
06: “I’ll prove you wrong!”


The smell of food made me drool inside. I've never felt this hungry all my life and I remembered again I have never eaten anything all day.

"Come here, sit." Mrs. Lewis let me sit at the table and she sat across me. "Eat as much as you like, don't mind me."

"Thank you, for doing this."

"No problem. You're welcome."

I ate as much as I could. Ever since my parents died, I eat less. My aunt and uncle won't let me eat more than twice a day. Every night, they only give me two bananas. They keep telling me not to waste food but whenever I wake up every morning, I always see rotten food over the dining table.

When I run away, I need to live one day at a time and always make sure I will have enough food to last for a month or until payday comes. Tonight, I was served with not just one meal, but multiple meals. The carrot soup is to die for and I am so glad to taste it "This is so good." I told Mrs. Lewis.

"I'm glad you liked it; Shawn never does."

"He's an idiot," I said and cursed myself. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Lewis, I didn't mean to say that about your son."

"No" she chuckled "He really is an idiot." She said.

We both laugh and continued eating "Sorry." I said again, somehow, feeling comfortable in the presence of this woman.

All my life growing up, it is only my mother's and father's love that I felt. I have never felt this welcome in someone's home, I am practically a stranger to them but they opened their place for me. If only my mother and father can see this. I hope they can.

"So, dear, tell me about you, where are you from?" she asked.

I gulped and looked for words to say, I didn't expect that, and it's only fair that she asks "I'm from Georgia, I recently-"

"Mom, the driver is waiting for you." Shawn entered the dining room to my relief; I don't have to elaborate myself.

"Oh- I'm sorry to cut you off, but, let's catch up, soon. I'll be leaving now. Take enough rest for tonight and I hope to see you again."

"Thank you," I said.

"Anytime." She replied.

She stood up and I did too and I watch her walk towards her son. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before she headed outside the dining area where I followed.

She's the only person who welcomed me with so much warmth since I set foot in New York. I feel like I have to say something, so with hesitation, I called after her "Mrs. Lewis!" She turned around just outside the elevator "Thank you for everything. I hope I can repay you."

She took a few steps towards me and lean on my ear to whisper "Take good care of my son, that's enough for me." She boarded the elevator and waved goodbye.

I just smile and felt my cheeks heating up.

"I hope you don't do it again." Mr. Lewis called behind me.

I frowned "What?" I turned to look at him. Leaning against the sofa set with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Don't be too nice to her. My mother has separation anxiety. If you don't last three days and you're out, she'll get hurt."

"How sure are you I won't last three days? How sure are you I won't last at all?"

He just shrugged and started walking toward his bedroom "It's getting late. You'd better sleep, Ms. Morrison"

I followed him "Why did you give me the job in the first place?" I asked.

"It's not yet official. I just offered it; we'll know in about three days."

"I'll prove you wrong!"

"Good." He said and entered his bedroom. Besides the bedroom he lets me stay.

I felt the rage inside me. He's wrong. I will make it, though I have doubts of my own, I know I'll make it. I'll show you Shawn fucking Lewis. I will do better in this job. I will stay for a long time. I will save up money to get my family ranch back, and when I did, I will let you eat dust!

I breathed heavily and shake off the heat I felt in my body just by his mere presence. I entered my room too and looked for my backpack.

I found it inside the dresser and I took it out. Took my parent's picture frame and placed it on the bedside table.

I laid down in bed and looked at the ceiling. For a while, I just stayed like that. And for the first time in a long time, I felt comfort, I felt comfort knowing I don't have to look over my shoulders tonight. I don't have any money left in me. I don't have anything in me I can sell. To go on the streets tonight by myself would be dangerous, especially in this place that is so new to me.

And over the comfort I felt, I felt pain. The pain I should never feel.

I let the tears fall from my eyes. The tears I kept since my parents died. I never had the chance to mourn their death for a very long time. After they've been buried, my aunt and uncle took out their room. All their belongings have been set on fire in the backyard. The only thing I was able to save was my mother's favorite sweater that I'm wearing tonight. I wasn't allowed to cry. Every day, they make me do household chores. It makes me so tired that I fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow. Never allowed to cry and to mourn properly.

For once, I let my guard down and allow myself to be a little girl that can cry her heart out. I cried silently inside this beautiful room. I cried for my mom, for my dad. I cried for the home that I lost, I cried for Stacey and our friendship that was built over the years. I cried for the man I thought I'll share my life with. I never thought crying will feel this good. I feel the heat radiating from my body and I felt vulnerable.

I sobbed and wipe my tears, careful not to wet the pillow that isn't mine. I looked at my parent's photo and sighs, "Look over me, mom, dad. I can't do this alone." I whispered.

I felt my eyelids become heavy and I dozed into sleep.

"No!" I screamed and stir up, feeling all the energy left my body. I am breathing heavily, frightened, but still relieved that it was just a dream, again. I looked at the bedside table alarm clock to see what time it is.

Three o'clock in the morning. I dreamed of him again. I wiped my sweat. Removed my sweater and pants and laid back in bed. I closed my eyes and gulp. "No," I said.

I did the usual thing I do when I wake up from nightmares. I removed my clothes and entered the bathroom. I turned on the shower and went under it. I closed my eyes and lean back on the wall. The cold tiles in my back is a relief. I washed my face and gulped when I felt my throat getting dry. I stabilized my rapidly beating heart.

When I finished, I went out and wore a bathrobe that was in the shower room. It smells nice. And the shampoo smells nice and expensive too. I opened my bedroom door and tiptoed to the kitchen, wanting to relieve my thirst. I wondered in the dark living room, dining area, and hen. I then opened the refrigerator when I got a hold of it. Took a bottle of water and opened it. I gulped. Grateful for the relief it brought me.

"What on earth are you doing sneaking out at night?"

"Holy cow!" I exclaimed.

The light turns on and I saw my employer standing there at the kitchen entrance. His hand is still on the light switch. It's a mistake. A complete mistake to look at him. He's wearing nothing but sweat pants.

I felt my throat dryer than before, seeing his amazing pectoral muscles and six-pack abs. His eyes are slightly red, indicating that he hasn't slept yet. His hair is wild and yet, he looks far more attractive. If this will be my life every day, seeing my boss in his sweat pants without any shirt on, then, by all means, kill me.

Wrong! Wrong! I shouldn't be thinking like this and I shouldn't be attracted like this. He's my fucking employer.

"Why are you sneaking out?" he repeats his question.

"I wasn't. I was thirsty so I drank some, water." I motioned in the water bottle in my hand.

"And why are you wearing that?" he looked at me from head to toe.

"Shit," I remembered I'm just in my bathrobe and my cheeks heat up. Embarrassment at its finest.

"I- I took a bath" I chuckled.

"At three o'clock? You're insane." He said and shook his head.

"Yes, at three o'clock and yes, I'm insane," I said.

"Should I be alarmed?" he asked.

"No, No! I'm, totally fine. Did I wake you?" I asked.

"I haven't slept yet." He said.

"Okay, right! I'm so sorry. This won't happen again, I promise."

"This better not happen again. Get in, get dressed and go back to sleep!" he commanded.

"Right," I said. And hurried back to my room.