New chapter

First i would like to say that this story is not having chapters to offten so i will rework the novel again i hope that you enjoy todays chapter

A few months after school a forest trip wass happening my parents had agreed to let me go and we were taking a carrige as i was leaving house my mum gave me a little lunch box for the trip i went to school with my freinds we made a group and we used code names mine was nine tails theres were leviathan and the unknown

we used these names for every thing

As we went there were carriges that could fit six people there were five carriges and weall got it the same one the journey was half a day long when we reached the forest we set up tent after tent so sinse we set up camp we went to sleep the girls and boys tents were on oppisite side of the camp when it was mirning i ate some lunch and it was time to hunt we were hunting chicken we went out exsploring in our groups i went ahead of everybody and hid in tje trees i saw a wild boar and i used a wind blade with lots of power to kill it then i notised there was four more near by i tried killing then but the other boar allearted it so it doged i needed to kill them all at onse i thaught of a plan and i went into action i went down so the boar noticed me the immidiately ran to me they were that focused on me they didnt notice i dug a hole right infront of me they all fell in so i put a mini tornado in the pit then sealed it after a while i stopped the magic and checked on them they were all dead so i used a magic spell to put them in a storage box since i still had energy i hunted atleast twenty seven chickens so i felt tired so i went back everybody was also back they had a few chickens bit i took out all five boar and twenty seven chickens everybody was surprized includind the teachers as they probably didnt exspect a six year old boy to hunt so much animals i instantly started cooking a fire i choped the wings of the chickens and traped it in a heat buble ith fire magic the smell was unrisistable after finishing i started eating it it was juicy the perfect taste i cooked a bit more for later then put it in my storage system while that was happening i didnt se how surprized they were and went to bed i eat what i cooked last night and it was still hot i finished a peice and went back out early in the morning it reapeatec for fivew more days then we went home on the carrige that was the last thing before the break

This is the longest chapter so far i spent almoast an hour doing this chaptet