
03: “I can learn.”


A very extravagant hallway filled my vision. Everything is white and shining. The ceiling is high with yellow lights that complement the plain cream interior of the place. There were couches lined up where applicants are waiting. There were several hallways that probably leads to other parts of the building. Just like what the blond receptionist said downstairs, there was another reception area.

I walked towards the elegant marble table. Behind it, a young female looked at me with a bright smile on her face. "Hi!" she greeted.

"Hi, my name is Agatha Morrison and I'm an applicant," I said smiling.

"Do you have a resume with you Miss Morrison?" she asked still wearing the smile she first gave me. She's young, probably new in her job but compared to the receptionist in the lobby, she's more welcoming and easier to talk with.

I took a deep breath before explaining to her why I don't have a resume with me. I explained to her what I went through, leaving the part where I caught my boyfriend cheating. She doesn't need to know that. She nodded with acknowledgment, looked at me with pity, and gave me a piece of paper and a pen.

"That's alright, I'm sorry you have to go through that. You can just fill this up as your application form and give it back to me once you're done." She gave me instructions.

"Thank you," I said. Took the application form with me and sat on one of the couches.

I read through it and frowned, never in my life I've tried it before. In my previous employments, I just usually give my name and age and they'll throw me an apron right away. Finishing it with a signature, I smiled and gave it back to the woman.

"Great! You can sit and wait. You'll be called for the interview."

Hours passed, and I'm still sitting outside waiting to be called for my turn. A lot of people had vanished already but there's still a few of us. Most of the girls look so beautiful and well-educated, unlike me. Dressed inappropriately and tired and hungry and broken. I was homeschooled by my mother throughout grade school. When I'm about to go to middle school, they have died. Since then, I never really cared about going back to school and just learned from my experiences.

"Ms. Morrison, come inside. Mr. Lewis will see you now." the woman called me out and it brought me back to the now, I smiled and followed her. She knocked on the door twice and opened it. "Mr. Lewis, Ms. Morrison is here. I'll send her in," she announced. "Good luck." She whispered to me and smiled.

My heart is pounding inside my rib cage as I fully opened the door and entered inside. I've never been this nervous all my life. I will actually be in a formal interview and it just dawned on me that I don't have any idea what is being asked in an interview and how I can answer it.

The office is nice, very manly in its black interior. It has black couches, a mahogany desk in the middle, and a swivel chair behind it. Over the table is a very thin laptop that looks expensive. Behind the table is a bookshelf.

As I look around, my eyes landed on the man standing by the window. His back is on me and his hands were inside his pockets. He's tall, his shoulders are broad and lean. I can see his bulging muscles even under his dark gray suit. Is he the boss? He looks so young to be a boss of a prestigious company.

"Done gawking?" he asked in a cold and calculating voice that brought me back to reality.

"I'm sorry. I just found your office very amusing"

"Is it?" he asked. His cold voice manages to send shivers down my spine. I gulped when I suddenly felt my throat dry.

"Y-yes" I replied and chuckled.

The man turned around, and I swear I've never been this shocked in my entire life "Holy sh..." I stopped and covered my mouth before I say something nasty.

Dark gray intimidating and smoldering eyes landed on me and I felt my world slowly crumbling down. Oh, my goodness! The man in the elevator is the fucking boss. I want to die. I wanted nothing in this world but for the floor to open up and swallow me now! I am so humiliated. I just crushed my only hope of being employed in this company by calling him an asshole earlier.

I bit my lower lip and closed my eyes for a while thinking of the next best thing to say "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said earlier."

"The asshole thing?" He asked. He motioned for me to have a seat and I gladly oblige.

Nothing feels better than a warm couch in this cold place. He sat down across me. His legs are crossed over one another. His arms are crossed over his chest too as he looks at me intently. Burning hot holes in my face.

I nodded in response to him, admitting how rude I am to talk to him like I did.

His muscles flex in his every move and I felt hot, bothered, and embarrassed all at once. I don't know where to look! Either I look at his handsome face, or to his Adonis of a body, or somewhere else, I don't have a choice, I would still look like a fool in front of him.

"I'm sorry," I said again and looked down.

"Apology accepted," he said, which I didn't expect. He took his time in scanning the application form that I filled up earlier. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you have written nothing here except the word none on most fields."

I nodded feeling ashamed, especially with that look of disbelief he's sending my way.

He frowned, I noticed his jaw clenched and he looked away for a while before looking back at me "Ms. Morrison, I'm not playing here. I am in dire need of an assistant and I won't waste my time sitting here if there's nothing interesting in your application form to talk about."

"You haven't interviewed me yet," I said as I meet his gaze head-on.

"Homeschooled?" he asked irritated.

"I was!" I answered. I breathed heavily. "I know I am not well educated, but I am educated enough." I started. "I know how to read and write. My mother taught me how. I know how to communicate properly with people. I know how to follow instructions and obey orders like what any personal assistants who are well educated do."

"How about high school?" he asked again.

I shook my head "I never planned on enrolling back then."

"Can you use a computer?" he asked.

"I can learn," I said with all determination.

"I can learn isn't enough! I need an assistant ASAP; I can't afford to train you for months just so you can learn the basics of computers."

"It doesn't need to be months! I can learn in three days. Give me three days and I'll show you."

"And if you don't learn? It will be three wasted days. I can't afford that."

"And if I learn?" I asked.

Our eyes met again, there was tension in the air. If this man says no right now, there's no point in arguing. He is the CEO of this company. His words mean so much than mine.

"I worked in a café, in a diner, in a gasoline station, I worked for years since I was sixteen. My experiences taught me so much. And I swear if you give me this job, I will prove you wrong. I will prove to you that I am more than an education, more than an executive job. I am determined, I can learn easily, I can adapt." I tried to sell myself.

"Get out of my office." He said and turned his back on me. "And take your application form with you."

"So that's it?" I asked, feeling defeated and disappointed, mostly to myself.

"Look at yourself and tell me if I should give you another minute." He said.

If I am hurt and embarrassed before, I am even more so now.

I never thought I could be crushed this much in one day. I felt the threatening tears in my eyes and before it falls, I grabbed my application form on the table, and with a shaky voice, I said "I was right. You're an asshole, and I'm not sorry for saying it!" and I left his office.

My heart sank completely and I gave in to my tears when I reached the outside of the building. All my hopes of earning $50 per hour flew off the window. I know he's being rational. Why would he even hire me? It was stupid of me to think. He owns probably one of the biggest companies in the United States, why would he settle for less?

I need to look for other options now. Look for another job. Find a cheap apartment. I need to go back home first, get my clothes, my phone, and my other stuff. I need to at least check if there's still money left in my piggy bank. Hopefully. Marvin didn't take it yet.

I wiped my tears away. It's almost evening. I sniffed. Hugged me started walking back to Bronxville. I dreaded the 19 miles ahead, but a cab isn't an option. I have nothing left in my pocket.

I hate to admit it, but today is my worst day ever.