Preparing for Siege

Gavin's first day back was spent going over strategies for the impending battle. The captains were called in and involved with the planning.

"Are we going to utilize the human's that we have integrated into our army?"

One of the captains spoke up, saying aloud what the other captains were thinking. They were all sitting at a large table in what had been designated the strategy room.

There were no decorations on the walls and a lone bookshelf was the only thing in the room besides the table. Everyone had papers on the table in front of them, most were for taking notes, a few were reports from the scouts.

From the scouts report they knew the window of arrival of the army. They also knew the number of soldiers along with minor details like weapons and the army leaders.

"Yes. They swore loyalty to me and this is the perfect time to test them. I don't want them on the front line, that would look like we're trying to get rid of them.

"Put them in the second wave. Doing it this way should affect the morale of the enemy soldiers. It will also push our human soldiers to follow the actions of the first wave.

"Before sending them out, remind them that loyalty is rewarded. Once the battle is over I will give them one request, so long as it is reasonable and within my power."

Caine looks at each person at the table in turn. Each person at the table is his most powerful asset. His generals are the strongest, but the captains are not far behind.

"Right now the humans within the city are important assets. They increase the army's numbers and fighting power. They are necessary to keep the city running smoothly.

"Having a strong relationship with the humans will make integrating our people easier. Winning this battle is important. We can bring the rest of our people here and move to take over Kael.

"Never forget that our goal is to establish our dominance on the surface. Demons will no longer hide. The humans can either be our assets or our enemies.

"This is why we will offer to spare any who surrender during the battle. We need to make certain that all of our people understand this. If an enemy soldier is willing to lay down their weapons and surrender they will be spared. They will be allowed to choose like the soldiers of Dreymore did."

At sunset the meeting ended and everyone went their separate ways. Caine went to talk with the elders while Xanthe and Gavin made their way to meet up with Riley.

"It was boring while you were gone. I had forgotten how little Lord Caine talks, even Riley was quiet. Without you here I had no one to talk to."

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or as you saying I talk too much."

Xanthe chuckled.

"A compliment. Lord Caine only talks to give orders, we have conversations. I was surprised by how much time they spent together while you were gone. Riley never left Lord Caine's side. I came to the office on the second day for lunch and found Riley sitting on Lord Caine's lap."

Gavin made a face that made Xanthe think she had given too much information.

"Was that not appropriate to mention?"

"Yes, if we were simply comrades. Since we're friends, it would be inappropriate to not give me more details."

Xanthe told Gavin everything that she had observed while he was gone. It wasn't much, she finished just as they came to his door.

"Would you like to join me in the morning? I'm going to be training with Ondrea. I'm feeling rusty after two days without training."

"I will be there. I'm curious how you are as a teacher."

They said their goodbyes and Xanthe walked off. When Gavin walked into his bedroom he found Riley asleep already. He joined Riley after stripping off his clothes and was asleep before his head hit the pillow.


Everyone was up before the sun, even Caine who had gone to bed after midnight. They barely had time to say 'good morning' before Caine left to confer once again with the elders and Riley and Gavin went to meet up with Xanthe and Ondrea in what they had designated as the training area.

When they arrived they found Xanthe, as well as Captain Tan and Captain Raul. Shortly after they arrived Ondrea arrived. The moment he saw Gavin he walked over and genuflected.

"Master, I am pleased to see you've returned."

"I was only gone for two days, but everyone I come across acts like I was gone longer."

"You have an aura about you that is inspiring. I've personally interacted with you only a handful of times and felt the difference while you were gone. Some of that could be the fact that Ondrea rarely talked about anything but you."

Raul said as he glanced down at Ondrea then to Gavin.

Ondrea looked up for a moment, his cheeks red with embarrassment, then looked down. Gavin commanded him to stand.

"I can't say that I got far in two days, but I was bored. Fighting isn't necessary in my world. I think that I would have gone crazy going more than two days without doing something related to fighting.

"Since the captains are here, you might as well join us in sparring this morning. Let's shake off the spiderwebs before we plunge into the real thing."

Today would be their only 'slow' day before battle. There was a good chance that they wouldn't be fighting tomorrow, but no one would be doing anything but manning the castle walls. Today Gavin planned to utilize the morning to spar and guide Ondrea, then the rest of the day would be spent preparing for war.

Gavin had Raul and Ondrea spar together. It would give him a chance to watch Ondrea fight and potentially find any weak spots. Xanthe and Tan moved to spar themselves, giving enough space so that both groups wouldn't bother each other.

Ondrea used a sword against Raul's warhammer. They used weapons only, Ondrea wasn't proficient enough with magic to fight with it. Because Ondrea's training was still in the early stages Gavin did not plan to involve him in actual battle this time.

Ondrea had learned a couple new moves from the captain, but his skill was still too fresh and he struggled to keep up. Physically he was still far weaker than the demon captain. Gavin knew that if he pushed Ondrea hard enough, and trained him long enough, that he would come close to being as strong as Raul.

"I think that's enough for today."

Gavin said with a laugh when Ondrea was knocked down for the twentieth time. Ondrea was covered in dirt and cuts, his body soaked with sweat and breathing heavily. Raul had pushed him hard and Gavin appreciated the effort.

