Ch. 11 Sheela has mixed emotions

I slept peacefully and I plan to ask Sheela how her "date" went. I braided my hair and put on some earrings.

At the shop Sheela isn't there. Orlando's at the counter talking to Vance. I wonder if the "hangout" didn't go well.

"Hey, guys where is Sheela," I say.

"I don't know," Orlando says.

Sheela walks in and walks past us into the back. I walk back there too. I start changing and ask her, "Are you alright?"

"I don't know," She says.

"It's alright. How was your lunch yesterday?"


"You can tell me, what's bothering you."

"Sigh, it went well. I just had a fight with my cousin," she says.

"What about?" I say smirking.

"Oh, Orlando," she says embarrassed.

"And what about him?"

"I like him," she whispers.

"You, do? Are you his girlfriend?" I say faking surprise.

", I don't like him what are you talking about?" She huffs, her cheeks tinted pink.

"Hahaha, don't let Orlando here you," I say.

She leaves and soon after Vance walks in. He walks over to me with a grin on his face. He grabs my hips with his hands.

"What do you think your doing?" I questioned in a light playful tone as I set my arms around his neck.

"Holding my lady," he responded.

"What you need so early in the morning?"

"I can't see my lady," he teases.

"No, your not aloud," I tease back.

"I wanted to see if your willing to come to a banquet."

"A banquet, lend me some money. Don't worry you'll like what I spend it on," I say with a teasing smile.

"I hate to interrupt but Jena needs to start working right now," Orlando says, breaking our conversation as Vance glares at him.

"Babe, don't worry, it won't be that long." He blushes and lets me go.

"The money will be left at your apartment."

"See ya."

I leave and start looking at the flowers. Sheela nudges me.

"What's with you and Vance?" she asked.

"I'm going to a banquet with Vance," I say.

"A banquet?"

"Yeah, you wanna come?" I ask.

"I wouldn't have anything to wear," she pouts.

"Just ask Orlando, I'm sure he can help you with that." I look over in Orlando's direction.

"What!" she screeches.

"Just think it over."

Orlando comes over Sheela, who focuses on the plants, seeing where they should be put.

Just as Vance had said, the money was there in front of my apartment. I looked in the envelope, feeling the money with my hands.

I planned to buy a dress online along with some make-up. I needed more since I'm almost out. Sheela ended up asking Orlando and he of course handed her money. She is freaking out about how much he gave her. She is still thinking about their hangout. She's so cute trying to deny it.

This banquet is going to be so fun. Been a while since I been to one. The last one I've been to; I had locked the door on two people, who I've heard didn't get out for many hours.

I order my dress and make-up when I put the money on my credit card. My phone beeps and I check the notification. Vance texted me, 'It's next week.' Plenty of time for my dress and make-up to get here.

I brushed my hair, looking at myself in the mirror. I looked a little bit different; I smiled and laughed.

Still, I have no furniture, well at least in three more weeks, then I should have some. I leave, bringing my gun with me. The cold night air does well with the dark alleys. I smile and walk into an alley. It's a dead end, but it's what I was hoping for.

"Who's there!" I shouted, taking my gun out.

"Whoa, pretty lady. You don't need that gun," he says.

"Who are you to tell me that?"

"You don't know me, that's fine. I want to keep it that way. Have a fun time at the banquet, Jena," the man says, before leaving.

"How do you know my name?! Tell me!" I aimed the gun at him.

"You don't have the strength to pull the trigger on me. Weak, little girl." He says, walking away.

I shoot and the bullet hits the ground. I look at his back as he disappears. I put the gun away and head home looking all over seeing if I spot anyone. When I get home I have this thought that he might be from Purple Sheep. No that can't be, how would they find me here. A deep feeling rises in me that he isn't, just familiar in a way. This feeling is as if I shouldn't remember, I feel a pain amerge in my forehead as I look through my memory.