Magic Rank Assignment

Aveline stood with a small crowd of other students. She had asked her Aunt to be a part of this group. Marie was against it, but she allowed her to prove her worth to the other students. This wasn't the full reason behind her choice, but Aveline was excited to be able to get the chance she craved.

"Alright, everyone..."

The instructor that stood at the front of the group eyes the students. He was tall and had a few wisps of black hair flowing in the wind less room. A thin, pencil mustache lined his upper lip and an eternal smug look was etched in his features.

"...deserves the chance to prove themselves. Except for some."

Aveline noticed his eyes flicked towards her. Many of the students were already mocking her, as well as moving further away.

The instructor smiled as his desire was already being input. He pulled out a clipboard that used magic to project a screen.

"We have twenty-one students here today. Odd number, no good. I ask that you all pick a group of four. Anyone left behind will be... alone I guess."

He sneered at Aveline as groups had already begun to form. After ten or so minutes, Aveline was left to the side. She kicked at the ground with her leather boots.

'Well... this could have gone better.'

She sighed out as the teacher came close.

"Aww, why are you alone? Hmm... I'll give you a chance. Kaley Morrin?"

A beautiful girl stepped forward. Her long chocolate brown hair was braided behind her back while her soft milky brown eyes seemed to scan everything. Her eyes sat behind a pair of bifocals that made them look a bit bigger, but it just made her look cute.

'Kaley... I can't believe I got lucky and met her here. She's so pretty up close. She's an incredible mage that can use three elements, as well as two higher forms with near perfection! As a commoner, she was always looked down on by the nobles. The hero, or my custom creation, was someone that impressed her to get stronger. She fell for him as she could never reach him, but he did his best to aid her in her endeavors... but that's all after I would be seventeen. Right now, she's just a trainee with strong magic, though I'll need to protect her from a lot of guys. Her body was always killer. Perky butt, rather large breasts. Honestly she close to me in size... shit drooling calm down!'

Aveline wiped her lips before she tilted her head.

"Why did you call her over? She already has a group."

The instructor leaned close, his hand resting on Kaley's shoulder. He glared at Aveline before he finally spoke.

"You will battle against this little flower. Someone like you must be prepared for battle as an adventurer. Fight her. You win, you get her place."

Aveline looked into those soft brown eyes. Kaley was obviously uncomfortable.

'Is this that stupid ability? Men's Loathing... God this is gonna get me so much bull put on my shoulders.'

"Mister... eh... Kins?"

His eyes narrowed, but he did not deny it.

"Two things. One, it's pretty messed up of you to say people like me. Do you mean nobles? Half this room is filled with nobles. Do you mean women? Half this room, no more than half is women. Is there a problem with how I was admitted to this school? You seem pretty angry at me, yet I know nothing about you. I don't understand why you wish to pit me against the strongest mage in this room, aside from myself. And second. Could you, kindly,..."

Her eyes narrowed as a cold wind swept the room.

"...get your filthy hand off of her shoulder?"

Aveline smiled, but Kins was feeling the ice coat his heart and lungs. He freed Kaley's shoulder, which made her sigh with relief.

"I also won't fight her. I don't want to hurt her."

Kaley stepped closer, both to get away from Kins as well as to use her soft voice to speak to Aveline.

"Miss Synclair, is there a reason you believe I'll get hurt? Or do you look down on the other social class like Mister Kins here? He despises nobles, but do you despise commoners?"

Aveline stared into her eyes, slowly feeling like she was being sucked in. After a moment, Kaley seemed to be getting annoyed, as well as embarrassed. She didn't like all of those eyes on her.

Shaking her head, Aveline gave a sweet smile.

"Sorry. I was entranced by your eyes."

The entire class sucked in a breath.

"And no, I feel no ill intent towards commoners. I feel like many of them could be on top, if they so chose to. That would destabilize the hierarchy, but that isn't something we should get into. Now... about you getting hurt."

Aveline raised her hand into the sky. The room began to get chilly as ice and water coalesced in the air. Aveline's white hairs began to darken as they became blue.

"This magic isn't destructive, but it can showcase my power."

Snow began to build up in the room. Many students were shivering, but they were in awe.

"So pretty."

"Its amazing."

"Its fucking freezing!"

Aveline smiled as a pure snowflake began to form from all of the snow she gathered. Walking towards Kaley, who was now entranced by the snow as well. She held out her hands before she smiled brightly.

"It's nowhere near as pretty as you, but here."

Kaley's face was reddened as she stared at the snowflake.

"You really don't mind being with commoners?"

"I'd even marry one if I met the right girl."

Her face made the snow that touched it melt as Aveline leaned in close.

"The teacher. Is he doing things that he shouldn't be doing?"

Kaley's eyes went wide, but she leaned her head close too.

"I-I... I've tried to tell him to stop. He w-won't leave me alone."

Aveline touched her cheek, wiping away a tear.

"Bad people should be punished. Harshly."

