Its Been a Long Damn Time

Been a Long Damn Time

No one understood what happened. The first second, the day across all the planets in the multiverse with life was relatively normal. But the next second, a golden projection of a Balance Scale that encompassed the entire sky, signified the return of something or someone big. To most people, the golden balance scale projection was an odd phenomenon for sure, but to those who understood the meaning behind the golden balance scale couldn't help but rejoice in happiness or despair in sorrow. To those who rejoiced seeing the balance scale, they knew the time where the disorder in the universe would soon come to an end. And to those who sorrowed, they knew that they could only count their days remaining alive.


'How long has it been, roughly 13 billion years?' Kal thought as he laid on his back in a bright green grass field.

His scarlet red eyes opened and reflected a cunning glint and if someone were to look into his eyes, one could tell that he wasn't a bad person, but could also tell that he wasn't a good person either.

Looking straight up, Kal saw the clear blue sky above him in all its glory with warm rays of sunlight shining on his face, as if welcoming Kal back to life.

Kal laid on the ground for a few minutes before standing up.

The moment he stood up, Kal's short white hair blew upwards in the wind. His forehead exposed and his handsome facial features exposed in all its glory, exuding a certain type of charm that no other man could.

Kal breathed in the pure air around him and slowly stretched his lean 6'2 frame.

Kal was currently wearing a red suit with a red tie and red dress shoes to match, while his dress shirt was black.

(Reference cover photo for his looks and clothes. Kal doesn't have long black nails though. But they are black as if they were painted.)

"Unbalanced" was the first thing Kal said out loud.

Kal may have lost his infinite and limitless powers, but either way he was still a God and the holder of the Property of Balance. And thus, when he was resurrected, the Property of Balance was awoken from its eternal slumber and fed Kal all the knowledge he had missed in the thirteen billion years.

It took Kal less than a second to assort the knowledge he had obtained on all the unbalance that he needed to correct and slowly but surely. Anger that didn't show on his face but swelled in his heart started to rise more and more till he finally gritted his white teeth before calming down.

"This is going to take a long time, shit." Kal sighed.

Others who knew of the specific balance scale that projected onto the many sky's wondered how Kal had returned from obliteration, a state worse than death and was well known to be completely irreversible.

But Kal wasn't stupid, he knew of the reprecussions of creating Heaven and thus created a plan to fall back on in case he died. But the fact that he was obliterated made him take longer than expected to revive.

"I'm weak." Kal whispered to himself "I'm standing in one of the places commonly known as the Immortal Realm, and I'm not even the most powerful one here. Let alone the Realms ranked higher than this one."

'I'm standing in a third tier kingdom and even in this kingdom, and I'm still one of the weaker ones, how frustrating.'

Kal assessed his situation and found that the main source of energy here was called Immortal Qi. He was quite familiar with Qi as he had cultivated with Primordial Qi which was infinitely times more dense than the Immortal Qi that surrounded him.

Sitting back on the grass field cross legged, Kal closed his scarlet red eyes and picked a few cultivation techniques that he thought would raise his cultivation the quickest.

'I've taken on the appearance of an 18 year old, and people in this kingdom that are 18 are on average, in the 6th stage of the Profound Indulgence Realm while those considered 'genius' are on the 10th stage of Profound Indulgence or the 1st or 2nd stage of Focused Intent Realm

The Realms on this planet are as followed from first to last with each having 10 stages to them: (Detailed explanation first four realms on the aux chapter)

Breaking Shackles Realm

Profound Indulgence Realm

Focused Intent Realm

Innate Core Realm

Forming Sea Realm

Immense Forging Realm

Pure Heart Realm

Intricate Connections Realm

Binding Connections Realm

Shattering Paths Realm

When Kal started cultivating for the first time, the technique he invented and used involved the absorption of Primordial Qi, and the world he was in didn't have an ounce of it. Thus the reason why he searched his memory for techniques.

Kal was currently on the very first stage of the Profound Indulgence Realm thus he didn't need to do any physical cultivation that the Breaking Shackles Realm required.

The cultivation technique he chose was 'The Tenth Gods Path To Heaven'

Kal scoffed when he read 'Path to Heaven'

'I created Heaven, I don't need a damn path to it!' Kal thought and began to recall the Tenth God.

The Term 'God' only fell to those who gained a Property or a Sub Property, otherwise, the people who ascended into divinity were called 'Divine Entity'

'The Tenth God was a man that gained the Property of Transformation. Kal recalled that of all the gods, The God of Transformations was one of the few people who he actually got along with. Of course no one knew that he created Heaven otherwise the God of Transformation would've never included 'Path to Heaven' in his cultivation techniques name.

