Is This Change Good?

Suddenly I could see every dust particle in the air. The pecking of a woodpecker in the tree about 2 feet to my left and 8 feet off the ground sounded like it was right next to me. I could even smell the mulch that was piled in the backyard.

The abrupt influx of heightened senses was starting to overpower me when the muffled sound of skin connecting with skin, followed by a voice pleading for it to stop, flowed to my ear.

I immediately recognized Tianna's high- pitched voice as well as the angry, growling voice of her husband, Michael. From the sound of things, he was smacking her around.

Rage erupted like a bubbling cauldron that had been waiting for this precise moment to explode.

All the anger I had been suppressing came rushing to the surface. In a moment of delirious ferocity, I braced my hands against the thick, wooden, door and gave it a brutal shove.

Like butter giving way to a knife, the door exploded inwards. Without giving it much thought, I stepped through the arch.

My mind noted and quickly dismissed the modern day décor that radiated wealth and impeccable taste. I cocked my head to the side, tapped into my acute hearing, and sped towards the sound of Tianna's distressed whimpering.

In the blink of an eye I found myself in the master bedroom which made my whole apartment look like a storage shed. I was in awe of the gold paneled windows, Borchers upholstered panel bed, and low hanging chandelier that sparkled and shone.

That was until I saw the most horrific scene playing out in front of me.

All two hundred and fifty pounds of Michael Moran was delivering deadly kick after kick on a tiny silk-robed figure curled into a ball, Tianna.

My fury rose to epic proportions and before I could think I was yanking Michael by the arm. In my madness, I spun him around, grabbed his throat, and released a fiendish growl.

The gagging sound of his choked breathing fueled the urge to spill his blood. I wanted to see his body ripped and mangled until he was nothing but I messy pile of bones and blood before me.

"N-Nik," the low moan from Tianna snapped me back to reality and the impulse drained away.

Stupefied by my actions and thoughts, I quickly dropped Michael and reeled backward with horror in my eyes. What did I just do? How did I… "Nikki, help me."

Whirling around I looked at Tianna who was attempting to sit up but failing. Her pretty cocoa skin was black and blue all over. She was holding little Aria in her arms. One of her eyes was swollen shut and her face had a clear handprint across her check. Memories of my mother's brutal beating surged to the forefront of my mind.

All I could see was the last night she had beaten me half to death, for something she knew I hadn't done.

Red, hot, anger rose up in me and that sick desire to rip, maim, and see blood everywhere swelled with it. If I didn't see how much Tianna needed help, I would have torn her husband to pieces and reveled in his screams as I did it.

I hurried over to help her. I was at a loss for words, partly because I was stunned by my actions and partly from the shock of seeing her in this state.

I took Aria who, thankfully, had slept through the entire ordeal, from her. Then I picked up Tianna, as gingerly as I could, and practically carried her on my back out of the house.

The drive home was a blur and before I knew it, I was pulling into my assigned parking space. The car was silent except for the occasional sniffle from Tianna. I was bewildered by how this day had turned out. It was not at all like I had planned it in any way, shape, or form.

I didn't know what to say. What could I say?! Releasing the breath, I hadn't realized I was holding, I opened my door and walked around to Tianna's side. I opened the door and pulled T out of the car into a gentle hug.

As if a dam inside of her had broken, she burst into wails that tugged at my heart. After about 5 minutes of her crying out the anger and pain, I stepped back and retrieved my goddaughter from the back seat. I didn't remember grabbing a child seat, but I must have at some point. I wondered if not having clear memories was a part of this medical mystery I was experiencing.

Not a word was spoken between us as we headed to my apartment. We were both lost in thoughts of what had transpired in the last few hours.

My mind shied away from the memory of my behavior earlier. The only thing that was crystal clear was there's something seriously wrong with me! Maybe the doctor wasn't as crazy as I thought. I was changing and becoming someone, no something, that neither my medical team nor I recognized.

The unexplained strength and the overpowering compulsion to rip into Michael today were just more symptoms I had no idea how to handle. With a sigh, I entered my apartment.

I spent the next few minutes cleaning up while Tianna attended to Aria. I resisted the impulse to bury my misery in multiple bottles of wine. A few hours later, I lost that battle. I made sure T and Aria were safe and sleeping soundly then I reached for my favorite bottle of pink Moscato and retreated to my bedroom. I had barely taken a sip when I fell apart; bawling into my glass.