Without batting an eye, Aveline turned her attention towards Kins. He was surprised by the magic power Aveline was showing. She raised her hand as electricity began to shroud her fingertips.

"N-no! I don't like him, but killing him... it'll get you in serious serious trouble."

Aveline let the sparks fade, but instead she made vines begin to surround her and Kaley. Before long, they were both hidden.

"No one will see or hear us. Do you feel safe with me?"

Kaley nodded instantly, her breasts jiggling and her glasses sliding down her nose.

"So you feel safe with me, though I'm more dangerous?"

"Your eyes. They're kind and affectionate. His well... I'm not a piece of cake."

Aveline smirked.

"Damn right. I'd have taken a nibble by now."

"What's stopping you?"

Aveline went silent, waiting for the inevitable.

"D-did I really just say that?"

"Buy me a drink first, then I'll possibly lose my inhibitions enough for that. You're beautiful, but I don't work that quickly."

They began to giggle as a flame came through the vines. Aveline glared as Kins pushed his way inside.

"Ah, so you are here my sweet. Would you mind coming to my office today? I've got some-"

Aveline simply slammed her foot into his face.

"Back off!"

The snow suddenly melted as Aveline coated her arm in pure magic.

"If you don't stop, you'll answer to my Aunt. If you keep trying, you'll answer to me. Kaley is not yours, nor will she ever be. Stop acting like a sick pervert! She doesn't like you."

Kaley was standing behind Aveline now. She tugged her sleeve before whispering in her ear.

"Teach me magic? You're so strong."

Aveline could have sworn she saw hearts in Kaley's eyes. She grinned and whispered back to her.

"Will I get a reward?"

Kaley thought for a second before she leaned closer and kissed Aveline's cheek.

'She was always one of the easiest girls, but damn. I'm glad I met her before Orion.'

Kaley blushed wildly and pushed her glasses up.

"You c-can get more. And only when I can duplicate that spell... Y-you can have a bite."

Aveline smiled widely.

'That snowfall spell was something I copied from YOU! From the future you, anyways. Kaley pushed really hard for that magic. Knowing me, could I train her even better then my old character? Haha!'

Aveline noticed an immense flame spreading towards her.

"Kins, that's just sad."

She swept her leg, demolishing each bit of flame with pure leg strength.

"Don't get close to her. That girl is mine! She belongs to ME!"

"Quiet you."

A domineering voice appeared from above, while a dark circle appeared below Kins.

'Did my birthday just pass, or is she really here already? Lady Nightingale, the Magician that governs shadow! Lenora Magis.'

Kins screamed as the darkness pulled him below. Many students grew fearful as the shadows vanished.

"Is it really that scary to see a teleportation spell?"

Aveline could hear a breath catch behind her.

"Oh, that's where you are."

She reached out and blushed slightly.

"I am so sorry..."

Lenora undid the dark magic over her face. she was pale with violet eyes, and her shadowy hair was tied up into a long ponytail. Her face was turning a light pink.

"Please let go."

Aveline pulled her hand away as she looked down.

'Oh God. A hidden conquest, and I just messed it up! She hates when men touch- wait... I'm a girl. She didn't look mad.'

Aveline bowed slightly before backing away in embarrassment. Kaley got close and leaned towards her.

"What happened?"

"Hehe... I grabbed her boobs. They're a bit smaller then ours, but yikes. I was terrified I'd be killed for doing it."

"Who is she?"

Suddenly, Lenora allowed her form to fully manifest.

"Mister Kins has been punished for malicious slandering of the Noble houses, as well as pushing himself onto a female student. My name is Lenora Magis, otherwise called-"

"Lady Nightingale. The Magician that governs shadows."

Lenora looked towards Aveline. A spake of interest was in her eyes.

"Correct. You may call my Lady Nightingale, or simply Miss Magis. No, I'm not married. No, I don't want to meet any of you outside of class. I'm only taking over for this year, just until they find a replacement for Kins. Now, I'll need everyone, except Aveline Synclair, to show me your magic. Miss Aveline, you're a Rank S mage. Lady Valkyrie told me to send you to the Sword Hall to check your warrior ranking."

Aveline got to her feet and began to leave, but she turned back and gave Kaley a piece of paper.

"That's my room. You can visit any time, and I'll make myself available for you after class on Thursdays. I'll teach you then."

She then darted from the room. Lenora watched her leave, her hand reaching for the spot that Aveline grabbed.

"Why are you so cute? You make me feel... greedy."


April 13th, year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

I met two conquests! Lenora and Kaley! I was so excited, I swear they heard my heart through the entire room!

Kaley was super cute and charming. Definitely easy to get her to fall for me. She's already interested in me, so I jumped to level 3 I guess.

Lenora... God I felt like I was going to die. Her breasts felt really soft though. Definitely a need to do again thing. Big note! Don't forget her possessive personality. She hates sharing... but I'm already on the Harem route, right? Will she accept that I'm after all these girls?

This life is going to get hard. Lenora is possessive, but there's still that crazy girl... and I have to go to warrior rankings next. I really stockpiled my day.