Ch. 13 Puppy where did you come from

The banquet last night was different than all the others I've been to. The kiss with Vance was amazing I never felt so good. I wanted to kiss him more, besides I can't get distracted by him. I need to fill out my goal or it will take longer. I hear Vance move and I call his name then his arms wrap around me, holding me tight. Sigh, why is he still sleeping, he should be awake.

I try and pry his arms open, and they still end up holding me tight. I decide to elbow him in the chest. It works cause he lets go and yells in pain.

"That's what you get for holding me." I say shouting at him.

He was confused and still sleepy making him jump up from the bed as if it was from a dream. He looks over to me and sweat forms on his face.

"You alright, did you have a nightmare?" I say, calmly.

"It's nothing." He says.

"Well, I'm going to see what you have to eat." I say.

"I'll come with you." He says.

"Get changed first, your sweat is clinging to your clothes." I say.

I leave the room and head to the kitchen. My stomach growls and I look in the fridge. I take out some salad and find some dressing.

"You're eating salad in the morning." He says.

"Yeah, so?" I say, taking a bite.

"Agh, I don't know what I'm doing with you." He says.

I snicker, "Keep me." I say taking more bites of my salad.

"What do think I wanted to do?" He smiles.

"I think, that... you'll drive me home." I say, with a convincing smile.

"Your too beautiful." He says. I blush and then he blushes.

"I thought we established that by now." I say, putting a hand on my hip.

"We did. But I want you to show me again." He says in a smooth voice that I want to run up to him and kiss him.

"Aren't you too greedy." I said, shaking my hips.

"Hehehe, the salad was great thanks." I say and I grab my keys heading out the door.

One hand on the door, I turn around and wink at him. I closed the door and got in my car, driving home. Along the way, a memory surfaces in my mind and the person in it is the one guy I met. He's holding a knife and we're in my room. He walked towards me and caressed my cheek with the knife.

His voice is chilling, "You won't tell anyone, right little dove..." He called me little dove. 'Dear dove' he said that at the banquet, dove.

"I won't, I won't." The me in my memory cries.

"Shh, don't cry. Doves like you keep their secrets," he says, pulling the knife away from my face.

I continue to cry, and I recognize that I am a small little girl in this memory. Tears were falling down my face and I looked at the road and there was a dog there. I hit the brakes and that caused me to hit my head on the dash. I got out hoping I didn't hit it.

The dog is there, but a pond closer inspection it's a puppy. "Where did you come from", I mumbled out loud. The puppy barks and wags it's tail, jumping on me licking my face where the tears were still falling.

"Alright, I'll keep you. Calm down." I say.

I picked the puppy up and put it in the car. It continues to wag it's tail and puts it's paws on the dashboard. It barks looking through the window, happy. It's so cute.

I arrive at my apartment and carry my puppy inside. It struggles in my hold, trying to get down.

"Just hold on." I say as I open my door and let the puppy down when I close the door.

The puppy starts running around wagging it's tiny tail. I sigh, sitting down on my bed. The thoughts from earlier are in my head again, I start to cry uncontrollably. Grabbing my blankets, I try to push the memory away, it doesn't work.

"Woof!" my puppy barks.

It licks my face and I sit there slowly drying up my tears. After some time, my puppy licks away all my salty tears and lays on my pillow going to sleep.

My eyes are reddening when I look at myself in the mirror. I turn the bath faucet on and lay in the hot water. I feel myself getting tired and let my mind drift off as I fall asleep.

I feel hot as I open my eyes. As I sit up, I hear the water around me splash. I put a hand to my head from the dizziness. I try my best to stand and grab a towel, covering myself. I walk out of the bathroom still feeling dizzy. The water on me drips to the ground, as cold air surrounds me. Making me shiver, and sneeze making me grip my towel tighter around myself. I get to my bed and lay down covering myself with the blanket. My puppy still is on my pillow sound asleep. It moves closer to me, snuggling me. I soon fall asleep, letting my tired eyelids close.