More ingreadients for the plan

So today i was focused on gettin two more ingreadients for my plan first i needed easily crushable rocks so i used one small copper for z rank rocks they are the esiest to crush and to buy for one small copper i get 3 and my mum did permit me to go to the market then i used my dads bronze hammer to crush it

Hen eggs :done

Crushed rocks : done

Slimes slime : × not done

Boar fur : × not done

Now i need slime but im not going on an adventure this time i asked my dad to go to the forest with me in the protected space to kill slimes of course i used a wooden sword because my dad is a knight so i wouldnt use magic to impress him i used a sword to so we went into the forest the the green slimes are at the front cause there the weakest amongst the many typess of slimes roaming in these woods well we encounterd one quickly and all it took was a stab to its core by me as my wooden sword was quite sharp by the aftrrnoon we had 13 slime cores and 130 slimes killed and we had 26 slime andnwe wwnt home to my mums dinner after a morning of work my mums food was delicious after my dad sold all the cores and he gave me 2 medium coppers

Author's time i think these new chapters are going to be great i hope you enjoy it and dont forgot to support my book every little bit helps