Valkyrie's Chronicle

Aveline and Kyra moved with the crowd, though they avoided getting too close to Aveline. Ahead of them, a beautiful and grand school stood proud and intimidating before them. The Adventuring Academy, or its true name: Resta Academy of Adventuring.

'The founder was Archer Resta. He used to be a terrifying bowman in the kings army over a thousand years ago. To think, his school would stand tall for so long... and cross over two separate games.'

Scanning the crowd, Aveline's eyes fell on who she expected to see.

'Ah. There he is. I had heard about him from the forums, but his game wasn't my cup of tea. That Otome game paved the road for Hero's Chronicle though. He's a hidden character that was incredibly difficult to get close to, without upsetting anyways. He's powerful, and if he felt betrayed he went on a rampage. Forums were filled with hints on how to get his ending, but I never played through it. I just know who he is, and that's what's important.'

With an excited smile, Aveline began to slip passed many other students. They gave out confused and surprised reactions as she darted in and out of the crowd. When she finally broke through, she stood behind a tall man with slicked back black hair. He was lean, but definitely not weak.

"So, you couldn't even find a chance to come see me? Not even once?"

In a quick instant, he had turned around. He looked ecstatic when his eyes met hers. Shining grey eyes scanned her over and over before he finally spoke.

"My apologies, Aveline. We've been really busy! Is there a reason you've come by? I haven't received word of you attending."

He began to shuffle through pages, but onlookers began to talk a little loudly.

"Oh look, the bitch is in a relationship with a teacher."

"So scandalous. You could make it a little less obvious how you got into the school."

"Truly disgusting."

With a small sigh, Aveline shrugged.

"Could you get her for me? I miss her a bunch too, Uncle Qwyn."

Qwyn gave her an understanding smile before he aimed his hand up high. His primary magic is fire, as seen by the gleaming band around his uniforms forearm. Teachers and students had to wear them for easy element identification.

After he raised his hand, a gout of flame spiraled into the sky. It erupted, forming a massive rose. Many of the students got the wrong idea.

'Uncle Qwyn was the true route of Valkyrie's Chronicle, but the main character was a special girl all the same. Their story led to this one, and she is my mom's sister!'

"Aunt Marie!"

Aveline bolted and tackle hugged the woman that was seemingly appearing from thin air. She faltered, taking a quick step back, but she held Aveline tight.

"That's Auntie to you, ya little brat. Oh just look at you! You've grown so beautiful and strong. I had only just finished reading the letter my sister had sent, so I've been expecting you. Qwyn, sweetie, thank you for telling me to come."

Their eyes were filled with love as they looked at each other. Marie was thin and lean, similar to Nilly. Long black hair and soft blue eyes. They'd be easily mistaken for twins.

"So, little one, what are you doing needing to show me?"

Aveline smiled as she slid back one foot. A wall of earth formed, cutting them off from everyone else. She snapped her fingers, forming a ball of light in the dark box. Using wind magic, she allowed fresh air to travel through the earth.

"Auntie, can you still let in the Hero free of all monetary issues?"

"Orion's already attending, so we have already."

Aveline undid the tied strands around the back of her shirt. She slipped it below her shoulder, showing only the Celestial mark.

"Orion isn't the Hero anymore."

With a gaze of sudden incredulity, Marie examined the mark with her magic essence.

"Well I'll be. This little beauty has become someone of great importance! We... we don't have single rooms left. Do you have anyone here that you could bunk with? I'm terribly sorry if you expected otherwise."

"How many people to a room?"

Redoing the bits behind her back with deft hands, Aveline began to allow the walls to crumble. Many onlookers were confused as to what just happened.

"Up to four. We rarely get that many to one room, however. Not many girls enjoy spending time with another young woman for extended periods."

Aveline stifled a laugh.

"So, can I get a four person room? I have three girls in mind, and I doubt they'll say no."

"Is Miss Kyra one of them?"

Aveline gave a small nod.

"That's perfect then. Who else? I'll give them a call down to the dorm later to finish up their room transfers, if they're okay with it."

"Victri Ripple, and Nora Rhone. Just tell them I asked them to room with me."

"Ripple? Orion's sister? I know your taste is towards the fairer sex, but Miss Ripple? Best of luck, Aveline."

Marie hugged Aveline once more before she began to lead her towards the school proper. Kyra had caught up, her gaze annoyed by the remarks she has heard.

"If they don't shut it, I'm going to rip off their noses!"

Aveline turned back and pulled Kyra up with her.

"Kyra, you haven't seen Auntie Marie in years. Come say hi, silly. Don't let these idiots distract you from what's important."

Kyra's gaze flicked over all of Aveline's body. She had grown more mature, and it made Kyra hungry.

"Stop growing. Your bras are getting tight again, aren't they?"

Aveline glared at Kyra.

"My boobs have a mind of their own! I can't help that they like being this big. It sucks too. My cute ones are all too small now."

They giggled together until a pink hazy mist began to appear in front of Aveline. She rubbed her eyes and tried to wipe it out of her sight. It suddenly solidified into a digital looking screen.

'Welcome to the Sim Breaker System. We do hope you break this sim in the best way possible.'

Aveline nearly coughed up blood.

'Wait... why did this only appear just now? I've been here for years. Could it be connected to the school, since that's where the dating sim took place? Gah... why am I so relaxed about this too!'


April 12th, Year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

It's good to see family again. Marie and Qwyn are older then my parents, but they still hold that eternal beauty built up over the ages.

All of these rumors flying around may be detrimental, but I'll live. These people just haven't seen someone of my caliber before. It'll be fun to shut them up, and take my girls when I see them.

...what the hell is this Sim Breaker System? I'm not in a novel from back home, I'm in the world of my game.