a ponytail and left bangs on the left side of his face (Something like Yamato Kurosawa's hairstyle but with a ponytail. Our character is basically a cross between Yamato Kurosawa and Izumi Miyamura) Yuki looked at his bright blue eyes in the mirror with a smile. "Perfect!" Yuki said as he left the bathroom with a smile.

Changing into his uniform, Yuki thought about what he would eat for breakfast. "I'll just get something on the way." he thought to himself as he exited the house.

"Ittekimasu." he said as he left the house. Right as he was leaving, he happened to see one of his neighbors. A playful smile crawled onto his face as he called out "Good morning Yasuraoka-san"

Yasuraoka Hanabi(Scum's Wish) looked back in surprise. She didn't expect Yuki to be the one calling her, but she still put on a smile and responded, "Good morning Takahashi-kun".

"It's been a while huh?" Yuki asked as they started walking.

"It has." Hanabi said as she looked at the smiling Yuki, different from the one she once knew.

(Any ideas?)