"Ondrea, why don't you take a rest."

"Yes, master."

Ondrea slowly stood up and gave a small bow in Gavin's direction before sitting down on the bench next to Riley. Riley hadn't been allowed to participate because of his poor health, but he had stayed to watch.

"Why don't you go up against both captains. I'm curious to see how you fare and it will stave off your recent laziness."

Xanthe said as she walked over. If you were to look at her you wouldn't think that she had been fighting. Captain Tan, on the other hand, was breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

"I'm not sure if that's fair for Captain Tan, it looks like you wore him out."

"I just need a moment to catch my breath."

Captain Tan leaned against Xanthe while he worked to calm his breathing.

"That's why I suggested fighting both. Raul is still in peak condition and will be able to make up for any weaknesses Tan might have after fighting me. I also suggest using no magic."

"Fine. I'm not going to argue."

Gavin drew his swords and smiled in anticipation of the fight. Even if it was just a friendly sparring match he was filled with excitement. With the help of Xanthe and Caine he's slowly discovering who he really is.

The captains came at him all at once. Raul with his warhammer and Tan with his sword and shield. Gavin dodged the warhammer and blocked the sword. Tan brought the shield up and forward with the intent to slam it into Gavin's body. Gavin used the sword in his left hand to block the shield, flowing with the momentum to swing around and and tap Tan on the back of his neck with the pummel of the sword.

Gavin continued with the momentum, moving too fast for Tan to counter and barely missing the warhammer that had been aiming for his shoulder. The captains reorganized themselves and went after Gavin again. Each captain managed to get in a hit for every three that Gavin got in. After about twenty minutes of nonstop fighting they stopped.

"That was fun."

Gavin said as he put away his swords. He was worn out but at the same time he felt better mentally than he had since returning home.

"I'm glad you enjoyed that."

Raul laughed from his position on the ground. For him the difference in power between a captain and a general was too vast. It didn't stop him from admiring the human who could beat him.

Captain Tan wasn't much better, but he was at least sitting up. Xanthe came up and gave both captains a hand up. She sent them off to recover while she and Riley went to clean up before getting back to work. Gavin stayed behind to speak with Ondrea.

"I want you to stay in the castle until after this battle. You aren't ready to fight, yet."

Gavin handed Ondrea a piece of paper with the details of a healing spell written on it.

"Until the army arrives I want you to focus on learning this spell. Once the battle starts you will be on the backline with the support team. The best way to get good at something is to do it repeatedly. That is what you will be doing, healing as many wounded as possible until you can use the spell in your sleep."

Ondrea took the offered spell and bowed his head, "I will work hard to succeed. I would rather die than waste this chance you've given me."

"Good. You've already come far in such a short time. I have high expectations and firmly believe that you'll achieve them."

Gavin led Ondrea inside the castle and to the room that he will be staying in while there. It was next to his own and he made certain that Ondrea knew that. Gavin went to his room to clean up and joined in the battle preparations.

The elders and a group of volunteers spent most of the day charging up the protections on the city walls. Using magic, a few traps were set up around the city's perimeter. That night there was only a rare few within the walls of Dreymore that had a good night's sleep. While the demons were excited about the coming battle, the humans were afraid of what might happen to them.

The rumors going around said that the demons would rather destroy the city than give it back to Edicia. The rumors helped to inspire the human soldiers who had chosen to integrate with the demon army. They planned to give their all in the upcoming battle, no one wanted to lose their families and their homes.

As soon as the sun broke the horizon every demon and human soldier was stationed on the wall and near the gates. Caine and his generals were near the front gate. They had set up a command center there to help coordinate the battle. Caine had his armor set to the side. He found himself smiling at random moments thinking about how the humans would react to his armor. It's not something that he can wear and properly fight, but it is a useful tool to inspire fear in the enemy.

It was near dusk that the human army came into sight. There were approximately 50,000 soldiers; soldiers with shields and spears walked in front, behind them was the cavalry and behind that the archers. The army's general rode point.

A messenger was sent ahead, stopped just short of the front gate. He used magic to magnify the sound of his voice as he read from a scroll.

"By order of King Myron of Edicia you are hereby ordered to vacate the city of Dreymore. No harm will come to you while you vacate the city. If you refuse to obey the king's orders then we will be forced to attack. No demon will be left alive."

Caine appeared on the castle's wall in full armor. A dark aura spread out from him, the edges of it reaching the messenger and causing his face to pale. Red eyes shone through the helm and seemed even brighter with the setting of the sun. His response to the king's orders was to laugh out loud. Like the messenger Caine used magic to amplify his voice. The voice that spoke was anything but human.

"Dreymore was ours before it was ever Edicia's, we are simply taking back what is ours. Demons do not recognize the authority of your king. I am the only power here.

"I have a counter offer for you. Many of you will die during battle, that much is unavoidable. What I can offer is sanctuary. Anyone who is willing to lay down their weapons and surrender will not be harmed. You will not be treated as a prisoner of war, but as a civilian.

"All those who oppose us will die."