
Outer space, minutes before the arrival of the new elven warship.

Three cruisers were seen firing continuous bursts of concentrated energy at the Nexus Space Station. The Surface of the translucent barrier that wrapped the entire structure rippled as it received the relentless onslaught.

Kaboom!! Kaboom!! Kaboom!! 

The three thick energy beams possessing the stark color of a raging sun landed on the ship's bow, striking the barrier there uninterrupted by the vast emptiness of the dark void.

The trio of warships appeared minuscule compared to the humongous station; their attacks seemed to not do much damage. However, the reality was far from that as both sides were aware that under the punishment of three warships, it was only a matter of time before the facade ended.

"Shield is at 2%, Commander! We can't bear any more hits!" said the man in a military uniform in a shrill voice.