
34. “Beautiful mess. Come on. You need to rest.”


My head is already spinning due to the amount of Margarita I consumed. I've been dealing with it to kill some time while waiting for Shawn to come out, he and the rest of his business associates disappeared in a secluded room to talk business. This is one thing I hate about my job, waiting for my boss doing nothing, except get drunk. 

But don't get me wrong. I'm not drunk, not yet though. The alcohol just feels heavy on my head and warm in my body. I don't know anyone here except Shawn, It's a strange place full of strange people, some smile at me here and there, I said hi to a few but no one actually talks to me. Now is the time I miss Margaret and Alice, and Greta and the rest of the people I've been friends with since I came to New York.