One Thrones

Third PoV

Yamato was throwing a ball up in the air waiting for the other boys to come out the Orphanage that they are currently in. Yamato was 13 at the time and so was the other boys that he was waiting for to come out the foster care. Yamato had raven black hair with red blood eyes with an red hood with the number one on his hoodie. " Yamo!" The young boy turned to see a childish boy with the same color hair but light brown eyes with an white shirt but has black lines on his sleeves running towards Yamato with his arms wide open, but only get side stepped and ran towards the ground. "Baka! Why did you do that!?" The Young man asked. getting off the ground wiping his face and body from the dirt on the ground. " I asked you not to do that every time we see each other." Yamato said going back to throwing his ball in the air. The young boy pouted. "Yo! Yamo! Kaii!" The young boys turned to another two more boys that is in their group. " Haruki, Remi, what took so in there?" Yamato asked to see them while they was in front of them. " The priest was scolding us as usual." Said Remi while rolling his eyes. Remi was the boy with orange/red eyes and black but white hair with an crop top that has a cross on it. " For what exactly?" Kaii asked this time. " Finding a escape route out of here." Haruki answered. Haruki has black with golden eyes with a white T-shirt and a black jacket to top it off.

"Well did you find one?" Asked Yamato the two boys. Both of them shook their head no. "so what do we do now?" Asked Kaii. " We keep searching for outlets." Haruki said and brought a piece of note book paper that has a list of stuff. "What's that?" asked Remi " Its stuff that we need before we start to plot anything to get out of here." Said Haruki. The Boys gathered around him to see what's he planning. " Ok this Orphanage is way bigger than the others that we escaped from we need a better plan then splitting up and playing hide and go seek." Haruki started. The boys agreed. "Ok, I noticed a few priest stays up at night for hall monitoring and checked if we're sleep or not so that's going to be a small problem. Plus they have cameras so that's also going to be a problem." Haruki explained.

"So, Kaii I need you hack in the system and use the cameras through your computer to keep tabs." Haruki telling the planned. Kaii stood up like a soldier and saluted. " Yes sir!" Kaii yelled. " Remi, I want you to make sleeping gas and put it through the vents to keep everyone is sleep but do it when every adult is inside the security office. They would be so focused on what happen to the cameras that they won t know you're in the laundry room putting sleeping gas inside the vents." Haruki examined " You got it boss." Remi said. " Yamato, I want you to stay out of sight and wait for my calling when its time." Haruki told him. " As always." Yamato said in frustration and crossed his arms. " Oh come on, Yamo! you get to hotwire cars and drive!" Remi said wrapping his arm around Yamato neck. "That's all I do. Nothing else." Yamato complained and walked away to the orphanage without hearing the rest of the plan. " This whole plan will have to give us 3 days to set, so starting tomorrow to get everything on point and get the supplies that we need. We put it in the bushes far away from the orphanage and playground. Any questions?" Haruki said and asked. " Yeah, How are we going to this stuff?" Kaii asked Haruki. Yeah their plan seemed fool proof...But they are only 13 years old, where are the gonna get money from? Haruki just pulled out his phone and made call. " Yeah, Hey its Haruki, I need you to do something, Uh-Huh, yeah I need it tomorrow. Oh yeah that what's up, See you then. That Problem is solved."

The two boys only looked confused at Haruki. Haruki Rolled his eyes and was about to tell what just happened. " It was a boy I met in the other Orphanage before we escaped. His name was Yuri and he said he get money scamming people on this website he made was like lottery scratch off but you pay to get a lottery. But the thing is not simple. people get addict to lottery tickets so the more you buy the more the prices go up. That's when the scam comes in. While they focusing on lottery scratch offs they don't know that their bank account is getting bankrupt." Haruki explained with a proud smile while Remi, Kaii stayed quiet then said " So a regular lottery website...?" They said at the same. "ATLEAST ACT SURPRISED!!!" Haruki cleared his throat and fixed his posture. and continued. " He will send the money in tomorrow afternoon so look out for you two. and tell this to Yamato also." He said and and picked up the paper and that's it.

Remi and Kaii walked back to the Orphanage. " Remi, What's your thoughts on this." Kaii asked looking forward. Remi stayed quiet crossing his arms and sighed. " To be honest, this is very silly to me." Remi said they walk in the building telling Yamato what's going on. " Yamo, the boss told us the plan and since involves he called someone so they should be here tomorrow." Remi reported. Yamato only shrugged and turned in the opposite not facing them. " Hey Yamo, what do you feel about this." asked Kaii. He stayed this a while and get up. "I think this is pointless. we run from every Foster Home for what?! Ever since that day, he thinks that it would better to run away from it and now its pointless. what is it that he's looking for? where are we going. what's the destination?!" Yamato sighed in frustration and flopped backwards on the bed. " Whatever running through his mind. He needs to figure it out, before I start to make plans on my own." 'He finished and went under the cover and went to sleep. Remi, Kaii, Haruki, stayed up setting the plan in motion for the next 3 days.