
09: "I want you to do well at it"


I pace back and forth in the living room as I wait for Shawn to come out. We just finished breakfast when he went inside his room to answer a phone call and it's been thirty minutes already but he still hasn't come out. I'm getting nervous as each time pass. I wanted this job to work out so badly. I need it. I don't know how many opportunities like this I'd be offered in this kind of place. This is the one-shot I need. If I can keep this job, I can earn a living, save up some money so I can get a lawyer that could help me get back my ranch. My house and everything that's in it.

I already finished doing the dishes and cleaning the mess in the kitchen. I know I've crossed a line when I asked Dolores to go home so I can prepare his breakfast, yes, I wanted to impress him. I wanted him to see how hardworking I can be and hopefully, he goes easy on me even just a little.