The reason why Kal was the strongest God was not only because he controlled the Property of Balance, but because what the Property of Balance gave him, knowledge that all beings including Gods and Devils knew in their refined arts.

Including 'The Tenth God's Path to Heaven' Kal also chose two battle techniques

'The God of Transformation's 10,000 Forms'

'The Two Forces of the Universe'

Kal started to focus on 'The Tenth God's Path to Heaven'

Qi started to enter Kal at an extremely fast rate and the Qi was so dense the it actually materialized into a silk like substance that nonetheless entered Kal.

1st Stage of Profound Indulgence!

2nd Stage of Profound Indulgence!

3rd Stage of Profound Indulgence!

4th Stage of Profound Indulgence!

5th Stage of Profound Indulgence!

6th Stage of Profound Indulgence!

Kal broke through the 7th Stage of Profound Indulgence in the span of 10 minutes before stopping. Of course he had a reason to stop at the 7th stage.

In the Kingdom Merna that he was currently in, the outer sect examination for the four big sects was currently taking place and today was the 27th day it was happening and only three days were left to try and enter one of the four big sects.

The sects allowed people in the 5th stage of profound indulgence and above to participate in the examination and Kal didn't want to stand out too much. Although he was the God of Balance, the sects were too low level and didn't require his interference to correct their misfortunes and corruptions.

The 3rd rate top four sects of the 3rd rate Merna kingdom are the Last Valley Sect, Variety Fortune Sect, Intoxicating Fragrance Sect and the Burning Red Sect

The sect he was eyeing was the 3rd rate 'Variety Fortune Sect' for obvious reasons. The Variety Fortune Sect was directly connected to the 2nd rate 'Million Fortune Sect' and the Million Fortune Sect was connected to the 1st rate 'Billion Fortune Sect'. And as it were now, let alone the Billion Fortune Sect, even the Million Fortune sect was too far and sadly none of the realms allowed flight nor could he cultivate any technique that was worth learning right now.

Since Kal entered the 7th Stage of the Profound Indulgence Realm, he learned one of the 10,000 transformations which came to him in a second.

This transformation was called 'Unforgiving Demon Takeover' and gave him powers he was quite satisfied for the time being.

And from the technique 'Two Forces of the Universe', Kal learned a lot about the Gravitational aspect of the technique allowing him to control gravity to a fearsome degree.

It had only been 30 minutes since Kal started training and he already mastered all the techniques he wanted to learn to a massive degree. In fact, most of the 30 minutes was spent slacking but whatever.

"The Variety Fortune Sect Examination is already over for today so I may as well go shopping!" Kal smiled cheekily. One of the joys Kal retained as a god was to spend money and shop. Hell, he was pretty sure he shopped even more than most women!

Using the small control of Creation that he currently had due to his massive downgrade of power, Kal generated Red tinted Aviator style sunglasses and wore them.

Using Gravity the way the technique showed, Kal was able to lift himself and fly. Although it wasn't fast, it was sure a hell lot faster than it would've been if he walked.

It took Kal an hour to arrive in the city near and protected by the Variety Fortune Sect. And although the Variety Fortune Sect was ranked 2nd in the kingdom, it was the most wealthiest so the city near them was prospering.

Kal stopped flying just before the city came into sight to avoid anyone from seeing him fly.

Kal walked at a steady pace "I wonder what kind the food in this city tastes like" Kal muttered as his mouth started to overflow with saliva.

He approached the city gates and besides a few 'intimidating' guards, it was relatively easy to get into the city, no toll required.

The moment Kal entered the city, he immediately entered the commercial district of the city.

Clothing stores, food stalls, weapons shops, and many more presented themselves near Kal. Kal found that the suit he was wearing was not commonplace at all in this realm and but he didn't care and already knew about it way before he got here.

He got many stares, Kal liked to think it was because of how handsome he was, which he was, but the real reason he was getting stares was because of his unique clothing.

"It's obviously because of how handsome I am" Kal spoke, nodding his head in self confirmation.

Kal walked on the cobblestone road, making it a point to avoid any 'Young Masters'. It was surprising how many 'You Dare!' he heard as he walked, but no one was getting crippled and dying, so he tactically ignored them. And thus, Kal walked through the city, tasting one delicacy after another and found himself a room to stay in for the night.