And So It Begins Pt. 2

I opened my mouth to scream in defiance but a crippling pain surged over me. I fell to my knees and lost my grip on the shadows, making me visible. I was barely holding on to consciousness as the tidal waves of pain crashed through me but I managed to look up when gasps sounded a few feet ahead of me.

It was Iris. She was experiencing the same pain and had crumbled to the floor. Even though neither one of us had voiced the words to bind us together as mates for eternity, somehow, we had been bonded. In marrying Gitto, Iris had ripped apart the coils of the bond meant to keep us together.

The pain lasted for less than a minute; leaving a dull feeling of emptiness in its place. We were no longer mates. Drawing in a deep breath, I climbed to my feet just as her husband helped her up. Our eyes met and locked. In hers, was a flash of happiness, agony, bewilderment, and finally, disgust.

The latter blew me away. I hadn't realized that I was holding out hope, irrationally, until that moment. I had hoped that this was just a prank or, if it was real, she was under duress but that look…that look cemented everything for me. An uncontrollable, strangled, groan bubbled pass my lips as another spasm of pain rose and spread through me as the last remnants of our bond dissolved.

A smile of contempt slithered onto Iris' lips and she rubbed her tummy; a clear slap to my face. In that moment, it became clear that I was a laughingstock. Her sneaking around, making plans, and "falling in love" with me over the last six months was all done in jest. I was the lowly soldier who fate had played a cruel joke on by making me mate to the future Queen of the kingdom.

My eyes turned red and slit-like as anguish spread through my heart at the realization of her cruelty. The child she was carrying was Gitto's. I had just been a comical relief from the dull routine of her royal duties.

Iris gestured to the man by her side that she was okay and they should proceed. With purpose-filled steps and a sick look of glee, Queen Iris maintained eye contact with me as she and her King stepped into the Throne Room and the doors slammed shut.

Fury erupted in a gush, swallowing all the pain and hurt from the breaking of the mate bond. I stood there long after the doors closed. The ceremonious trumpets sounded again as heralds announced the new King and Queen. The Palace erupted into a celebration.

I stood there numb! Day had shifted to evening when suddenly I was surrounded by my Commander and three of my fellow army men. It was time to face the consequences of leaving my post without permission. They dragged me off for questioning, but I refused to speak. Sixty days of no food and daily floggings zipped by but still I refused to defend my actions that fateful day. I was trapped in a place of unfeeling darkness. Nothing mattered anymore.