Verse 1

I still remember, third of December

Me in your sweater

You said it looked better

On me then it did you, only if you knew

How much I liked you


I shivered in the frosty weather of December, walking up to Jung Jaehyun, my best friend and my forbidden crush. I think I loved him before I even knew what love was, even if it had started out like friendly love, my heart slowly turned it into a romance until I was head over heels for him. I had forgotten my jacket as a ran out of the house to meet him with worries of being late, and things on my mind.

Once he saw my chattering teeth, and red nose he immediately took off his sweater and pulled it over my head. It was too big for me, I drowned in it and it gave me large sweater paws, but I loved it so much. His scent surrounded me and I felt safe, like I was in his arms. Maybe I should forget my jacket more often.

"Aish, do you want to catch a cold?" he said worried. The things he says always make me feel so flustered.

"Ah no sorry, I just forgot to get a jacket today," I replied as I smiled gratefully at him. He smiled back with his lovely grin and rosy cheeks. Beautiful.

"Come on let's go to school," he uttered as he opened the car door for me to get in. Always such a gentlemen. As we drove to school I admired his features. In my eyes he was perfect, ethereal. He was like a Prince Charming. Unfortunately, I was not a Cinderella.

He opened the doors of NCT University for me, making my heart beat. I started pulling his sweater off to give back to him until he stopped me.

"Don't worry about it, keep it! You look better in it then I do anyway." He spoke. I felt an a burst of butterflies erupt in my stomach and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I looked away from him.

"Thank you," I said in a small voice. He hugged me as we walked down the halls together, talking and laughing. God, he doesn't know what he does to me. Everytime he smiles, or even just merely looks at me I feel as if I'm going to explode. I don't know how long I can keep up the act of best friends.

But that's all we can ever be. Friends. Yes, it kills me but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, even if I tried to be with him there would still always be two facts.

Jaehyun is straight, and in love with a girl named Heather.

Well I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story! I'll try to upload every week.

- Author S