
The duel was over too fast, just when the two had managed to put on such an amazing fight. It felt like the audience just cheered a moment ago to witness a more gripping duel, yet when the savage acolyte suddenly transformed, he was able to put an end to the battle within seconds.

These made the spectators feel both surprised and disappointed, as their voice of commentating the fight began to be heard filling the arena. Undeniably, some of them would like this fight to last longer to keep them entertained.

"That's too quick!"

"Is he really rank 8? What kind of joke is this!"

"It appears it's true. He is a mythical wolf!"

"That is such a monstrous strength! No wonder he had reached test rank 9."

"I wonder which one is stronger between him or the dragon."

"If it's physical power, I still put my bet on the Titan."

"We have a new genius this year, the top 10 ranks will definitely turn chaotic once again."