Flower Picking

Aveline felt the carriage bump around wildly. She had opened her eyes to see Lenora sitting across from her. She was asleep as well, her arms crossed over her chest. Next to her was was Megan followed by Taylor. Beside Aveline was Enna with Kaley on the far side. Enila had, unhappily, gone back into wherever Aveline could pull her out from.

Looking around, Aveline noticed that everyone was sleeping. They had all decided to take small naps since they had gotten a late start and their destination was further then most others.

Opening the window, Aveline watched the land travel by, her mind blank as she began to doze again.

"You've already seen her personality then, correct?"

Aveline looked over at Lenora. She had uncrossed her arms and was staring at Aveline now.

"You seem to be her current obsession. Honestly, even I have a serious thing for you. The level of obsession is completely different though."

Aveline gave her a soft smile before replying.

"You're more pure, although I've teased you so often. She's somewhat corrupted, willing to hurt herself to get me to desire her. You... you just don't want to be apart. I can feel it from you. And sorry about teasing you so purposefully. Hehe."

Lenora shrugged and blushed.

"Leaning towards me to show cleavage was kinda hot, but jeez... when you leaned over all the way..."

Aveline blushed a little and slid her leg against Lenora's.

"I don't mind being looked at by you. It excites me when I get you flustered. Your face contrasts so much when you blush, it's beautiful."

Lenora hid her face behind her hands.

"So it's alright? It's okay for me to want to be so close to my student?"

Aveline rubbed her leg more, leaning closer she pulled Lenora's hands from her face.

"I've got a lot of people that are either lusting after me, or they're in love with me. I care about all of them, so I ask you... can you live with sharing me? I'll always be beside you and never abandon you if you say yes, but if you-"

Lenora held her hand against Aveline's mouth.

"Of course I'd say yes. I'd be an idiot if I didn't. Honestly, my infatuation is lusty, but I can feel this warm tug whenever I see you in my heart. So I believe it's a mixture of both."

Aveline smiled behind her hand, then she licked it. Lenora pulled her hand back, her face redder.

"You asked for that."

Lenora held her hand back out. Aveline giggled before she held it lightly, then kissed it softly.

"For someone with your background, your hands are beautiful and soft."

Aveline couldn't resist anymore. She pulled Lenora forward, sealing her lips with a warm and wet kiss. When she finally stopped, Lenora covered her mouth as she spoke.

"Don't surprise me like that. But... also don't ever stop doing stuff like that."

Before Aveline could say anymore, Lenora had hopped out of the carriage door with her shadow skills.

"She's so bashful."

Aveline sat back and sighed before she checked on the other girls. They were still asleep, but Enna seemed to be waking up.

"Nnnn... why's it so bumpy?"

"We're in a carriage."

Her eyes flashed open. Enna looked into Aveline's eyes and blushed.

"Forgot... hehe. Vayr is asleep right now... where's Lady Lenora?"

Aveline pointed out the window and giggled.

"She's walking beside the carriage right now."

"Ah. So the first quest. You said we were going with the easiest quest first?"

Aveline nodded and pulled out a little scroll.

"There are rare flowers with incredible healing properties out near the Sinta Mountain Range. Thankfully it's only near. Cold weather would dry out our skin."

Enna leaned in close, reading the scroll. She slightly hugged Aveline's arm, shaking slightly.


"H-he's awake."

Aveline wrapped her arm around Enna and started to play with her hair.

"It's whatever. Let's continue. The flowers are an unnamed variant of the Nectra Flower, with larger blue petals instead of green. They look almost exactly alike beyond the size and color, but they bring one extra problem."

Enna nuzzled into Aveline's side before asking.

"What's wrong? Some sort of monster?"

"Yup. The wolves in the area are called Gigas Stone Wolves. Incredibly defensive. Thankfully, we have strong magic users and Taylor. Her claymore will work wonders on earth based beasts."

Aveline could feel Enna tense up.

"So you're saying, you like Miss Taylor? Hehehe... agh! Ouch!"

Aveline pulled her hair and then used her free hand to pull Enna's arms into her lap.

"You move those, I pull your hair again."

'She's not a masochist like Milyara, she just uses pain to reinforce her will. Pulling her hair isn't as bad as making herself bleed.'

Enna nuzzled into Aveline's side again.

"Thank you..."


The rest of their trip was uneventful. They had made it to the designated area and were preparing to head inside. Aveline looked back just before she went into the forest.

"If you get into any kind of danger, pull the flare."

Their driver, a B rank adventurer looking to earn money, gave her a small salute before he got up to feed the horses.

Aveline began to head deeper into the forest, following the other girls. She could sense Lenora nearby, but she was invisible due to her being an instructor. She would only help if necessary.

"Hmm... Miss Aveline, where do you think we could find these flowers?"

Aveline scanned the area. She was used to being deep in a forest, as well as foraging for plants and animals for food or healing. The forest she was in had its own variant of the Nectra Flower, but it was poisonous.

"They asked for at least twenty, so we can bring extra if we find it. Basic Nectra Flowers are permitted as well, so we can pick some of the ones we pass by."

Aveline clapped her hands and smiled, alerting the other girls.

"Everyone can pick five blue Nectra Flowers. Enna, you just need to help us find them. You don't need to help pick them, but try to stay near me. If you wander off, I'll come find you."

Enna nodded.

"Now, blue Nectra Flowers are a rare variant that grows en masse here. I don't suggest grabbing too many, as it may cause problems with this areas ability to grow them. Now, Eneli!"

Eneli appeared beside Aveline. She wrapped her arms around her waist and leaned her head on her shoulder before she looked around.

"Eh... S-sorry. Still tired."

Eneli jumped off of Aveline and swiveled around to look her in the eyes, yet she didn't meet them. Her face was crimson, and her eyes were wide awake.

"Eneli, can you acompany Megan and Taylor? We need to find blue Nectra Flowers, so groups of three is a safe bet. As you're a part of me, you're allowed to help."

Eneli nodded.

"Sure sure. It's not like you'll reward me or anything... et... uh... forget that. I don't want a reward from you."

Eneli began to walk away, but Aveline grabbed her wrist and whispered in her ear.

"You can sleep with me in my bed when we get back to the Academy."

Eneli turned a bright pink.

"Y-you... whatever. I'll never forgive you if you're lying to me!"

Aveline giggled as the three girls began to walk off one way into the forest.

"Alright, we are team two. Let us know if you see any of the flowers, Enna. We are relying on you."

Aveline gave her a cute wink before they began to head into the opposite direction.


September 16th, year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

I headed out on my first quest today! Back in Hero's Chronicle, quests were just a story event. You'd get the occasional cutscene, but nothing major.

Lenora confessed to me. It made my heart flutter when we kissed! Luckily, nobody else was awake. She dipped out when it got too much for her.

I have to keep an eye on my crazy little girlfriend. She's constantly losing her cool, so I either pull her hair or smack her ass. She doesn't like the hair, but she tries to hide cute moans when I get her juicy butt.

All in all, this forest is beautiful. These variants aren't gonna be too tough to find as I've already found three. Picked a small bunch of the green ones too!