
12. "Now, the hell I promised, starts."


Today, when I open my eyes, I am one hundred percent sure it is now Monday. I breathed heavily and enthusiastically jumped out of bed and took a shower. I brushed my long curly hair, put on my outfit of the day, and pinch a little amount of perfume at the bottom of my ears, I smiled at my reflection, and feeling satisfied, I went outside.

Same as yesterday, I knocked on his door just to annoy him. He opened the door in two knocks and I noticed he's already dressed for the day. He's wearing a dark blue suit, ironed perfectly and fitted him like a glove. 

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He asked as he looks at me from head to toe.

I looked at myself too. From my knee-high boots to my leather skimpy dress and shawl "My -today is my first day at work- office attire." I replied.

"What's your work? In a pub?! You can't wear that in my office."

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.