Sudden Attack?

Aveline was awoken late at night, the sounds of multiple explosions. She sped her way to the deck, barely processing that she was only in nightwear.

When she got to the deck, two ships had flanked theirs, cannons at the ready. They seemed to be trying to do warning shots, so the ship hadn't been damaged yet.

"Not happening."

Aveline inhaled, allowing her magic to spread outwards. The captain had appeared nearby, her focus no longer drawn to the enemy ships. She had her eyes focused on the girl making the air ripple around her. It expanded, fully encompassing the ship. The air that Aveline had sent to cover the ship then pulled up water, which Aveline began to use as for gunfire. Blasts of water began to rip through both enemy ships.

"So she was holding back..."

Rosa was astounded. She looked at Aveline in a new light, though it was a mixture of fear and admiration.

"Men! Check for damages or boarders! Better safe than sorry after everything Lady Aveline just did."

The crew began a shipwide search, forced to avoid Aveline's room however. Since she was still tired, she made her way back and curled up in a lewd heap.


She looked up, her eyes meeting Nora's. She gave a flirty smile, but didn't get off her bed.

"Lay with me. Cuddling sounds amazing right now."

Nora was elated, though it didn't take long for Aveline to desire more than cuddling. Nora moaned as her kisses teased her neck while her fingers trailed down her toned stomach.

"For such a tough looking girl, you're so obedient and cute when I tease you."

Nora looked into Aveline's eyes, a trigger being pulled within Aveline. In a state of desire, she rolled Nora onto her back and straddled her.

"That face wasn't fair. It was so cute."

Aveline leaned over her, their tongues swirling around one another. Before long, Aveline had taken another girls virginity.


"Stupid alliances. Why must our way be 'He who takes, wins?' when simply talking and loving is so much better?"

A busty, sun-kissed woman stared out over the sea. Her silver eyes reflected the water, but held no desire to go towards them.

"I shouldn't have come home, I'm miserable here."

Milyara stretched in the evening sunlight, feeling the last rays touch her skin. To her surprise, a hand met her back.

"My dear, you're out here when you should be in my bed. Why is that?"

The back of her hand met a palm that made her knees buckle. The man that touched her wasn't strong by any means, he just mastered a strange ability that few could understand.

'Dammit, this is why I need her. I need Aveline to be here with me!'

Below, a commotion brought Milyara back to her senses. She stared down at a ship docking, though it bore no flag of theirs. Her curiosity grew as the men her family employed began to ready to attack it.

"Oh good. They do listen well."

Milyara attempted to turn, but the man held her in his arms. She felt weak, sick. Wanting to scream, her eyes fell on the ship below. Something black caught her eyes, almost like a shadow. It vanished as soon as she noticed it.

"Hey, buddy. She's mine."

Milyara felt the hands fall from her skin, turning just in time to see the man's eyes grow perverted.

"Another woman here to sate my lust. Good for me!"

He swung his hand to grab Aveline, but she wasn't having it. A burst of wind sent him flying out over the docking area. Milyara watched him fall, landing in the water with a pathetic splash. She almost laughed, but arms wrapped around her waist.

"I didn't like finding out that you weren't there when I got back."

Aveline's breath went down Milyara's back, a moan slightly leaking out.

'This attention... it's what I missed. What I wanted-'

Her mind froze a little as Aveline bit her neck.

'Oh fuck me! I can barely stand! At least take me to a bed!'

Her mouth unable to function, Aveline took this chance to turn her head slightly.

"You look stunning in this light."

Milyara turned a little pink as Aveline began to kiss her, not realizing that she had pulled her away from the balcony.

"Milyara... I'm gonna need directions to your room."

Milyara was quick to respond, directing Aveline without any delays. As soon as they entered, Aveline pushed Milyara against the door, holding her in place by her shoulders. Taking this chance, Aveline unbuttoned her shorts and slipped them from her body. Milyara stood wearing nothing more than a bikini, exciting Aveline more.

"You're too much. This body should be illegal."

Milyara moaned softly as Aveline used her nails to tease her skin.

"Milyara, how badly do you want me?"

Her eyes were almost bloodshot as she looked into Aveline's.

"Fuck me, you absolute jerk!"


Thank you,

JScott and croix!