Weapon Training

Ever since she had returned, Aveline had continued her training with her father as well as started to train with her mother. Her desired weapon, a pair of chakram, were unheard of in this world. This didn't stop Aveline. Barely a week after she returned, a detailed sketch of the beautiful circular weapons was drawn up, as well as her own special touch.

A year quickly passed. The Synclair Manor was quiet, as there was nobody home. The family had joined together in the forge of the blacksmith, Recno. The burly old man fought alongside both Nora's father and Aveline's parents in the war. Now, he kept to himself making anything he sees fit, that includes helping out his old comrades in arms with specially crafted gear for their daughter.

"It's perfect! Thank you Uncle Recno!"

Aveline gave Recno a massive hug after she had gotten a look at his craft. The blades themselves had no true handle, as they were only that. A circular blade. They were identical with a silver steel alloy to make them. They gleamed beautifully in the light and could be charged with magic. The blades aside, Aveline had requested a separate piece to be the handle. It was small, but could also act as a weapon. A wooden pole, roughly fifteen centimeters long, was attached to a fully metal body. With room to slide her fingers between the wood and metal, the base was similar to a boat in shape, with a gap barely wider then the blades themselves. The ends were both sharp and could be used for close combat if the chakram were to be lost.

Grabbing hold of both of them, Recno gave her a warm smile.

"You make this old man truly happy when he's sees that much excitement over his low tier talent."

"Low tier? I should slap you with Mama's frying pan. That things held up for twenty years! And she still uses it!"

The now fifteen year old Aveline giggled as she looked closer at the weapons. The bases were both given a cute detail. Four roses on each. They had been carved into the metal on both ends.

"Alright, little Avi, go ahead and imbue it with your magic. That should enchant it with your magic essence. The effect will be complete after."

Nilly raised an eyebrow.

"My daughter is doing the enchanting?"

Recno gave a hearty laugh.

"This little one came back every few days to see how the metal was coming along. She wanted to help, so I told her to pour in her magic essence. The metal grew excited, as well as allowed me to forge it much more strongly. If she puts her essence in now, those little beasts will become more durable, hold her magic properly, and they'll wear out slower. To be honest, those beauties are my pride as a blaclsmith. Ain't made anythin finer."

Recno gave a smug grin as he wiped a fake tear from his eyes. His scruffy beard and mustache were coated in soot, but he didn't care.


Everyone looked at Aveline. Her weapons were glowing brightly, absorbing her magic essence.

"What monster core did you use? They feel really strong... like scary strong. Mama and I only had that Iron Crow core."

With a wicked grin, both Recno and Thorin bound each other at their shoulders.

"Little Avi, your Pops and I were old war buddies, but before that we adventured together."

"Sweetheart, we used our prised core. A Garuda."

Nilly huffed out, holding in a laugh.

"You're kidding right? A Garuda? That massive wind element demon bird?"

Her eyes narrowed as she saw their faces.

"You're serious...? Oh God. Which one of you killed it?"

Thorin scratched his neck, but Recno instantly pointed towards him.

"We came with five strong adventurers. Thorin was a master at leading our group, always on the front lines. His skill in earth magic was also a great boon. In a melee fight, he will lose to you, but this man is no one to scoff at. He crushed that beast under his weapon many times, protecting our weakest members each and every step of the way."

Nilly pulled Thorin out of the forge, her face flustered as she sped off with him. Aveline put her hand against her face.

"Sorry Papa... hehe."

Everyone around her began to stare. They were all confused as to what happened.

"Mama loves it when Papa seems like a total powerhouse. In other words, she's horny."

Nora and Kyra blushed, while Recno burst out laughing.

"My own lady goes wild if I do anything stupid. Fighting a Garuda? That's stupid. Haha. Little Avi, please enjoy those weapons. They're a masterpiece, if I do say so myself. With your talents in magic, they should work exactly as you wished."


A few hours later, Thorin was resting in bed. Nilly looked like she had been reinvigorated, but she was having slight issues walking.


Aveline knew exactly what happened.

"I know sec feels good and all, but yikes..."

Both Nora and Kyra stared at Aveline. Their curiosity sparked.

"What kinda guy was it? Was he hot?"

Nora bumped Aveline with her elbow, as they were sitting next to each other in the carriage.

"SHE was incredibly sexy. She lead me at first, but it changed around when I found her weak spots."

Nora shut her mouth as her face turned crimson.

"Your mother would be as bright as Nora if she were in here with us. Do tell, what happened to your lover?"

Aveline's eyes glazed over as the memory repeated once more in her mind. She pulled out the mask, put it against her face and sighed.

"Lyla died saving my life. I learned to heal after she died, regretting not having that power before."

Both Nora and Kyra reached out to grab her hands. They held them tight, their eyes filled with sadness as well as determination. The determination to keep Aveline happy.

The carriage finally came to a stop at an open field they had regularly used on the outskirts of their little town, Arques. The three girls stepped down to find Nilly stretching out her sore legs. She's muttered under her breath.

"Jerk only gets so strong when I'm under him like that. Calm yourself Nilly, he's at home waiting for round two... take care of your baby girl, then attack Thorin until he's pale as a sheet."

A devilish grin crossed her face, but Aveline face palmed once more.

"Mama, my ears are still really REALLY good! Shut up! Please!"

