One Princess

"You're here?"

Aveline's eyes focused on Naname, her form somewhat blurry.

"I guess I am. Hehe. Not that it matters much. I'll be leaving again."

Aveline tilted her head. She tried to get closer to Naname.

"Don't. I wasn't with you for long, and it gets worse whenever I actually stare at you. Ugh. It pisses me off! I sealed my power, all because of this weird effect you have on me! I'm the Princess of the Corrupted Dimension, why must I give that up for some insignificant human? You'll end up dead sooner or later. I won't let you lure me in again. That effect won't make me your slave."

Aveline crossed her arms.

"Slave? I genuinely like you, so why would I want to hurt you? You had been kind to me, even helping me when I needed it. My friends may have died if you hadn't weakened those bastards. Does falling in love really make you so weak?"

Her unnatural speed had her beside Naname in an instant. Naname backed away, her eyes suddenly confused.

"What are you feeling that makes you so fearful?"

"Whatever it is that makes women want you so badly, it attacks my brain and makes me desire you. Being a being from a different dimension, I'm resilient, but it had a major effect when I was inside of those accursed marks on your shoulders."

Aveline was taken aback.

"It attacks you? Then... everyone else- no. *sigh* I magnify desire towards myself. The reality is, you like me. You're just scared due to how much stronger it gets when you're actually near me."

Naname raised her hand, swinging it down with full force. Aveline caught it, holding Naname's hand. She stared at their hands by their waists.

"This skill of mine... it has never forced anyone into anything. I even have the inverse, so men that don't like me will hate me. This scar..."

Aveline traced the barely visible scar that stretched across her body.

" was given to me by someone I pissed off when I was only four. His anger became blind rage, then desire to conquer and control. Women have the inverse effect. If they like me, they feel drawn to me. They desire my approval or my friendship. Depending on personality and their own mind, I even have two girls fully obsessed with me. Yet, do you see girls hounding me? Do they sit there and beg me to take them when I step close? No. They desire, I desire. I won't steal women, nor will I corrupt them. I won't make anyone do what they shouldn't. If they fall for me, that is their heart. I just influence the strength of said desire once they realize it. You deny it, hence you resist it. But Naname, can you resist this?"

Aveline pulled Naname by her wrist. The princess stepped closer, hugged tightly by Aveline.

"I was scared, you know? I was told you disappeared... I don't want to lose my friends, my loved ones."

Naname instinctively reached up, rubbing Aveline's back.

"I'm still resisting, but this feels right. It doesn't hurt either. Why do I feel like this? You say it's enhanced when I'm near you, but when we are apart... my heart feels alone. I thought of home, but my heart grew cold. Now you've returned, I heard about it when I was moving between rooms. Hearing your name, a spark ignited. My heart felt warm and my head felt fuzzy. My race doesn't do love. We are corruption, just nasty beings that alter and destroy what truly makes people happy."

Aveline leaned back.

"You say you're corrupt, that you feel no love. Tell me, what do you feel now?"

Aveline leaned in, kissing Naname softly. Naname's eyes grew wide, but they closed as she kissed back. Her breathing hitched as tears began to spill.

"What the hell have you done to me? I shouldn't feel this! It's scary and makes me tremble when you're gone!"

"What do you feel?"

Naname gripped Aveline by her shoulders, her eyes fierce and her cheeks pink.

"Love. You massive jerk. Ugh... does that skill mess with lust too?"

Aveline tapped her chin, tilting her head coyly.

"Erm. It's desire. But it won't make you instantly drop your panties. You're in control, so I guess it's a aphrodisiac of sorts? But only towards me. Oh, side note! If you had fallen for someone else, I wouldn't have affected you!"

Naname sighed.

"Screw everyone else. You're the one I have feelings for, so they can buzz off. Guys here, damn they are annoying. They flirt like their lives depend on it, even when you punch them in the gut and walk away."

Aveline hugged Naname again, causing her to squeak.

"I'm sorry I disappeared on you. Your emotions, they became conflicted."

"I was only scared. I tried to hide my true feelings inside on that fear."

"You're really dumb."

"Shut up."

Aveline smiled at Naname, causing a cute blush to spread.

"I am kinda dumb, letting it take hold... but you're dumb too! Just look at that face! Can you not stop being so stupidly cute when you smile?!"

One teasing smirk later, and Naname blew a fuse. Aveline led her back to the room, letting her get some rest. She could see it in her eyes, Naname hadn't slept well at all.


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