
"So why is Niall moping about more than usual?"

"I think he just finished playing his game... again."

"How many times has he beaten it?"


Sitting within a group of his friends, Niall pushed his dark hair back off of his eyes.

"Hey, you should trim that mop, buddy. You look like a hentai protagonist."

Rolling his eyes, Niall huffed as he stared at his friends. They grew up together and decided to throw a mixer for Niall's birthday.

"So when are the girls gonna get here? You have four coming, right?"

His friends nodded as they laughed and drank, pushing the poor mopey man out of the conversation. He drank what was sitting in front of him, closing his eyes slowly.

'These guys really don't care that I'm here. They just want to see who goes home with two girls tonight.'

"Hey, Niall, pull your hair back out of your face. The girls are here and we need our pretty boy to show them his face."

Unbeknownst to him, Niall was truly a pretty boy. Though, he would much rather go home and play games.

"Why should I? Hero's Chronicle is done, so now I'm just waiting for the next game to be released."

"How many hours did he play that?"

"Over six hundred. There was a lot of hidden characters with special requirements to unlock."

A hand rested on Niall's shoulder.

"So which of the girls was your favorite?"

"Aveline. She's the main bad guy."

"The bad guy? Really? Was she hot?"

"Very. Though the real bad guy was the hero. He's a womanizer and a jerk to everyone."

"Then why play him?"

"He didn't. He made his own character for the game. Always stayed off the main path. Wasn't Aveline one of the special routes?"

Niall smiled to himself as he reminisced.

"Yea. The hardest route. She ended up really sweet, but you can't be the Hero if you want her."

"Hey didja hear? They're planning on releasing a hentai of that game! Haha!"

Niall's friends all laughed hard together, while Niall just slid out of the booth and made his way to the exit.

After stepping outside, he looked to the night sky and stared at the stars.

'I fell in love with that game. For them to defile it's entirety, then laugh about it... I'm glad they're my friends, but they just don't get me.'

Niall began to walk down the street, his friends finally realizing he had left.


"Hmm? Niall actually left."

"You expect anything else? He doesn't even care for regular women. These girls came out to hang, then he ditched us."

"Avery or whatever must be quite the looker for him to just blow us off."

"Who would've thought that our pretty boy would become a stupid degenerate. Say, why do we hang with him?"

"He's able to attract hotties without even trying. We ain't bad lookin, but he's a chick magnet. Minus his personality."

The three men began to continue chatting with the ladies that had joined them, not realizing what would befall their "friend" as they ignore his existence.


Walking into an alley, Niall leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He had stopped caring what others thought of himself long ago, but what he cared about... that would always get to him.

'Maybe I should play it again? I conquered all of the girls, but seeing their happy faces always brings me joy. Why ruin them with perversion?.. not that they aren't sexually stimulating women.'

Opening his eyes, Niall was surprised to see someone standing in front of him.

"Can I help you?"


The gruff voice caused Niall to crack a smile as he cupped his ear.

"Come again?"

"Money. I'm robbin ya, ya fuck."

Niall paled as he pulled out his wallet. He hurriedly removed his cash, barely anything, and handed it over.

"Heh. Pleasure doin bidness wit ya. Scram."

Niall stepped forward, prepared to step out of the alley. He felt a sharp sting along his waist, stopping to check. When he looked down, a black handle was sticking out of his stomach.

"Huh? W-why?"

He turned around to see a mouthful of nasty teeth smiling at him. His liquid blue eyes became bloodshot as he grabbed his assailant by the collar.

"Ya think ya can so sometin to me? Dream on kid. Hahaha!"

The man continued to laugh until Niall dragged him to the street.

"The fuck? How ya pullin me?! You should be bleedin out!"

The man began to pound on Niall's arm, not noticing the second one swinging in and smacking him upside the head.

"Heh... I'm definitely not gonna survive this damnable knife, but you're fucked, asshole."

In one massive throw, Niall chucked his assailant into the street.

"Working out... *cough cough* was always my strong suit."

He slammed down onto his knees as he saw the man get hit by a semi truck that happened to be passing through. His eyes started to close as he felt the air around him grow even colder.

'Damn... not only do I die a virgin, I don't get to see Aveline anymore.'

His vision cut to black as his body slumped over.