Aveline was redder then Nora and Kyra had ever been. Nilly giggled, covering her face as she blushed too.

"Sorry sweetie. Old habits die hard."

Nora seemed confused.

"Mama vents her frustrations out loud when she stretches. She's stronger then Papa, but he turned into a beast I guess... though I'm pretty much the same."

Nora rubbed her legs together, trying to push thoughts from her mind. Kyra stepped beside her and whispered in her ear.

"Don't hold back. Aveline has been caught once or twice staring at your body. No one would blame you, not even I."

"B-but... I've heard you. In your room. You're good at being quiet, but those moans are definitely moans."

"Oh I'm waiting for her to ripen. She definitely gets me excited when she does what she does, but I want her to come on to me before I lose myself to her touch."

Aveline's ears were red. She had heard everything.

'If they really get that turned on, I'll oblige them one of these days.'

The four women finally stepped onto the open field, each holding their weapon of choice. Twin longswords gleamed in the sunlight, held by Kyra. A massive two handed blade was dragged around by Nora, but her muscles kicked in allowing her to hold it on her shoulder. It sat on top of a specially designed shoulder guard that Aveline helped enchant with anti weight. Not anti-gravity, but weightlessness. Those already at the training area felt fear watching the small girl holding a sword bigger then even some of them. Nilly was holding a lance. The tip elongated roughly a meter and a half in length before it cut off for the opening that holds the pole where the weapon is held. She hefted it up under one arm while a longsword was belted to her waist. Aveline had her chakram, but they seemed to be missing. Two strange sheaths were belted to just above her butt, while a pair of strange silver bracelets were wrapped around each of her wrists.

"Hey, Mama... why is everyone watching us? I know we are all like... the prettiest girls around, but this feels really weird."

Everyone around them were men. All of different builds with small variation in weapons. One, probably the largest, standing just over two and half meters came forward.

"Ha, so we got some ladies all the way out here. I know that dumbshit of a Duke-"


Nilly had leapt forward, her lance cut straight through the air and launched the man far with a swinging strike.

"Whoa... go Mama! Haha! That was hilarious!"

The men in the surrounding area began to grumble and brandish their weapons.

"Little bitch. You and that whore mother-"

His words were cut short.

"Come again?"

One of Aveline's chakram holders was just a mere centimeter from his throat. She had barely even moved, but she was already standing before him, roughly ten meters without a breath or blink.

Nilly smiled at Aveline. Like mother, like daughter.

"You say one more thing about my mother, you won't be able to talk again."

With a playful smile, Aveline spun on her heel.


She flicked around in an instant. The man that badmouthed Nilly had swung his sword, intent to kill or at least scar her. His blade was suspended by Aveline's sheath.

"I'm here to train with my mother and my friends. If you think this is funny, my father and mother will easily look into what you're doing here. Did you get permission to use this training field?"

The man snarled then grinned.

"I'm close to the Duke-"


"Liar. Papa probably doesn't even know your name."

His reddened cheek grew three shades brighter as his face grew pale.

"Y-you're th-the daughter?! Forgive me! I spoke out of turn! I truly look up to Duke Thorin and his previous exploits."

Eyes narrowing, Aveline watched this random man grovel before her at the mention of her father.

"Disgusting. At least show some backbone if you're gonna try to show off. Ugh... can we go somewhere el- huh?"

Aveline was suddenly lifted from the ground. Unable to see what had sent her flying, she crashed into a rack of training weapons. They crashed around her as she got to her feet.

"What the hell?"

"Aveline... Lady Nilly told me to surprise you. I'm so sorry..."

Nora was standing beside Aveline now. Her face was panicked, but Aveline began to giggle hysterically.

"Mama! That's not fair. I was in the middle of something!"

"I know sweetie, but we came here to see your weapons at work. I'm quite curious, but you were ignoring the three of us and focusing on him. Do you like him? He's... not textbook handsome. Kinda ug-"

"No no no. Told you a hundred times, I only want to be with girls! Thinking of laying with a man... ugh! My skin is already crawling! Do you see it?!"

Aveline raised her arm and pointed to it.

"Crawling! Eww."

Nora and Kyra smiled before shouting in unison.

"My skins crawling too!"

The three girls burst out laughing as Nilly just rolled her eyes.

"You girls... just don't wake Thorin or myself."

She said that last words with a wink.

Afterwords, the four women began to train in peace, while the men watched with awe as they danced across the training grounds.


November 21st, year of the Big Puppy (I saw it in a monster guide. Not cute.)

Dear Diary,

My chakram was finally made. I imbued them with my magic essence, which gave them the ability to shrink into bracelets. They're actually light and pretty.

I got to practice today as well. It went great! No one expected me to use magic to work the chakram. I use electrical magic, a combination of my wind and fire, to magnetize the blades to stay in the sheaths. I also use wind magic to make them spiral, or to shoot them out. They act like saws... and I kinda tore a few trees in half. The blades themselves make the wind even stronger, so it's like the blade themselves got much bigger.

Mama gave me permission to sleep with Kyra and Nora. It was weird, but they looked happy. Too bad... I like to tease my prey first... but it's not like I don't want to. They tease me too hard! They can wait longer!

I'm going to school next year. I'm looking forward to finally seeing everyone I remember. All the girls I came to love and adore.

Thank you, whoever sent me here.