Unexplained Phenomena

Thankfully, my doctor was only 15 minutes away and the traffic wasn't bad this morning. I was only 5 minutes late. As I drove up to the white, nondescript building, I psyched myself up. Everything was going to be resolved today. All the episodes of overwhelming noise, insatiable hunger, and sensitivity to light would be explained.

Then I'd be able to get the necessary medication and be back to normal soon.

I was lucky today, finding a spot almost as soon as I pulled into the parking lot. I jumped out the car and practically ran towards the office; hope building with every step. I was almost through the front door when, for a slight beat, I felt an odd yet strangely familiar sensation of an intense stare. I turned around and scanned the crowd. There was a throng of people milling around, but no one was looking directly at me. I shook off the feeling and convinced myself that I was just being paranoid.

My steps faltered as I approached the check-in desk. I was perturbed to see that Cassy was the receptionist on duty. Something about her made my skin crawl. She looked ordinary enough with grey eyes, waist-length dark hair, and a petite frame. It was just the way she stared at me. She eyed me like I was the answer to all her problems. It brought back memories of the staff at the lab of hell. I comforted myself with the thought that there was no way anyone from my old life could have found me.

For the second time in a matter of minutes, I dismissed my feelings. It didn't stop the shudder that flowed through me when my eyes connected with Cassy's.

"Good Morning, Cassy. I'm running a little late for my appointment with Dr. Carol." With a sickly-sweet smile, and that look in her eyes, Cassy buzzed me in. "Not to worry, Ms. Hall. She's waiting for you. Just go to Room 2. Oh, by the way, I heard that your test results came in. Hopefully, everything is fine."

I thought I saw a flash of malicious triumph in her eyes, but it was extinguished as quickly as it appeared.

Sending her a perplexed look, I nodded. "Um, thanks." With an awkward wave and a wan smile, I walked through the door. What the hell was that all about? Anyway, I was way too happy about getting a diagnosis to give her words much thought.

I was barely in the room before Dr. Carol Bishop walked in behind me. She had a somber look on her face. Dr. Carol looked like how I pictured my grandmother would; if she were still alive. Warm dark chocolate eyes, a portly body, and brown sugar colored skin that aged with the grace that spoke of royal ancestry.

"Take a seat child. I have news, and I'm afraid that it is not good. Your blood test came back inconclusive." Holding her hand up to stem my questions, she continued… "Based on the symptoms you described, I went ahead and sent your samples to a colleague of mine who studies rare genetic diseases.

She was flabbergasted by the results. What she found was that on a molecular level, all the cells in your body are breaking down and being replaced by new ones so dense that even with her most powerful microscope she couldn't see pass the outer membrane. I'm sorry child, but you seem to be morphing into a being neither she nor I have ever seen before. She is so intrigued by the results that she would like to meet you."

Dr. Bishop went on to explain a few more things, but I was lost in a daze. Nothing she said made any sense.

Cells breaking down? Morphing into an unknown being?!