Captain Terron

Aveline slowly made her way back through the pirate ship. Her boots resounded with every step, making her sound like the final boss walking out of its room in a dungeon.

"You bitch! You're nothing!"

'Loathing is the biggest pain... jeez.'

Aveline turned her back on Terron, walking towards the largest open area on the deck. When she felt that the placement was good enough, she turned around and planted her foot down one last time, causing a small shockwave to glide across the deck and knock his legs out from under him.


Terron fell onto his face, his eyes filled with shock.

"I'm an the hero of the seas! Don't fuck with me!"

As he yelled, a strange wisp of light began to glow on his left leg. It grew brighter, until a tattoo appeared that resembled a wave.

"So you really were blessed."

'That's not something that happened in Hero's Chronicle. He was just a skilled swordsman, but his magic was lacking.'

Terron smiled as he began to step closer.

"Scared yet? Don't worry, you won't be scared for long! Once I break you, I'll get Milyara back. Then, I'll break her and kill that brat. They're done. I don't need those royal shits anymore!"

"Oh really?"

"Uh? Huh?"

Aveline had appeared directly in front of Terron. Her sudden appearance caused him to trip and fall backwards.

"Orion was scarier. You're nothing more then a glorified bandit. If you leave, I won't follow. You can continue to do your thing, but I'm stealing Milyara. She's precious to me. Not something you'd understand."

She smirked as he scrambled to his feet. Terron looked terrified, but his deranged smile still came back.

"You think it's that easy? We are on my boat, above my water! I am truly blessed!"

He raised his arms to the sky as dark clouds formed overhead. Below the ship, countless whirlpools were being formed.


Aveline looked over the side of the ship, then simply kicked him in the chest. Terron was sent flying, crashing into the mast. Spitting up a mouthful of blood, he glared at Aveline. Anger inside of him flared up until his eyes suddenly went white.

"Fine then. I'll deal with this myself."

The wave tattoo began to pulse, slowly morphing into a strange spiral that resembled a hazard symbol.

"Ah, so he was corrupted!"

Terron smiled as he climbed back to his feet.

"Of course he is. How else would a damn pirate have a mark like this? He's damn stupid and single minded, however. I just wish I could have taken over your body. So much more fun could be had as a woman. Not to mention the fact that your body is incredible. Haha, mind if I take a bite?"

Terron flashed in front of Aveline, but she ducked low and swept his legs from under him. As he fell, she thrust out her leg and slammed him down harder.

"I'd rather not kill anymore, but the beings from that other dimension are truly horrendous. Did you already kill Terron?"

He laughed. It was deep and slow, but he smiles wide.

"Of course I already killed him! He was so weak, merely possessing him was enough to snuff out that light."

"And the Aquarians? Did you kill them as well? How about the Celestials and Infernals? I've been quite curious ever since I broke the corruption within my own marks, and I have two. There was just that much more corruption."

Terron grew angry.

"Those bastards always looked down on us. They sealed us away and tried to make things look like we were the bad guys! When I see them, I'll miss them. Kill, kill, kill!"

His rationality was no longer present.

"I see. So you really were the missing race from the puzzle games within Hero's Chronicle. Too bad, your people were demonic bastards that tortured for fun."

Launching herself forward, Aveline performed a whip kick that sent Terron over the railing.


She looked over in time to see Terron climbing out of the water. He was standing on the surface now.

"Oh. Guess I can try that too."

Jumping over, Aveline felt the magic build and stabilize around and within her legs. As she hit the water, she felt solid ground beneath her.

"Walking on water. Truly a fun way to fight. Haha, ninjas are so lucky!"

She grabbed her weapons, letting them both disconnect and begin to fly out towards Terron.

'He's no longer Terron. He's a corrupted being that killed him and possessed him. I need to kill him, for their not beings to be reasoned with. They truly are evil, no matter how hard they pretend they aren't.'

Terron glared hard, the whites of his eyes almost pulsing as he walked towards her. He was incredibly unsteady, unlike Aveline.

"Jeez, the Aquarians are lucky they didn't actually bless you. You're incompetent."

She launched herself forward, slamming her leg into his chest and sending him out even deeper into the water. She raised one hand, allowing dark clouds to form over his head. Massive continous blasts of lightning struck him down.


When the smoke and steam cleared, Aveline couldn't believe her eyes. Terron's skin was now an ugly mesh of green and purple. His muscles now bulged, and his face was deformed. The only recognizable characteristic was his hair that reminded Aveline of Enila.

"He's enraged. The corruption mutated."

Bracing herself, Aveline bursted to the side as Terron suddenly appeared where she had been standing.

"He got too fast, my instincts can barely get me to move in time."

Aveline glared as she slowly began to move. Her body seemed to move in a trance like dance as she moved on the water. As her body moved and danced, a large bubble of water spiraled around her. It grew faster, almost resembling countless blades slicing within the waves of water.

'I have to go all out this time.'

Suddenly a beautiful voice began to erupt from within the water. A large glowing light appeared as Aveline danced and sang.

'The Aquarians have noticed you and respect your determination and drive. Granted Aquarian Champion's Mark.'

Within the bubble, Aveline smiled as she continued her dance. Her voice ebbed and weaved through the waves as it continued to mesmerize Terron.

"Wh-what has she done?!"

Sinking beneath the waves, Aveline's voice still continued until she erupted from beneath the water and tore Terron from bottom to the top.

Swimming her way back to the ship, Aveline looked back behind her. She wasn't just eyeing the body that was slowly sinking, she also looked at the beautiful scales that were following her. They were dark as the night sky. She smiled as her new tail ripped her through the currents.