
"No! What is going on?! The door is closing!!"

"Wait! Don't close! There are still people here!!"

"Please! Just let my family in!"

Masses of survivors and acolytes both fell into panic when they saw the transport vessel suddenly decide to close its door without any prior notices. As expected of such an event, great mayhem quickly descended upon them.

On the other hand, Thrax was enraged by the unexpected development. He started to curse and swiftly tried to stop the door from closing. Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain as the door continued to close unaffected by his actions.

As soon as the huge door was completely shut, the dark construct let out loud rumblings and started to vibrate. The vibration was so powerful that it forced Thrax and the other acolytes back away. They also told the remaining survivors to move back so as to not get accidentally hurted by the blast the construct's departure generated.