The Path

To make sure this time their search will be thorough, Luna sent his head guard, Kastan himself. Unfortunately, the news was not what he hoped it would be.

"I am truly sorry, Master Merlin. I did not manage to find any news about a silver knight named Keane or a girl called Morgana."

Emery released a deep long sigh when he heard that. He was worried yet also hopeless about the situation.

Well, at least no news did not necessarily mean bad news, so he really should be grateful and just accept what the High Priestess said about Morgana.

Emery walked out of his deep thoughts, looked at the man standing in front of him and said with a smile, "Thank you, Kastan. For your time and efforts. I really appreciate it."

When Emery was about to leave, Kastan said something that made him stop in his tracks,

"Actually, Master Merlin. I have one piece of news that might interest you. Moreover, this might have a relation to what you are searching for."