Descending Goddess

Aveline stepped through the forest, her heels not even gracing the ground. Small bursts of wind held her aloft as her wings held her steady.

"You... are blessed. Damn... bitch!"

The wolf lunged, gnashing his powerful jaw towards Aveline. With a quick movement, the black blade entered the beasts mouth. It clamped down, keeping itself from being impaled, but Aveline lifted it high before slamming it back onto the ground.

'This power... is this how the people truly see the hero? How the Infernals and Celestials believe a hero should be? The Aquarians made me a mermaid, but this... this made me a Goddess! Ugh... and this wolf is still alive.'

In a simple stream of movements, Aveline activated Death Ripper. A ton of streams suddenly erupted in her vision, giving her a devious smile.

'If there isn't only one choice, choose them all!'

Her arms swung both swords nonstop in a massive torrent of heavy strikes, tearing into the flesh of the beast. After the hundredth strike, Aveline lowered her weapons.

"That was easy."

Where the wolf had been, only a single spattering of blood remained.

Aveline blinked a couple times before she turned away, following the trail left by Eneli. She could feel her connection return.

As she stepped through the forest, Aveline could feel the different creatures around her pay her reverence and respect.

"This is so strange. Am I truly seen as a Goddess now?"

With a small smile, Aveline continued on her path. Unbeknownst to her, the many creatures chattered amongst themselves.

"She was divine!"

"That smile... I have never been so blessed!"

"I can see again! Such a glorious moment!"

"Shut up Kyle!"

Aveline finally reached her friends, slowly stepping out from behind the trees. She could feel the timer within her new power, leaving her ten minutes of use time when she activated it. Currently, she had eight minutes left.

"What the? Aveline?"

Everyone stared at her in wonder as looked down at them. With a beautiful smile, she stepped closer.

"Eneli, Taylor... I'm so sorry. I should have been closer and never split us up. You fought for so long, and so hard. Megan... you sleepy thing."

Waving her hand, glowing light suddenly shrouded Eneli, Taylor and Megan. After a split second, their wounds were all gone. Not even an ache or a scar remained.

"Aveline, what the hell! You look... gorgeous!"

"Hehe. Thank you, Lenora. I didn't use the full force from the Aquarian Mark before, but I think it'll have a similar affect. This power... it's incredible. I'm shocked I was blessed with it, as well as thankful beyond belief."

Megan slowly sat up, her hair plastered to her face. She looked up at Aveline, a soft smile crossing her lips.

"Thank you."

She slowly drifted back to sleep, worrying Taylor.

"Don't worry. She's exhausted. I restored her vitality, but her stamina is drained. The fatigue will vanish, but we need to get her home. These quests aren't as important as our lives."

Lifting her into her arms, Aveline carried Megan back towards the carriage. As they excited the forest, Aveline suddenly whipped around and covered everyone with her wings.

A massive explosion blasted the carriage apart, rendering the B rank adventurer lifeless.

Aveline let Megan go, handing her off to the others.

"Who are you?"

Aveline glared at the three people nearby, laughing to themselves.

"Nobody you wanna know, princess. We got a job to do! Kill em boys!"

Aveline sighed as her black sword was thrown forward, rendering the closest bandit lifeless. She stepped forward, suddenly appearing beside the second. His head was cleaved from his shoulders.

'To protect those I cherish...'

The third person was suddenly quiet. He smiled and sneered at her before he clapped his hands, releasing an illusion.

Behind her, two Gigas Stone Wolves were torn apart. In front of her, the third man was now gone.

"Dammit. Where did he-"


Whipping around, Aveline felt a cold current clutch her heart. The man had thrown everyone flying except for Enna. He had her hands bound as he began to rip off her habit.

"You filthy..."

Aveline launched herself forward, her blade ripping off the man's arm. To her surprise, he laughed as the arm continued to undress Enna.

Aveline stared in horror as a black mark on her stomach began to convulse and grow.

"Arise my master. Take this body as your own!"

"N-no... Enna was never to be subjected to this!"

Before her eyes, Enna climbed to her feet. Her naked body was suddenly covered with a shadowy substance that resembled the corruption. Her eyes opened, the odd pink suddenly filled with an otherworldly light.

"Dear Miss Aveline... must you play with my heart so? Enna tried her hardest to resist, but it felt so good to hurt her. To torture her. To make her bend her will to allow me to roam free!"

"Vayr. You're a corrupted demon, aren't you?"

"Hehe. As an Infernal, I'll take that as what you meant. But yes, I'm corrupted. Willingly, I might add. Now this body, allow me to change it!"

The black substance covered Enna's head, expanding into a massive ball. Beside it, the third man removed his hood. It was the B rank adventurer.

Aveline glared at him, raising her sword arm.

"You dare mess with my loved ones?!"

The man's face went from happy to fearful as he no longer held an illusion to protect himself. His master was also undergoing a transformation, so he couldn't even try to protect his servant.


He fell in agony as Aveline slammed her blade against his body. He flew through the trees, but before Aveline could follow a voice came from behind.

"Are you going to abandon me now, Aveline?"